Chapter 45

Lucien practiced morphing between his two animagus forms and running around in them to get accustomed. It was around midday when he suddenly remembered he had to be somewhere he needed to be. sprinting off in his lion form her morphed back into his human form just before he arrived at the Manor

"Where is he? He talked mad shit about showing him our skills now he's late" Charlotte said

"Charlette, you need to chill. And just hope he forgot." Lucy replied

"Oh, I haven't forgotten. Each and every one of you is the difference between Live and death for the Bennett family. and you must carry that weight. In every grimoire, our ancestors have been persecuted and toyed with by vampires. Vampires have mental abilities, they are fast, strong and all of that reinforces with age. they are animagi and if they were born as a witch before they turned, they may have the ability to use magic. nothing is impossible in this world." Lucien looked at the beautiful women of his blood.

"I will not allow the cycle of Bennett witches to be tormented at the hands of vampires, witches, or any other supernatural beings, continue. And you all will help me break it. or you can go die alone without bearing any more children because your genes in this family tree will be nothing but a burden"

"Well damn, just fuck us right?" Zhura sarcastically asked

"Then show me something Zhura!" Lucien erupted with magic as he had no intention of taking it easy on them.

The ladies moved their bodies and skillfully transfigured their weapons of choice. and let their magic loose as Lucien did.

"Yes, I hope you all want to kill me. if not you will lose. But know I do this out of love" Lucien shoot of like a rocket and the women scattered.

Zhura came up first with a blade coming down on Lucien. He sidestepped and sent knee to her stomach "Flippendo.." and Zhura was blown back by a small scale tornado, as Lucy conjures a flame snake and sent it Lucien's way.

"Partis Temporus" Lucien then ripped the snake apart and sent two crying Phoenixes towards Charlotte and Emma.

As Mama Thea crossed her arms and the ground below Lucien turned to quicksand. instantly sinking half of his body.

Lucien then morphed into a great white snake escaped the sand and then back into a human

"Petrificus Totalus!' and mama Thea Collapsed. she was too helpful the younger girls so Lucien bound her from helping.

Pauline and Joanna picked up on the hint as they noticed Lucien verbally said all of his spells

Pauline and Joanna backed up and let the fight continue

Nita shot a stream of lightning Lucien and he redirected it a Leanna

"Protego Maxima!" she shouted as a force-field appeared to protect her and Lucien appeared before her and through punch wrapped in a spell "Bombarda!"

Leanna's protection charm collapsed and the force knocked her unconscious

Lucy was the first to adapt as she came with her spear to fight Lucien

"Reducto" she muttered and the of her spear could have reduced most things in the world to ash as Lucien used his telekinesis to redirect it towards the ground as he transfigured a double-bladed polearm to fight her.

as Lucy and Lucien went blow for blow they attached spells to their weapons and kicks. Lucy had a natural affinity for water as she turned the moisture on the ground to solid ice multiple time, trying to make Lucien lose his foot

and out of nowhere, Sophia joins in shooting arrows from a distance that explodes on contact

Isabelle, Olivia, and Ava then appeared to box Lucien in with Lucy.

"Good" Lucien muttered

The fight went on until Lucien knew the ladies were thoroughly exhausted. With his ability to remember everything and abilities to handle hours of battle it allowed him to effectively apply his knowledge. gaining experience in the process. however, the women gained the most experienced.

even though they all now, laid on the ground with bloodied noses from overusing magic. and could hardly move their bodies, due to going past their physical limit.

Lucien released Mama Thea from the full body bind and told her, Pauline, and Joanna to take the girls back inside. and told them they should all go buy presents for Abby.

The next morning Lucien skipped breakfast with Vega

Two Big cats could be seen running through the land. when they arrived at the coast. The Black Lion morphed into a brown-skinned boy with long silver-white hair blowing in the ocean wind.

"Vega, I think its time to talk to my mother... I'm in this world for good. and I have to do right by these parents. I need to know why they died, and how they died" Said Lucien

When Lucien came to terms with his being to achieve his Patronus. He realized that he never truly accepted the fact that he died and was reborn. Perhaps the Lucien in this world was the same him all along. but he had just recently awakened.

Lucien pulled out some torches and formed a circle. Cutting his palm he let his blood soak into the sand.

"Voca me exspiravit suas. Fero sanguine evocare Marie-Ann Bennett" The torches burst into a blazing flame

"Voca me exspiravit suas. Fero sanguine evocare Charles Dubois"

The sea winds became turbulent

"Voca me exspiravit suas. Fero sanguine evocare Marie-Ann Bennett"

Lightning struck the ocean

"Voca me exspiravit suas. Fero sanguine evocare Charles Dubois!"

The lightning clashed once again

And to people appeared in front of Lucien

"My boy, that's some big magic done did there!" Charles exclaimed

"You is from New Orleans! and like at that suit and dem spectator shoes. You musta been a cool cat," Lucien replied

"Well yeah, I'm from New Orleans! a real dangerous place. the witches, vampires, and werewolves are always fighting. And yo mama rolled into town, all hell broke loose, for this little beauty."

"Is that why yall was on da run?" Lucien asked

"Partially, Its really your daddy's fault. Some vampire named Marcel helped build New Orleans or some shit he was spouting" Marie-ann said

"But da Dubois been there for a long time. Longer than them cold bodies" Charles added

"And your mama here was the best thief in the south at the time. So Charles hits me up with a bangin' deal. Rob the head vamp for an old book, left by Nicklaus Mikaelson" Marie-Ann said

"And who is he?" Lucien

"He claims to be an original vampire. unkillable bastard. raising hell through the centuries, and has killed a good number of witches on the way" Marie-Ann answered him

"Well is he an original vampire?" Lucien asked

Charles was about to say something until he and Marie-Ann looked into the distance as their faces contorted

"Yes, yes son, they are known as the original vampires" Charles came back first

"Anyway, this book was Nicklaus' account of the 1800s. Apparently, the sister of your dads great great great and some more great granddaddy was messing with Elijah Mikaelson. Nicklaus' brother. long story short Nicklaus had her killed and Elijah buried her body in some secret place. that no one knows." Marie-Ann said

"However, Nicklaus was there as well. watching. and he wrote it all done" said Charles

"So why does her body matter?" Lucien asked

"Because I meet a seer that blew through town on Maris Gras that year. She said a bad fate was coming to the witches of New Orleans in which all the elders would die, the coven would fall. and at the center of it all was Celeste Marie- Helene Dubois. why and how? I don't know, especially since she's dead. so to protect the witches we stole the book to find her body and perform a divination spell" Said, Charles

"But it ended bad and Marcel chased us and sent other vampires after us. we were on the run for three years and then we had you."

"So vampires killed you?"Lucien asked

"No...We died in a car crash. Drowned in the river Thames. on our way to Canterberry. We left you in London" Marie-Ann said

"And before you complain. What would we do on the run with a child?" Charles said

"Okay okay, I get it. I'll find your body and bury you in New Orleans. Both of you, so that you can stay together." Lucien said

Lucien and his parents kept talking until their time was up. but Lucien didn't worry none , his parents were actually still next to him. Watching from the other side.