The Original Affair

The next Item up was the skull of a basilisk, With the basilisk fang, Hunters would be able to end vampires without the need to stake them in the heart. Basilisk venom was even more aggressive than a wolf's bite and caused the vampire to turn on its kind and crave Vampire blood before it's inevitable death.

This was the many reasons Basilisk were becoming extinct, the vampire had made it their mission to wipe them out along with dirty blooded werewolves that turned every month and couldn't control their bite.

Although, the Basilisk skull was bought by a European Sorcerer named Radcliffe. Next was the Voynich Tome that went to the Hunters

The third Item of the night was the magnificent Corpses of two baby Grootslangs. They went to Harumi the Kitsune leader. They were useless to her but, would Greatly benefit her two youngest sons.

For the Fourth Item of the night, Lucien wanted to mark the halfway point with a bang.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Long ago an unknown, backwater family rose to greatness and gave birth to one of the worlds most feared species. But, even amongst thousands of these beautiful, yet, vile creatures. This family has remained, invincible. They fall and always rise again. The Original family has become to think themselves, true immortals!"

Lucien let a loud deep chuckle, the people in the room whispered to each other, even the pure-blooded wolves couldn't kill an original vampire. The upper echelons were at the edge of their seats in anticipation.

"Father? do you really think he has such a thing, that tree hasn't existed for centuries." asked the son of the Chief Hunter

"Klaus, what should we do if he really has it?" Asked a witch

"We take it and then kill them all, of course"

This was the weapon Lucien knew would cause an interesting interruption.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you all to a weapon, personally carved by me, rumored to have the power to put an original vampire down, forever. The White Oak Stake!"

The Hunters began to draw their swords and the Wolves morphed into their humanoid wolf forms. The Vampire organization were terrified buy the weapon and prepared to act at the first sign of war. However, Lucien didn't do anything and neither did his elves.

This was picked up by the more talented warriors in the room and it made them nervous.

Leaping from his seat, and straight to the stage, Klaus attempted to snatch the white oak stake. However, before he could make it, an older gentleman appeared from nowhere sending a bone-shattering kick to Klaus' chest.

Boom. Klaus crashed into the wall of the auction house

"Niklaus! Today is the day you die, Boy!"

Klaus' witches began to chant, trying to stop the older vampire

"Enough!" Lucien snapped his fingers, breaking the rib cages of Klaus' witches, this caused the splintered bones to puncture their hearts killing them all.

The older vampire looked up at Lucien a little confused

"Continue..." Lucien said

The older vampire smile as sprinted towards Klaus to deliver his final blow. until he too was intercepted, by a middle-aged vampire with pitch black hair.

"Father, I will not stand by, as you try to kill me brother." This vampire was Elijah Mikaelson

Unable to kill his beloved son. Mikael and Elijah began to exchange blows. Mikael wanted to temporary incapacitate Elijah so that he could end Klaus' life. But with Elijah's arrival. Lucien began to lose interest

"Kaikara, if you will…" Said Lucien

"My pleasure, Empyrean."

The crowd watched the huge Celestial Elf Emperor jump from the ceiling and land between the battling father and son

"The Empyrean grows tired of your family's affairs" Kaikara vanished and delivered a blow directly behind Mikael's back, exploding his heart. It will only kill him temperately. But that's all Lucien wanted for now.

When Mikael's body dropped to the floor, dead. Elijah was slack jawed, which was an odd expression to see on man with such a refined reputation.

"The Empyrean says, you have 30 seconds to collect, your impulsive, ill-mannered, bastard of a brother and disappear. Before he holds both of you accountable for your actions today."

Emperor Altair snapped his fingers and the wards were lifted "Your 30 seconds start now" he said.

Elijah moved without hesitation, collecting Klaus and disappearing. Altair resealed the auction and Lucien waved his hand repair the damage.

"Shall we start the bidding at 10 Million euros?" Lucien announced

The crowd was shocked again. Lucien had to know this would happen and used the original family to make a point, well received. Empyrean Ixxen had become a superpower in a matter of seconds.

Kaikara took Mikael away and the auction resumed.

The bids for the white oak stake had become heated after the original family's battle.

Lucien had waved the rules, this once. For a show of understanding. The multiple factions in attendance shouted their bids in an effort to outbid the next.

The white oak stakes value had now reached an unbelievable value of 2 billion euros, in a three-way deadlock between the Kitsune, wolves, and Lucien Castle personally. In all his years' researching, Lucien had found a tale within the origin story of the Hunters. The hunters believed if they could stake and kill an original vampire, then they could eliminate the vampire's entire sire-line. Armed with this knowledge. Lucien Castle was willing to fight toe the bitter end, to get his hands on the white oak stake.

The battle of bids went on for two more minutes until…

"66 Percent!"

"What?" Lucien asked

"66 percent of my company is yours, for the white oak stake. Its an equivalent of 20 billion dollars." The Alpha-Alpha called out.

"How bold Ouranos, Mr. Castle, can you do better?" Lucien waited for a reply.

Lucien knew what the answer would be. Mr. Castle was a land developer, however, the land he developed was for clients, like his vampire brethren. To give Lucien a part of the company was to take from everyone's Pockets. Mr. Castle didn't know how greedy Lucien would become with the management of his assets

"No, Empyrean. I fold" Lucien Castle answered

"Then the white oak stake is now the property of Ouranos, Alpha-Alpha!"

The auction house exploded with a round of applause for the great feat that the pure-blood wolves had accomplished