Chapter 42

Its was chilly morning on the Isle of Mull as Lucien took everyone for a morning jog. They had been progressing nicely and learning much, However, Lucien wasn't sure if the physical aspect of ascending the 13 baptisms was magical or physical, so he decided to add physical exercise to the curriculum.

"Lucien, why are we running again?" Pansy

"Because, we need our bodies to be strong so that we can use bigger and better magic, Pansy" Lucien replied as everyone kept on his tail struggling to breathe after a 3-mile stretch

Lucien finally stops and turns around to look at his friends as they all fall to the cold wet ground to recover

"Was it really that hard?" Lucien asked them

"We're not.... all beast... like Lucien" Zabini answered him but, he had a hard time trying to breathe and speak at the same time.

'Beast, Like me?' Lucien thought.

"Anyway. you can all do what you want today as ill be training on my own." Lucien said

"Hahahh... Yes. No problem Lucien" Multiple people spoke at the same time.

Lucien just shook his head and took off back to the manor.

When Lucien walked into the Manor. Mama Thea gave him a letter.

"Read it, and don't put it to the side like you do everything else boy. and I'll know if you do."

"Yes, Mama Thea." Lucien just kept walking to his study.

Zabini had said something that made him remember something that Vega had said about him and the Hogwarts beast 'A similar constitution'.

Lucien locked himself in the study and started pulling up everything he had been putting to the side. The books Ollivander told him to read, The documents for diamond mine registration, looking into the spirit and ancestral magic. the inventory from all the properties he had bought.

Lucien had got to work. reading through Olivanders books. Lucien had realized why Ollivander wanted him to read the books. It turns out the Magical beast have innate magical physiques which allows them to practice magic without the need to train. and their bodies could handle more magic than any wizard could same age. Lucien then thought about the later levels of sacrificial magic and the gaining of the sacrifices physique.

But, Lucien never told Ollivander about the sacrificial magic he practiced, so the only reason for the recommendation is the wands that Olivander gave to Lucien.

Lucien had gained the abilities of the two core beast that held the wands together. But every beast core in the wand must have aided in the reconstruction of his body, that could explain why he woke up so sore on the train.

Lucien then took a deep breath and looked inside of his soul. in the middle of his soul realm, the black flame that was his soul was now three times bigger and his elder wood wand hovered over it.

Lucien could feel weak sentience in the wand, so he expanded his consciousness and touched whatever was alive in the wand

*Caaaaahhhh* the cry of the Phoenix rang out and images flashed in Lucien's mind.

The creations of the wands and their loneliness in the boxes at Ollivander's store. Finding Lucien and then assimilating with his soul. Then the elder wood wand ate the other. strengthing the wand. that gave power to Lucien's soul. The stronger Lucien's soul became the strong Lucien's body had to become. So, the wand, with its little sentience divided the power and used it to strengthen Lucien's body and gave the rest to his soul.

Although he gained the abilities of the Phoenix and Veela, the power of the other beast strengthened his body.

More images flashed in Lucien's mind. The wand had become Lucien and Lucien became the wand. complete integration

"How?" Lucien asked

The scene then turned to the event that the Elder wood wand ate the Pearwood wand after their battle and used its power to make Lucien stronger. and then Lucien came back to reality.

"Wand eater" Lucien muttered to himself. to strengthen his soul and body. to become one with the elder wood wand, Lucien had to eat the wands of the wizards he defeats.

Lucien had no idea what would happen if he became one with his wand, but he felt the power that radiated off of him in that vision and that was the power that he wanted.

Lucien quickly wrote down the wand creation steps that he witnessed in the visions and then everything after that all the way to the complete integration. Lucien looked at the book when he was finished and the perfect drawings he had seen Mrs. Ollivander draw when she was alive

'For a Bennett, By a Bennett.' Lucien had remembered Mama Thea's words and decided that, if what was happening to him could be repeated, then these were the perfect wands for Bennetts and whatever Dubois he could find left in the world.

The only kink he needed to work out was the transformation of their souls to meet the wands requirements. They had to have a balance of life and death attributes and a soul 2 times stronger than the average witch.

Although he wanted to spend more time on it he had other things to get to. Lucien then went over the diamond mine registration and then completed it and gave it to a house-elf to find a place in the muggle world to create a fake diamond mine and then turn the registration into the Mining Council of South Africa under an alias for now.

Lucien then took another look at the ministry do's and don'ts before he moved on to the differences of spirit and ancestral magic learning that ancestral magic are family spirits anchored to a plane specifically for ancestors and spirit magic was fueled by dead witches on the 'Otherside' which is a place that all dead supernatural go. it was like a supernatural purgatory. no punishment, no peace, just there.

Finally, he went over the inventory from the properties and found that he made a pretty penny from everything that was left behind.

"Mera'' Lucien called in the dark-skinned fairy appeared

"Can you gather some help and pull any books from the vault that was recently added from the properties and put them in the library" Lucien instructed

"Of course master Lucien" She replied

"Oh and give them their own section I want to read them later" Lucien added

Mera nodded, and the vanished.

The next few moments were spent signing papers and planning for the auction that was supposed to shake the worlds black market next year

The house elves sent to collect information had report desired item and their locations. Lost items in Muggle hands, and items that people were unwilling to part even though the items price had touched the billion Galleon mark.

Lucien closed his eyes and touched the connection that linked the master to its servants and spoke

"Listen, I want all you to acquire your targets. if need be to request additional help from Anja or Nina. But I wanted everything. and then you all may return home to collect your rewards." Lucien spoke directly to the minds of the House-elves and Yumboes. and received an acknowledgment from them all. The next few days would send the world into total chaos. on both sides of the magical barrier.

Lucien finally got to Mama Thea's letter. It was nightfall by now. Lucien had spent an entire day catching up and lost track of time.

Opening the Letter to read its contents. he saw that it from his cousin Shelia in Mystic Falls, Virginia.