Chapter 41

Lucien and the group appeared in an open field, confusing the group as they thought they were going to the Dubois manor.

Lucien kept walking and suddenly disappeared. Poking his head back out Lucien addressed the group

"Come on, it's late and we all have jobs to do."

The group followed him and appeared before the Dubois Manor that was bustling with activity as house elves ran about preparing several ritual spaces so, Lucien and his friends could create their own Golems.

There was a space for everyone. in the center of the ritual, circles were big stone blocks to sculpt their golmes.

"The plan I have to fake our attendance are these" Lucien gestured towards the stones

"Gaint rocks," Zabini asked

"No, it's what those giant rocks will become...Golems... That look exactly like you and I. The golem is a stone puppet and it has our magic and personality. it will go to school for us and everything it hears and sees, we will know about. The only way these things go down is if someone knows its a golem and erases the words from its forehead." Lucien said

"How will hide the words on its forehead, Lucien," asked Navarra

"When we disguise the Golem, the words will also be covered. A high-level witch would have to specifically look for the words if they want to see them" Lucien answered her question

Behind Lucien, a group of women walked out of the house stealing the attention of the group

"Lucien, Slow do. You need to teach them the ritual first. and even then they'll need your help because its spirit magic and wandless" Joanna said

"Haha, Everyone this is my family. Almost the entirety of what's left of the Bennett family. why don't yall introduce yourselves" Lucien said to his friends

The next few minutes turned into a meet and greet as the ladies of the Bennett family met Lucien's friends

Leanna to a great interest in Hermione as the to nerds bonded and Zhura loved the bold Narvarra. While Kattie and Emma were two shy kindred spirits. Lucien was happy to see everyone could get along with at least one person from his family.

It would be easier for them to stay for the rest of the school year or at least until he identified and killed the beast. Hopefully getting rid of Voldemort in the process. The Bennetts taught the Hogwarts students the ritual the needed to know, and the spells that came after. Teaching the basics of spirit magic, the Hogwarts student were as ready as the could possibly be.

Taking out their wands the used first-year transfiguration charms and made crudely shaped stone sculptures.

"Incendio!" They all cast a spell to heat the golems to a melting point

as the fires blazed they all cut the palms of their hands

"et sanguis meus, ego creo te!" The blood from their palms flew to the molten hot golems and began to form in the image of the Hogwarts students

They all picked up a Raven and snapped its neck, Walking to the now fully formed image of themselves, they carved the word 'EMET' in Hebrew letters

The Golems then came to life and opened their eyes. the student then took their cut palms and placed it on the head of their Golems "Concelo!" they said and the words vanished from the forehead of the golem.

"Kneel!" The golmes then feel to their knees and mam Thea walked around with a bowl of melted quicksilver while the other Bennett ladies made circles of herbs around the golems

Each one of the student dipped their fingers in the quicksilver and walked behind their golmes and placed their fingers on the heads of the golem to perform the spell to connect with their Golems.

After the ritual was complete the Golmes were then sent back to Hogwarts by sunrise as perfect clones

"That was amazing! Why don't they teach magic like that at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked

"Some magic is considered Illegal in Great Britain that is openly practiced in other parts of the world. Hogwarts only teaches what the ministry approves, just enough to protect yourselves and control your magic but, not enough to over through the ministry" Lucien replied

"However since you are all here until the beast is dealt with, you lot will be studying the Bennett-Dubois curriculum" Lucien then transfigured a chair from the floorboards and sat down. Wandless and wordless, everyone was eager to see what kind of magic they could learn.

Lucien followed the same steps he did when the Bennett ladies cam. They each received a house elf or Yumboe and were taught to control magic without a wand. however, their innate abilities all differed. only Daphne had telekinesis like Lucien, Zabini was a pyromancers, and so was Katie, while Narvarra had a knack for manipulating water and pansy didn't have an innate ability

Hermione, on the other hand, was a pure fucking natural. The way she manipulated her lightning after a few instructions from her yumboe was otherworldly.

The group practiced and studied the books in the manor library, while Lucien tried to figure out how to get everyone back to Hogwarts and take the head of that beast.

"Vega, Show me the memories of Malfoy," Lucien said and images began to flash in his mind of time Draco and his father spoke. one memory stood out the most, the day Lucien wanted to sell goods at Borgin and Burke and slipped the cursed diary in Ginevra's bucket.

After Lucious and Draco left he told Draco that Heir will return and purge Hogwarts of Mud-bloods.

"Absolutely nothing, The only thing we can do is wait for more information from our golems. Until then I guess we prepare to kill the beast." Said Lucien

Lucien then joined the group and told them to send messages to their golem to investigate the incidents at Hogwarts. and they spent the next few days training and sparing with each other. Lucien naturally kept the upper hand. and started to practice his wandless and wordless charms and curses sense he felt efficient in transfiguration already.