Chapter 61

Lucien went to his room after his friends were taken back to the train station, he wanted to sleep and get a fresh start in the morning.

on the way to his room, Vega trailed behind him with a chaotic mind.

"What is it, Vega? " Lucien had sent a mental message

"Nothing, my lord, I've just been noticing the increase of strength all across the House of Bennett-Dubois" She replied

"That's a good thing, Vega. What seems to be the problem?" Lucien asked

"I am the problem, my lord, how am I to be your partner if you leave me behind in strength?" She responded

"Haha that's an easy fix, I actually planned to go see the dark elves on such matters. I saw somethings in Salazar's study that I want to ask about. So, relax, every problem has a solution" Said Lucien

The next morning when Lucien awoke, there were four beautiful elves waiting in his room with breakfast. Lucien happily accepted and then he noticed that they did not leave. When his breakfast was finished, one elf was sent away while the others stood by. Lucien then made his way to the showers and the elves followed.

"What are you three doing?" Lucien asked the elves

" The Regent Nokby said, master Lucien should always have attendants and assigned us to the job." a dark elf explained to Lucien.

"We are here to help with all our daily needs" The forest elf added

"Haha, Nokby is too good, Leave," Lucien ordered and started to shew them away

Lucien proceeded to take a quick shower and then dressed. After he finished hygiene, he went straight to the vault under the Castle.

"Master Lucien, what do you need from the vault that requires you to actually come down here? ' Vegas asked

The vault just wasn't just under the castle, it was 100 miles under the castle.

'I came for the only item that cannot be pulled from the vault through the enchanted pouches.' He replied

Walking up to the vault. Lucien placed his hand on the vault and disappeared behind the vault door. Vega was left behind, as she couldn't enter like Lucien. Lucien had made the protection array ironclad. not even he or Nokby could bring in guest and Nokby could never enter without his permission.

Inside the vault, was like a smaller more organized version of the Come and Go Room. Gold and Jewels, non-magical money, artifacts, beast corpses, potions and elixirs, Books that Lucien deemed too important to place in the family library. Emily Bennett's Grimoire was put down here, along with grimoires by two witches named Ayana and Cordelia, the spells in those books needed to be thoroughly examined by Lucien. and then reissued to family.

At the end of the vault was a blood-red stone. Lucien took the stone to the desk, where Nokby usually used to conduct his experiments. Pulling out seven red and gold keys, Lucien placed them in a cauldron.

Holding up his hand, "Accio, Grimoire of Tamar!" He shouted and a tattered Grimoire was pulled into his hand. Opening up the book, Lucien began to prepare materials to perform the ritual needed to make the Keys indestructible.

Lucien tossed a few herbs and metals into the cauldron. Setting the contents in the cauldron a blaze, Lucien began to chant his incantation while focusing his power through the Philosopher's stone.

"E loke gae la lidi. E loke gae la lidi." Lucien chants over and over again until the flames in the cauldron extinguished and left behind seven, all red keys

Lucien picked one of the seven keys up and snapped it. This frustrated Lucien. Assuming that he must have messed up the ritual somewhere, he through the key down on the desk. Lucien racked his brain for a moment. In the throes of deep thought, the broken key began to melt, forming two pools of blood. Slowly merging into one, the blood transformed into a new key.

Another form of indestructibility thought Lucien. Lucien broke the key again and put one half in the cauldron and the other on the desk. The key melted once more, this time the half in the cauldron went up in smoke, vanishing. After a second, the blood pool on the desk grew bigger and reformed a new key.

Finished with the keys, Lucien gave them to his elves, so that they can deliver to his friends. With that out of the way, Lucien went back to check up on his family to see how they were doing.

Mama Thea and Nita had left for England to visit the Queen, while Zhura was away with Nokby. Lucy went on a trip to France, leaving Leanna behind. Charlotte and Emma were somewhere off with the Yumboe. Joanna had spent most of her time training and studying since they had gotten back from Mystic Falls, Lucien didn't have a problem with it but, he knew there was something he was missing.

Not really able to sit around and chat with anybody Lucien carried on with his plan for the day. Something had always been bugging him since he had first left Hogwarts with his friends. The true status of the Yaxley. Maximo and his girlfriend Jenny were nowhere to be found during the school year, Lucien had the discovered that they never arrived on the first day or any day after that. Lucien wanted to know why. And if he didn't like the answer, he would need to conduct corrective actions.

"Vega, let's go. We have things we need to do. Leanna, you're coming with me, it's not good to sit around the house all day, all of the time. " Lucien shouted

"I wouldn't have to sit around the house if you would let me go to school" She replied

"I'd let you go to school. If, Lucy didn't only think about herself. Listen, love, you turn 18 this year, you are around college age. I want you to go back to Mystic falls, Family is there, and you can experience the college life with your cousins" Lucien explained

"And what if I want to stay here?" Leanna asked

"You just said that you wanted to go to school, there are no schools here," said Lucien

"I meant high school. I never really planned on going to college. I always liked being a witch. So, I've never really thought about being anything else." She said.

Lucien looked over at Leanna and said, "Well, that's alright. We snap our fingers and the world bends to our will. and that nonmagical education is a waste of time. I'll make sure you know everything you need to know in the world that I'm going to build. You just make sure you don't fall behind on your path of ascension".

Leanna smiled at Lucien for a moment and asked Lucien where they were heading.

"To find our Judas" Lucien to her, leaving Leanna a little confused.