
The auction finale was among them, many people who had been asleep the entire auction were waking up for the grand event.

Lucien allowed a brief intermission, he wanted everyone to be fully attentive for what was to come.

During the intermission, Lucien ordered the celestial elves in his booth to use their all sight. The first group to be scouted was the Strix, an old vampire society that operated in America. One of the Strix leaders was Lucien Castle. Lucien Bennett-Dubois liked him for two reasons, they shared the same name and Lucien Castle understood the value of land and science. Lucien Bennett Dubois' elves had discovered many things about Lucien Castle's company.

According to the Celestial elves, Lucien Castles was pushing 1000 years old and the control of the energy around him put his strength on the same level of a sorcerer at the 8th baptism. Along with his partner Tristen de Martel and their second in command, Aya Al-Rashid. The Strix was the most dangerous of the three vampire groups.

Unfortunately for Lucien Castle, Lucien Dubois had some unexpected guest. Niklaus Mikaelson and his band of witches, it must have been how he found out about the auction.

The next person scouted was Harumi The Kitsune leader. She was equivalent to a witch at the 8th baptism 3rd trial. Extremely close to her ninth tail and a force to reckoned with.

The chief Hunter Nexus Obey, the more supernaturals he killed the stronger he got, it was the same with all the hunters. Nexus personally had killed enough Supernaturals to go blow for blow with the Stix leaders.

Last, was the hardest to read. The Alpha-Alpha of the pureblood Werewolves. as one the eldest and most structured of the supernatural. Their power system was ironclad. To become Alpha-Alpha, you had to be the strongest warrior amongst thousands. There were countless packs across the world, and then they all had an alpha to lead them, this made the Alpha-Alpha, the King of Kings. The supernatural world referred to him as Ouranos.

At the edge of Lucien's consciousness, he felt killing intent, however, it was not directed towards him.

At the end of the Intermission Lucien felt he was ready for the shit storm that was to come next. Taking it upon himself, he sent a message to the royals, notifying them that he would take the lead for the rest of the auction.

Standing up from his seat, Lucien walked to the edge of the balcony and clapped his hands sending a loud wave through the massive auction hall, silencing the crowd.

"Welcome to the second half of the Auction. I am Empyrean Ixxen. Your host today and only ruler of Europe's underworld, does anyone here today disagree?"

Lucien waited for some low life to stand up, so his elves could put him or her down, however, the room remained silent. Lucien carried on

"Over the years I have acquired many great items and out the kindness of my heart I wish to give you all the chance to take them off my hands, as I now, have no need for such… trinkets."

Lucien waved his hand and the stage curtains parted revealing a beautiful forest elf presenting the next Item up for auction. It was an exquisite long sword with runes etched into it. The blade was 3 feet long and had a foot-long hilt wrapped in leather. When the Sword was reveled, it caused the Hunters blood to boil and the Pureblood werewolves felt fear.

"This celestial bronze long sword, marked with cursed ancient runes, the blade is three feet long and the leather wrapped around the hilt was cured in wolfsbane for a thousand days. Belonged to the famed Chief hunte, Giraud de Barri!"

The wolves roared when Lucien finished his introduction of the sword. Giraud de Barri was a second-generation Chief Hunter. The only Chief hunter to create a weapon that could kill a pure blood werewolf, without the need to decapitate them or extract their heart. But what really pissed the wolves off was, Giraud de Barri was the only Chief Hunter to kill an Alpha-Alpha.

"1 million Euros!" The Alpha-Alpha called out personally.

"3 Million Euros!" Lucien Castle was next

"You dare not follow the rules set by the Empyrean! Insolence!" Valdria exclaimed, A terrifying soul pressure erupted from her body, and her eyes clouded turning completely white.

Never feeling anything like it before many low ranked supernaturals fainted, before they could kiss death, the three remaining royals appeared next to Valdria, subduing her... When the Soul pressure was lifted. The entire auction hall gasped for air all at once. While an earth-shaking migraine assaulted their brains.

Lucien waited for everyone to recuperate before he spoke again

"I didn't open the bidding, and neither of you raised your card, violate again. And I'll have you removed"

The fast-paced incident sent shivers up people's spines. Many of them came out of courtesy for the new European boss, Empyrean Ixxen(Lucien) none of them really thought Lucien held so many lost relics, especially the ones rumored to be in other people's personal collection. But to suppress a room filled with so many powerhouses, they now knew it would be wise to believe every word he said until they caught Lucien in a lie.

"Now should we start the bidding at 4 million Euros."

The hunters were the first to raise their card

"The Hunters call at 4 million, does anyone wish to match and raise it another million?"

The wolves raised their card with two fingers up.

"The wolves have called at 6 million, does anyone wish to match and raise it 3 million?"

The Bennetts were next this time, As Booster, they were obligated to do outlandish shit. Holding up their card with five fingers up.

"The Bennetts have called at 11 million Euros. Does someone wish to match and raise?"

The Hunters raised their card again, this time they turned it to the side

Noticing the position of the hunter's card Lucien waved his hand and said, "speak"

"Our final bid is 20 million Euros!"

The auction house gasped, and chatters went through the crowd.

"Does anyone wish to raise?"

Lucien did the traditional ending call. Before he could call thrice over, Lucien Castle mimicked the movements of the Hunters

"I bid 25 million Euros"

Lucien did the closing call and the sword of Giraud de Barri went to the Strix