Chapter 43

Dear Lucien,

Abby will be having her baby, being a Bennett its most likely a girl. Her husband isn't a fan of magic although when the family comes down next year, he agreed to put us have a party of our own. And do her blessings. As the current Head, and keeper of most of our family, we want you there... To name her. As you know, Bennett's die all the time. And if you give her, her name and come around often she will be more willing to leave you if death ever takes Abby and me together.

Leaving her with her father isn't an option in that situation, he would allow her magic to fade away.

The due date is some time in February, Mama Thea has the blessing you'll need to know. Practice please so that you don't fuck up

Much love


"Well I'll be damned, Abby's having a baby," Lucien said as he put down the letter.

And pulled out a sheet of paper to start trying to figure what to name the babe

When dinner came around. Lucien told them about Abby's baby and how they would be going to Mystic Falls after she gave birth. The ladies were naturally excited. They wanted to buy gifts of all kinds. However, Lucien shut them all down

"However no one will go if I can't see improvements. On new years day. I will fight each one of you. I hope you all pass so you can come with me to see your newborn cousin" Lucien said as he left the table. Lucien's friends were dumbfounded. To fight them all just to see a baby? And the Bennett ladies felt a slight shiver down their spines

"Mama Thea, he ain't serious is he?" Emma asked

"I think he is very serious, so I hope you all begin to practice a little hard. and the time comes to fight with all you have. wandless magic is hard but I'm sure he judge you harshly" Mama Thea replied as she took her to leave as well.

Back in the study, Lucien began to chip away at his remaining task. the first thing on the list was animagus transformation. and in order to achieve that without potion so that he make take more than one form later in life, he needed to learn the Patronus charm

While Lucien spent hours which turned in to days, everyone was busting their ass. the Bennett ladies did nothing but spare with each other. The focused on body enhancing spell to fight. and defense charms and transfiguration. and short burst attack spells. Each one of the ladies had a different weapon ranging from spear, sword, dagger, ax. even a bow and arrow. Nina had taught them to incorporate their innate abilities into their fighting style along with using their weapons to direct certain spells. The students from Hogwarts and the twins went through brutal exercises to strengthen their control over their magic. if someone were to see this, they would think a war was coming.

Lucien trained in the day and worked at night. Elves started to return with items that they had acquired for the auction, rare beast, cursed and ancient object, maps, to lost treasures and much more. Naturally, Lucien picked and chose what he wanted to sell. he had kept some and sent the rest to a separate location until the day of the auction.

With nothing left to do Lucien decided to go train with his friends

"Lucien, you finally found time to spend with me?" Navarra asked

"I found time to spend with every one yes." He replied

"then I think we should spend some time alone and get to know each other more, "Navarra said

Lucien paid no mind to her as he watched the progress his friends had achieved.

Lucien knew that controlling the elements was simply magic manipulation. It wasn't like fiend fire. That was fueled by a curse with a death attribute.

"Hermione, allow me," Lucien kicked off the ground with a wind element and intercepted her lightning. pulling it himself and redirected it. before he landed on the ground again

"From now on, you will all fight me with your elements . and Ill help you control them. so we can speed your training up."

When Lucien finished speaking a torrent of fire came his way as he raised his hand split the flames down the middle. He could see and feel the magic. which made more than easy to manipulate it. He wanted to see just how much he could do. Katie let out flames of her own and then water hit Lucien in the back as he let it blow him away. using that momentum Lucien went airborne and the wrapped the wind around his body to stay in the air. Touching the magic in the atmosphere. he condensed clouds and it began to rain.

"Stop the ran Navarra and maybe I'll go on a date with you to Hogsmeade" Lucien instructed

Lightning crashed against the earth and fires started where the lightning struck

"Stop the flames, stop the Lightning" what Lucien didn't know at this moment was the amount of magic going through him was pushing him over the limit.

The storm Lucien created broke and a magical force slapped Lucien to the ground. that magic had baptized him and the way he saw magic and the world slowly changed. and the magic his body held in a resting state increased twice over

"Lucien!" Katie shouted as everyone ran over the small crater he had made.

Lucien was out cold and no could get close to him as the energy around his body was protecting him from any harm by keeping everyone and thing away as he completed his baptism.

Lucien woke up three days later...

"Mera, Padkey.." Lucien called out

*pop* "Yes my lord/" They answered in unison

"You say you can remember your lineage, everything that your past ancestors had experienced. What you can you tell me about the 13 baptisms?" Lucien asked

"My lord, I can tell you, that you achieved a perfect baptism," Mera said

"It is the mark of true talent my lord' Padkey added

" Why was it perfect?"Lucien inquired

"Because you baptized the mind, body, and soul. The Yumboe excel in the soul. and the dark elves can do either mind or body along with the other elf tribes. except for the celestial elves of Atlantis. The greatly excelled in the perfect baptism. which is why they were the first elf tribe to fall"

"So what does a perfect Baptism mean?" Lucien asked

"It means you have the greatest chance of becoming a true sorcerer and surpassing godhood, However, the benefits of the 13 baptisms are only building a foundation for godhood, Increasing your magick. strengthening your soul, and reinforcing your mind" Mera said.

