Chapter 46

In the Scotland high lands, Lucien walked side by side with Vega. In the dead of night, the two approached the barrier and crossed over into the wizarding world. As Lucien and Vega walked, they quietly savored the presence of each other.

Hours passed by until Lucien arrived at the far side of the black lake. Across the way, Hogwarts sat at the edge of a cliff as water clashed against its underside. "Vega, Will you go to battle with me once more? " Lucien asked five foot tall, black and white, twin-tailed cat.

"Of course, my lord. " Vega replied as she looked over at Lucien, he had never intended to fight the Hogwarts' beast with his friends. It would have been wrong of him to carry them to their deaths. Hogwarts education was lacking the ability to properly equip its students for the true perils of this realm.

Someday, he thought, when his friends became stronger. They would lay waste to empires together, however, today was not that day for such things.

Lucien took a step forward onto the black lake, he did not fall into the water merely, stood upon the surface of the water. Calling for Vega, she and Lucien walked across the lake in the direction of Hogwarts.

Lucien pulled out his wand and said: "point me! ".

Lucien didn't look for the chamber of secrets or Basilisk, he wanted to find the exit pipe of the drainage line. and when Lucien and Vega crossed the lake, that's exactly what they found. Lucien expanded his consciousness to the limit and discovered the point where the system breaks into two

"I found it, remember don't look at it. or you will surely die. " Lucien informed vega

Lucien walked the entire way with his eyes closed. until he arrived at the point where the system split in two. one lead up to Hogwarts while the other lead to an open area. following the latter. Lucien eventually ran int a giant circle door with the face of Salazar Slytherin carved into it

'My lord, only the heir can open the chamber. ' said vega

"Simply fix" Lucien replied as he looked back through the memories of his golem

specifically the duel between Harry and Draco. Harry had been kind enough to give everyone who could remember the key to the chamber.

" Sya- hassa- she. Sya- hasi- heth. Sya- hasi- heth." Lucien hissed. and the doors mechanisms began to turn and the lock unlatched and the stone door rolled open.

'my lord?'

"Vega, You know I remember everything," Lucien said

"I know my lord, However not to this extent. " Vega replied, and followed Lucien in

"This doesn't look like a death chamber," said Lucien as he looked around the study. All he saw was an old study with shelves full of books. and furniture

"Holy shit. That's a liquor cabinet. and this place hasn't been touched for over a hundred years. guarantee" Lucien exclaimed

"scurgify! Incendio!" the stood was then cleaned and candles lit to get better light. Slytherin's taste in furniture superb. He had and alchemists table and case of the finest ingredients

Lucien took his time and went through the bookshelves. It was pure genius. Everything that Salazar Slytherin acquired and wrote himself was pure gold. Slytherin had shown a great knowledge of Potions and alchemy. Charms, curse, and hexes were all created by him in his later years. He wrote about magical beast anatomy and how different parts bring different benefits in potions.

On another shelf spoke about ritual magic and sorcery to contract a daemon, lots of books were filled with theories on the subject, about how the formation of the arcane circles dictate the level of the daemon you can summon. while other arcane circles summoned low-level daemon beast that a Summoner could nurture into true daemons.

Lucien took it all, shelf by shelf, he sent every book into his vault. and the cases of potion ingredients. The case seemed to have some kind of enchantment preserve the materials while enriching them with magic over time. Next he took the alchemy table and then all the furniture, paintings, sculptures, and finally, the Liquor cabinet full of wine and some type of hard malt liquor, that radiated magic when Lucien uncorked it and its intoxicating aroma invade the room before Lucien corked it again.

When Lucien was finally finished the entire study was empty. That's when Lucien noticed a door. If the room was left untouched the door would be located between two bookshelves and went unnoticed.

Walking through the small doors was like stepping into the room of a medieval king. It was grand and held unrivaled elegance during its active years.

Lucien then scurgified the room as well and then lit the candle. although this time Lucien could see somebody sleeping on the bed.

However, he could not feel them. Not an ounce of magic emitted from the person. their blood had ceased to flow and the heart rate was at a flat zero. Either this man was perfectly preserved or he was in one of those deep magical induced periods of sleep.

Lucien walked up to the sleeping man, and his eyes went wide with shock.

"Master Lucien, That is..."

"Salazar Slytherin" Lucien finished Vega's sentence.

Lucien's heart quaked like someone had tied him down and directly flicked his heart to see how much it would move

"I don't feel any power coming from him. That means he's dead or In a magically induced sleep. " Lucien Explained

"What should we do my lord?" Vega asked

Lucien pulled out his sacrificial blade that was crafted by the goblins. It was a curved dagger with a golden handle that formed the head of a Thestral.

He then brought out ingredients to started prepare for a sacrifice.

when Lucien was finished he pulled Salazar's body from the bed as fast as possible into the ritual space

"If he's dead, I will take the magic being held in his body, if he is sleep, he can not be allowed to awaken" Lucien then held the blade in the air muttering his incantation and claiming his rights.

death energy began to engulf Salazar, feeling that chill deep in his core. His eyes shot open and grabbed Lucien by the throat at an incredible speed. and Lucien grabbed Salazar's throat in turn

"I dare you, You insect. I am a sorcerer of the 10th step from the great house of Slytherin and you have the gall!...." Salazar erupted with anger but froze mid sentences, and released small choking sounds from the back of his throat

Bad guys really do talk too much, and while Salazar was talking the instant luscious hands gripped Salazar he began muttering a spell he remembered from Papa Tunde's Grimoire when handling a beast with this much strength

"Symbole Du Masque, Et de L'ombre, Embrace-Toi, Embrace-Toi" Lucien struggled to say the words

Salzar's magic-filled anger had begun to subside as Lucien had just finished the first round and started again. Cause the magic in Salazar to be completely oppressed and Salazar's veins began to turn black

Lucien's words became louder and more clear as Salazar's grip relaxed "Symbole Du Masque! Et de L'ombre! Embrace-Toi! Embrace-Toi!"

Lucien squeezed Salazar's throat and he fell to his knees as his eyes turned a deathly white

"Symbole Du Masque! Et de L'ombre! Embrace-Toi! Embrace-Toi! " Lucien now stood above Salazar as he brought the sacrificial dagger to the now desiccated Salazar and carved his mark into Salazar's forehead killing him.

Lucien dropped Salazar's body in the middle of the ritual space and all of his magic and life force left his body and went to Lucien. Filling him with immense energy.

The feeling of accepting offerings was euphoric, and the tattoo on Lucien's arm began to grow to the middle of his forearm now.

Feeling that energy in his body run ramped Lucien dropped to the floor and began to meditate. dividing up the energy from Salazar's sacrifice

The energy was first sent to his Physique to refine it. The next was sent to his mind and begin to strengthen his mental abilities, expanding his consciousness. the next was sent to the Wand in his soul.

The wand regulated the growth of Lucien's soul to the strength of his body. everything left over was sent to Lucien magic pool, allowing to receive the 2nd and 3rd baptism, stopping at the 2nd Trial, a half a step away from the 4th baptism. as the energy from the baptism destroyed the room and the study. Lucien had gone through another perfect baptism. Lucien sat in the secret study for three entire weeks as he comprehends the new laws, the world had bequeathed onto him, advancing his knowledge even further.

when Lucien opened his eyes. the contrast of his eyes had doubled, His hair was longer and thicker. and his body rippled with power and slightly bulked. his features became fairer and the Veela pheromones were now more active and wild.