Start of the Auction

The morning of the auction, Lucien transfigured himself to look like a man in his mid-30s. He wore a purple and black Dashiki suit

Looking at himself in the mirror he took a deep breath and exhale. Today was the day, he would truly dance with demons.

"Qetsiyah, who knows, today might be the day I join you on the other side. "

Lucien spoke out into emptiness, though, he knew Qetsiyah was close by. It was kind of odd to be watched every second of his life, but it was a problem he would have to remedy later.

In the main hall of the castle, the Bennett ladies were saying their goodbyes as a dark elf elder opened a portal, so some of the ladies could head back home to mystic falls.

The rest of the family were all dressed for today's events alongside the Four Royals. Lucien decided to incorporate them in the handling of the country. The four of them would represent the elves, Mama Thea would be the voice of the Bennett family, and when Lucien could find a Dubois, they would also have a seat.

As for his friends, they will all become protectors of the realm, when Lucien decided to go to war and usher in a new age.

When Lucien made his way to the main hall. He received a mental message from Nokby, All the key patrons of the day were gathered for breakfast at the auction house.

In the main hall, Lucien addressed everyone to inform them of how things were going to go for the day. The Bennetts would be the boosters, adding value to items that needed a little push to be sold. And buying things outright, just because they could, and Lucien wanted to stir the pot.

The four Royals would be the masked voices of the day's auction, speaking on behalf of Empyrean Ixxen(Lucien). They will be seated at the four cardinal points of the auction house. Forest elves will be the insurgents blend with the crowd, Dark elves will be the masked muscle, and the Yumboe will hand surveillance in their spirit forms. As for the celestial elves. Two will be with Lucien, he had a need for their all sight. the rest would guard the Products for inventory.

Besides the potential blood bath, Lucien had to worry about the muggle media. Lucien had invited characters that had strong footholds in the muggle world.

The pureblood wolves were one group, they owned the world's number 3 contractor company for security and military operations. The purebloods were dangerous. They could morph into humanoid wolves and into actual wolves on the full moons, unlike dirty blood. They weren't slaves to the moon, the purebloods had full control over their strength and abilities allowing them to go blow for blow with vampires and of course Kitsunes.

A Japanese real estate family. this Kitsune family owned one-third of Japan and growing. but in the underworld, they were represented by the Yakuza.

There were three different groups of vampires, from three different countries, one owned a string of hospitals, the other a pharmaceutical company and the last owned a chain of casinos.

But the most volatile group of the day would be the Hunters. A subgroup of the original five hunters, another courtesy of Qetsiyah. When the original five hunters were slaughtered by the Originals, Qetsiyah decided to get another Bennett witch to modify the spell to be hereditary.

So, besides a few sorcerers and witches, Lucien had one hell of a supernatural gathering on his hands.

During breakfast, Nokby and Tondy had informed all of the parties of the do's and don'ts of the day's auction. and then handed each of the major parties a catalog of the items that would be auctioned. Each of them saw an item they had wanted, and some of them coveted the same item.

Around noon, the lower and middle class of the crime world started to arrive and paid their entrance fee to attend the auction. And the major parties started to occupy their private rooms.

"My Lord, may we begin?"

"Of course, Keishara"

Keishara was the empress of the Dark elves, she was 6 feet, curvaceous beauty. with vibrant white hair that touched her ass

She greeted the guest and thanked them all for Honoring her Lord with their presence.

the next person to speak was Altair, He was the Emperor of the forest elves and sat on the east wall of the auction hall. He had sharp porcelain skin and keen features. He liked to wear his auburn hair short.

for a show of power, he cast wards on the auction house and completely locked it down. The elves were a special species, they all had their specialties, but they were all loved by the laws of the world, allowing them to be particularly adept in magic that required complex structuring like wards and arrays, sigils and seals.

Altair, told them all of the night's events, and how the auction would be handled, the only way to raise the price was to raise their numbered cards in the air.

on the south wall was, was Valdria, Empress of the Yumboes. She was a dark-skinned woman. and the spitting image of Angela Bassett when she played the queen in black panther. A Gorgeous woman emitting a terrifying soul pressure. Unlike the elves. the Yumboe were pure soul beings that were able to assume human form. with the new power running through her veins, she was slowly growing accustomed. But, if she was to ever lose control, not many would live to tell about it.

The Last Royal and the auctioneer for the rest of the night was Emperor Kaikara of the celestial elves. He was tall, 6'10" pure muscle and grey eyes of the celestial elves that shined constantly unlike the others. 100 percent warrior...

The auction started off nice, some dark object objects, none of them were made with Kemiya, but they were still dark objects. Old Grimoires Lucien found useless, low grade magical beasts, potions with high-grade medicinal properties. Next came Diamonds and jewels.

Lucien tossed them in specifically for the crime bosses that needed a lot of loose money to disappear.

Finally, the event that a lot of people were waiting on. The closing items. there were 8 total and the last would send the supernatural world into chaos.