"And what you receive after the baptisms varies from person to person depending on the knowledge held by the person before the baptism. "

"I see you may leave, " Lucien got out of the back feeling better than he ever felt the magic flowed easily through him, and it was more concentrated than ever as well.

Lucien left the room and went outside as he began to perform magic

a simple 'bombarda' from Lucien created a crater almost 5 feet deep. Although this time that he used magic was different. what he saw and felt was different. things in the magic seemed so much clearing. Lucien dropped to the ground and the meditated. the magic his consciousness touched revealed things about magic, even exchange, particle breakdown to create new structures from scratch. wood to real titanium. everything that Lucien had learned, Transfiguration, charms, potions, sacrificial magic, runes and more were now being explained to him from a different point of view, furthering his understanding of magic and the world.

These were the benefits of the 13 baptisms. and this is also why the early baptisms mean nothing about strength. Because although you have the knowledge it doesn't mean that someone could actually apply it in combat. that could only be done after real combat experiences

Lucien pushed his consciousness to the limit and it expanded 30 miles in all directions. and then taking a look at his soul it burned even brighter. For the last test, Lucien worked out his body for 2 hours and his heart rate was as mellow as a Taoist on a mountain top.

if this was a perfect baptism at the first level, he could fight head to head with vampires at the 3rd baptism. and completely destroy them at the 4th depending on their age.

"I need to make those wands for the family." Lucien thought. There were many lands beyond what they knew. He had two elves that had confirmed ancient powerhouse lands. If he wanted to venture out and conquer it all. he had to have a strong family so that he could run wild without worry


Back at the Manor Lucien spoke to all the Bennett Ladies and aired out a few secrets. He told them about the tri-core wands first, and the potential it held, then he told them about his soul and how it lead to him acquiring the wands and the changes in his house elves. Next, the history of his elves and their different races. He planned to use an elixir like the one he gave mama Thea to restore them all. and how that elixir was made from the philosopher's stone. With the basics out the way, he explained the 13 baptisms and how the wand wands were the easiest way to evolve their physique and soul. while magic and understanding were completely up to them. he then explained the benefits he received from the baptism.

"So, our wands will make use strong and the elixir will allow us to become immortal without becoming vampires?" Zhura asked


"And you can make these wands" Lucy

"I think"

"And you want us to join you on you occult path of ascension so you can go on an adventure and be at peace knowing we can take care of ourselves/" Emma


"Okay were in," Pauline said

"Just like that?" Lucien asked

"Look at us. were the only Bennetts left in the world, Why not become strong, Immortal, and rebuild our family?" Mama Thea replied

"Good point," Said Lucien

"So you aren't going to tell us about your criminal operation?" Joanna asked

The room went silent "Let's not ask stupid questions. So first things first. Wands, you ladies find what beast you want as your cores and leave it to me to find them. Then the wood you want your wands to be made of." Said Lucien

The Bennett ladies spent the next few days Looking for, potential beast to use for cores and Lucien spent that time explaining the 13 baptisms to his friend. however he didn't tell them about the tri-core wands, Mera and Padkey informed him that physique, is not need to achieve a baptism.

but with his new understanding of magic, Lucien came up with a method almost like self-healing to strengthen the body with magic and taught it to his friends to make up for the loss of a magical beast physique. If they were all friends in a couple of years maybe Lucien would make them wands as well.

So Lucien taught them how to expand the consciousness and feel the magic around them. he taught them how to touch the particles of magic to understand how magic worked in this world to help them better manipulate the magic.


December 25, 1992

The group received an update about the Hogwarts best and the chamber of secrets

it was around November first when Lucien had received a message from his Golem along with the rest of the students from Hogwarts

"Lucien? Did you get a message as well?" Asked Navarra

"Yes, something about a chamber of secrets and Harry Potter being the heir to Slytherin" Lucien replied

" They only think he's the heir because he speaks Parstletounge" Hermione added

"Really, people do know there are more bloodlines out there that can speak to snakes right, I mean there are bloodlines that can speak to all kinds of creature" Lucien interjected

"But did you hear what McGonagall said. The chamber has never been found" Katie

"Someone knows where it is and they're using the beast that lives there to kill people" Pansy

"Not a beast, its a snake" Lucien

"What do you mean snake?" Hermione asked

"Isn't it obvious, Slytherin spoke to snakes, and only the heir to Slytherin can open the chamber. that means the key is blood or Parlsetounge. and if the beast kills the enemies of slytherin. and the only beast Slytherin was ever known to control was a snake. then the beast is a snake" Navarra explain

"Blimey, that makes perfect sense," Zabini said

"Well, what kind of snake is pure death and can petrify its prey?"Daphne asked