Chapter 40

Somewhere on the Isle of Mull...

A Manor sat on top of a hill. With storm clouds rolling in and the sound of thunder echoing through the skies. Slowly the winds begin to pick up. The more strength the wind gathered, the more the people in the manor could hear it's a howl.

"Lucien, what's going on?" Pauline asked. She felt the manor move and then the magic energy in the air became even wilder and vicious. complete chaos. while the energy around the manor cause the elements to run wild.

" My elves are changing and I don't know how much of ruckus they are going to cause. So, I told the house elves to move the manor" Lucien replied

"She's talking about all this magic going wild in the air" Mama Thea spoke

"It's from the elves. Nokby, Visney, and Tondy used to look exactly like the house elves when I first acquired them but, They returned back to their original form before their enslavement. That's what happening now, except its not gradual but all at once." Lucien informed everyone

"Where are the Twins?" Asked Lucien

"Nita is watching them. They got a little sick after the Manor moved" Emma answered this time

"Okay, well can you ladies put a cloaking spell on the manor. It wouldn't look right to non-magical folks if the manor looked like the point of origin of a possible catastrophic storm" Lucien requested their help so he could go back and watch what transformation the elves would take on.

The Bennett ladies got together and put up the most powerful clocking spell the could manage. The spell would make the manor invisible and magically untraceable to both Magical and non-magical beings.

Back in the study, Lucien sat in his chair as he watched the two elves change. At this point, the surrounding magic was extremely out of control. and a storm was going full throttle outside as it rained gallons and winds strong enough to blow down towers. If the manor wasn't magically anchored, it would have long blown away.

Mera the Yumboe's body was now fully refined. She now stood 5'8" tall with a beautiful, full, curvaceous body, and flawless bronze skin. Not a blemish could be seen on this elvish woman. Absolute perfection. Once her body was transformed, the elixir began to cleanse whatever poisoned the elvish bloodlines.

Mera collapsed in pain as Padkey was finally recovering. Padkey's body began to be refined. with whatever lock kept them weak and submissive house elves with malnourished bodies gone. the power in his body was on the level of a fully matured elf and his weak body was now the disease keeping him from living a healthy lives.

Around the world everyone was watching the storm over the Isle of Mull, it swept across the Isle and tore the houses to shred and toppled villages. the low lands flooded and then it vanished. clouds, thunder, wind, and rain. Gone, faster than any storm has ever dissipated before, startling meteorologist.

Back in the Manor , Two elves stood in all of their splendor, but Padkey didn't look like Nokby and the other, Padkey had purple pupil-less eyes and his skin turned a greyish purplish color. and his thin layer of hair now fell to his back full of vitality and strength.

Lucien wore a grand smile from ear to ear. Lucien saw the physical change but he was more curious about the internal stuff "What are you?" he asked

Mera spoke first and it would be wrong to call her elf as two wings erupted from her back

"I am a Yumboe, my lord. We are a tribe of fairies that originate from West Africa. Long ago our wings were clipped and we were forced into slavery. "

"Stop right there, You can finish telling me about your people story and about your culture at a later date" Lucien interrupted Mera and then turned to Padkey " And what are you?" Lucien Asked

"I am a dark elf from the ancient lands of Hyperborea My Lord. Distant cousins of the forest elves. We along with them were enslaved turning into what you know as house elves." Said Padkey

"And the Celestial elves of the ancient lands of Atlantis are among the Yumboe" Mera Added

"Atlantis? Hyperborea?" Lucien asked with great curiosity

"Atlantis was the lands to the west of Africa " Mera answered

"And Hyperborea were the lands to the north. It sat on the north pole" Padkey Added

"haha good, You remember everything about your lineages?" Lucien asked

"Yes, Master Lucien" Padkey and Mera replied in unison.

Looking at the time Lucien remembered he had to go to the forbidden forest to meet his friends. He then sent Mera and Padkey to Tondy.

He prepared to leave gathering a few house elves and Vega Lucien apparated to the edge of the Anti-Apparition wards around Hogwarts and then walked in.

making his way to the Forbidden forest, He began to focus his mind on the tracking sell placed on the letters and found that everyone was in a group, waiting for him in the forest.

Walking up on to the group's location, Lucien heard the bickering about whether or not the should leave the school with Lucien or tell someone about the beast in the school.

"Voldemort controls the beast and Dumbledore allowed him to do so. Why? I don't know but, yalls can't go back. Vega said its pure death. And I don't want any of you to die" Lucien said with a projected voice to get the groups attention

Naturally, they turned to see Lucien recognizing his voice, as he was the only one in Hogwarts with a Mixed Creole -British accent

As Katie sprinted over and pulled him into a hug.

"We need to go, I have a way for us to fake our attendance but we need to leave now to get it done by the morning. So, who's coming and who's staying?" Lucien asked

"Lucien, we can't just leave school grounds. We can get expelled if we do this." Hermione said

"Come on on Hermione, Lucien just wants to help. Besides, do you really want to go back to the school with a corrupt headmaster, a beast, and you-know-who. who may or may not be back. Sorry, Lucien but the Dark lord part is a little hard to believe" Pansy spoke this time

"Well, I'm in. I was hoping for something fun anyway." Zabini said as walked to Lucien, Pansy and Navarra followed suit leaving Hermione to stand alone with Daphne

"I won't go if you don't." Said Daphne although Hermione could see that she wanted to leave just like everyone else

"Fine!... We can go, but.. your plan has to work or we really will get into a lot of trouble" Hermione caved and Lucien leads the group to the edge of the anti-Apparition wards.

"Lucien there's people there," Said Navarra

"It's alright, They are my House-elves. That's how we get out of here" Lucien replied

Crossing the wards each of them were paired with a house elf and apparated back to the Isle of Mull.