Chapter 62

Lucien, Leanna, his Wampus cat Vega, and a celestial elf appeared before the Yaxley estate.

"Ooo! who's estate is this, Lucien?" Leanna asked

"Our Judas's, Leanna, I want you to watch and if you began to feel any disagreement toward my actions. Do not say a fucking word and bare witness to how I treat people who displease me." Lucien gave his order looking deep into Leanna's eyes.

Leanna listened to Lucien's words and felt a little excited, yet, afraid of what she might witness. In the back of her mind, she remembered Lucien said the people of the estate were their Judas. Traitors, she then calmed her self, telling herself that everything Lucien will do to them, they deserved.

Lucien didn't witness any sign of retreat in Leanna and turned away to enter the Yaxley estate. Lucien began to remember what he went through, The might of the basilisk, the bodies of many death Hogwarts students. Anyone of those students could have been him or his friends, Yet Maximo didn't say a word about the impending danger. Choosing to keep quiet, Maximo and Jenny opted out of attending school for the year.

Lucien did not know if the Yaxley were aware of the Basilisk. However, he knew that they were aware of something. Lucien never expected Corban's loyalty but, Maximo, Lucien had seen him as a friend, because of that, today was going to be a tragic day for everyone.

*knock *knock *knock

The door opened and a house elf emerged. Looking over at the Celestial elf, the house elf felt immense pressure. The house elf didn't know if he should be afraid or gather his fellow slaves to await freedom.

Tearing the house elf from his trance, Lucien spoke

"I'm here to see the Yaxleys, the entire family. Let your masters know that Lucien Bennet-Dubois is her to see them," said Lucien

"Right away Lord Lucien." the house elf replied as he ushered Lucien and his party into the Yaxley mansion

When Lucien entered the mansion, the house elf disapparated and Vega transformed into her full size standing at an equal height to Lucien. Leanna and the celestial elf stood behind them.

The celestial elf had heard tells of Lord Lucien ordering massacres and assassinations for territory and materialistic items, now he awaits to see what his master would to someone on the account of betrayal.

The house elf appeared again and lead Lucien and his party to the main hall. Lucien prepared himself for the off chance that Voldemort had spoken to the Yaxleys and they no longer saw him as Voldemort,s apprentice.

'Leanna be ready to fight, forget the wand its too slow, Vega if anything happens, draw them all into a mental attack and put whoever you can into a hypnotic trance. Elf, Kill.' Lucien had sent a mental message to his people as the entered the main hall.

Corban Yaxley, head of the Yaxley family and death eater was sitting on the couch next to his 'wife'. Beside them was Maximo Yaxley and his girlfriend Jenny Campbell. Standing behind the couch was Corban's brother Jared Yaxley and his son Adolph Yaxley.

Corban received Lucien with open arms. To be expected from a man who pays most of his living expenses with the check Lucien gives him every month.

So, you want to play that game, Lucien thought to himself and dawned a loving smile, reserved only for true friends.

"Lord Yaxley, It's been awhile. How have you been?" Lucien asked asked

"Wonderful, young lord. With your generous monthly payments, my family and I are living more than comfortably." Corban replied

Lucien let a heavy exhale of relief and put his hand over his heart

"That's good. I thought something was terribly wrong. I didn't get the chance to see Maximo all school year, I figured classes and all he ought to be busy. Then when I found out that Jenny was staying with you all and she nor Maximo attended school, I feared you and your family fell on hard times." Lucien explained with a very concerned toned

Leanna was slightly taken aback, Lucien didn't even use such a tone in mystic falls when he found out Abby was having complications with the baby. But, she continued to stay quiet and just observed

"Oh no my lord, I should have written you a letter about my well being. Jenny and I have married and decide to spend this year with each other and take off of school. I really had to fight father for it and writing about the news must have slipped my mind" Maximo interjected to explain on his own behalf

Lucien turned to look at Maximo, his dear friend and then looked at Jenny, who couldn't even look Lucien in the eyes.

" Hahaha congratulations, Maximo! when did you two love birds get back?" Lucien excited said with an amplified voice to express his joy.

Maximo stuttered for a bit. he didn't know why Lucien asked that question and then it dawned on him. Maximo's hesitation caused Corban to step forward.

"Last week, my lord. They honeymooned in Italy for the year," Corban said on Maximo's behalf

Corban knew that no one would spend a honeymoon with their family for an entire year if they married a woman with Jenny Campbell's level of beauty.

Lucien walked over to Maximo and Jenny, giving them both hugs and blessing.

'Vega, probe' Lucien sent a mental message

'Yes, master." Vega used her Legilimency on both Jenny and Maximo.

Vega had improved leaps and bounds over the years, in her mental arts. Making it almost impossible to discover her presence in their minds. After all, they were still students in Hogwarts. It would take someone at a professor level, which was a minimum 5th baptism level, to discover Vega in their minds.

Lucien regained his composure and faced Corban again

"So, the Master's plan didn't work this year. Next year we will try again, and I will need your families to help." Lucien said

"Of course, anything for the Dark Lord," Coban said

" I need you to root out a traitor, Someone told professor Dumbledore about the Basilisk and my Master's plot. I need you to find out, who." Lucien explained

"right away" Corban replied

"I also want you to look into your own family. Your only allegiance should be to the Dark Lord. I trust you will be honest in your investigation." Said Lucien, infering that the leaky cam from inside Corban's household

"Of course, My lord. It is the only way!" Corban exclaimed with a bowed

Lucien turned to leave without giving the Yaxleys a second glance. near the exit of the man hall, Lucien suddenly stopped

"Lord Yaxley, Who was chosen to deliver the dairy to Hogwarts?" Lucien asked

assuming the troubles in the plan came from the handling of the dairy corban immediately answered without a second thought

"The Malfoys, my Lord!" Corban had to project his voice so that Lucien could hear him from across the room