Chapter 37

The next days at Hogwarts were easy. Lucien had spent time with his friends and explored more the castle they couldn't make time for last year. Lucien had found a really peaceful spot near the black lake. you had to go to through the forgotten forest to get to it but, it was well worth the walk for Lucien.

the most important part was the shock the staff had experienced when Professor Lockhart had actually begun to teach his class without the suffocating atmosphere of narcissism. Lucien had gone back DADA and found that Lockhart simply wasn't the serious type so he tried to make his lessons fun and hands on. for creatures to dangerous for class, he had contacted professor McGonagall and asked for her help in transfiguring sculpture that explain creature anatomy. and then Lockhart will inform the class how these part function and the parts to attack in order to defend themselves. Then came the list of spells to disturb physical functioning

Like dissolving the bones in the body

Disorientation spell

blinding Hex

binding curses

Lucien was pleased with this. and found that Lockhart was actually a pretty decent teacher. with that settled Lucien decided that he should start teaching his friends more advanced magic, just the case the need arises. And he figured it was about time he felt it was about time that he started playing his game as to not get left too far behind like last year

Lucien sent Vega to take a peek at a Draco's mind, while he went to met a young girl by the name of Ginevra Weasley.

Lucien had walked into the great hall for breakfast and walked straight to the Gryffindor table. with a calm demeanor that neither said run or welcome. Approaching the table Lucien looked around and saw Ginevra Weasley eating with some friends. Potter and his gang were nowhere to be found. However, that didn't bother Lucien as it mad his task all the simpler

"may I sit with you?" Lucien Asked Ginevra

"Why can't you sit with the Slytherin student at the Slytherin's table?" She answered Lucien question with a question

"Well I fell like being different today, so I thought id come over to see what so great about Gryffindor," Lucien answered with a smirk as he sat down across from Ginevra.

At this point, everyone and in the great hall was watching the interaction between the Serpent Prince and Gryffindor cub. Even Dumbledore who happened to be attending breakfast today was curious as well, as he watched

"My mother says Slytherin student is no good" Ginevra with her chin trying to find a way to tell Lucien to bug off. however, Lucien knew those wild pheromones more her a little more receptive to his advances

"Well my mother gave her life for me, so often try my best to be decent fellow" Lucien want to see if she was under Voldemort control yet. there are some things people just have a natural reaction to that say a lot about them

Ginevra slightly shrieked back, and the other Gryffindor dawned faces of sympathy. A small seed of doubt was placed in their head. Lucien had been nothing but kind and not a shred of arrogance. maybe they had misjudged him because of his house

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, It must have been hard growing up without a mother and all" Ginevra tried to express her sympathy

"It is alright, really. I have a family now. My friends, I've met at school. and my lost grandmother. I'm quite happy just so you know. no need for the sad faces" Lucien looked around and smiled at the Gryffindors

"That's actually another reason I'm here, Slytherin is fun and all but I kind of want to branch out. Gryffindor looked like they have some fine people and Ravenclaw has a thing for books like I do so I planned to sit with them at lunch, you know?" Lucien wanted to grind out any resistance as fast and efficiently as possible.

" I actually know what you mean, I have a friend in Ravenclaw shes really nice. and if she and I can be friends I'm sure we can make it work" Ginevra spoke up

"I'm sure we can, My names Lucien Bennett-Dubois by the way" Lucien held out his hand and Ginevra took it

"Ginny Weasley, nice to meet you," she said with a smile while shaking Lucien's hand

'Marquer nom sa à' Lucien had cast a spell to track Ginny from now on, wherever she went Lucien would know

'Spirit magic so tactical, Did you see that vega?' Lucien sent a thought across the great

'No, my lord. I'm on the other side of the school but I'm sure it was very impressive' Vega replied.

'Oh Yeah, hurry and finish what you're doing.' said Lucien

Lucien introduced himself to some more people in Gryffindor house and spent breakfast with them. Most of the teachers found this very nice, and other students went to sit with friends they had in different houses.


Later that night Lucien laid back in his bed with his eyes closed as he followed Ginny, her movement became unusual,...

Lucien got of bed and went to find, finally catching a glimpse of her head to the girls' Lavatory. Lucien waited for a while and then told Vega to check if she was alright, had Voldemort somehow figured out that he had marked the girl.

It didn't take long for Vega to send a mental message to Lucien and Lucien rushed in to find an empty girl's lavatory, where the hell did she go Vega?"

'I have no idea, my lord' Vega replied

'It was a rhetorical question, Vega.' Lucien closed his eyes and focused for a while and discovered that Ginny was somehow under him.

It didn't make sense. Lucien needed a more efficient way to gather information. So he left to go and regroup however on his way back to his quarters, he saw a group of students gathering and Mr.Filtch say ' You Murdered my cat'

and that's when Vega grew 5 feet tall and let a deep gut filled roar towards the walls

"Vega what the fuck!?" Vega had picked Lucien by the collar and ran in the other direction from the crowd

Vega kept running until she was in the forgotten forest far away from the Castle. and the only thing she said to Lucien was "Danger".