End of The Auction

The next Item on the stage, was a cauldron forged from a shard of the Pair Dedani(Cauldron of Rebirth). This cauldron allowed Sorcerers and witches to refine the dead and create undead servants, Lichs.

The Cauldron went to and Italian crime family, However, the Phylactery need to trap the souls, intended to be refined into Lichs, was the next Item up and was sold to a coven of witches from South America.

"Now for the 7th Item of the night, something a little special for you all, This Item was found hidden in the Samaria Gorge. It is the light in the darkness, the truth within every lie. No! It sees the light in the darkness and sees the truth behind every illusion.

This item belonged to the original hunter, was he a God, a man, or a sorcerer? Who the fuck knows? But I have his eye, The eye of myth and legend"

Lucien gestured to the stage and the curtain part again.

"Bitches, beggars, dogs, and leeches. I give you…The Eye of Apollo!"

For witches, this eye meant the deconstruction of any magic that catches the eye, it had to be in skilled hands of course. And the power of prophecy

The Hunters could Identify any supernatural with a glance, Making them better hunters. A vampire in possession of the eye could compel another vampire, original included.

The wolves could gain, venom in their claws and strengthen it ten times over. The flame of the Kitsune would become the hottest flame on the planet and their illusions become ten times strong.

And no matter who received the eye, they would receive an incredible boost of strength, speed, agility, the five senses and regeneration. The purpose of the eye was to make the best hunter.

"Be warned, only one can have the eye. And he or she must cut out their own eye to use it."

"the biding starts at 5 million euros."

This bidding was very anti climatic, no one choose to bid against the hunters, Lucien had acquired the eye to sell to the hunters but, he still wanted a show.

"The eye of Apollo goes to Chief Hunter Nexus" the audience gave a round of applause

"The last item of the night, " Three bottle appeared on the podium

" The immortality elixir, brewed from the Philosopher's Stone!"

The elixirs were sold as a bundle, Unfortunately Vampires had no need for it, the wolves have no money left to spend for the night, and Kitsune's life extends every new tail they acquire. Leaving the immortality Elixirs to The Hunters.

At the end of the auction, Lucien had sat down with some of the big bosses he found Interesting.

The wolves gave Lucien half of their company. Lucien took their client list and left the running of business assets to Tondy.

"Beacon Hills, California, such a small place for such a big company."

"Its how we keep our business, securely contained Empyrean. You are welcome to visit anytime."

"It would be my pleasure, Ouranos"

Lucien smiled and shook Ouranos' hand and allowed him to take his leave. Wolves had honor; Lucien wasn't too worried about them making a move. The next boss to come was Nexus Obey.

"Empyrean, you've done us a huge favor today, we now know where the sword of Gerald of Wales is, We have the eye of Apollo in hand, and the Voynich Tome is priceless to the hunters. A complete collection of potions, decoctions, and everything that makes a hunter feared."

"I'm glad you could be here; I knew you would like such items."

Nexus raised an eyebrow

"I just have one question; how did you know I was looking for the Tome and the eye?"

Lucien let out a hearty laugh

"I am everywhere, Nexus. You and your family may be hunters, but you will always be a lamb ready to be chopped, in my presences"

Lucien extended his hand. Nexus looked at Lucien for a moment. And thought about the day's events.

"Will there be an auction next year?"

"Of course, Invitation for the next location will be sent the same time next year"

"So, this isn't your territory?" Nexus wanted to gauge Lucien's power

"Haha I can have the next Auction in Buckingham palace next year. Or would you prefer the White House, being American and all"

"Hah anywhere you see fit, is fine by me" Nexus extended his hand to take Lucien's, ending their meeting

The Kitsunes were of now use to Lucien, at least not in the immediate future. And Lucien Castle was not someone Lucien was ready to meet at the moment.

Later that night, when the land was dark beginning to turn quiet. People began to move.

Lucien took this opportunity to gain experience. During the auction, a lot of items were sold that were coveted by third parties. Lucien knew when the time was right, the vampire would go for the white oak, hunters for the sword, and so on. But to make a point Lucien would kill all who disturbed the peace of his gathering.

"Hand over the Cauldron"

A middle-aged woman had her wand drawn on the sorcerer who purchased the Cauldron made to refine Lichs.

"I can't do that; my boss would kill me"

"We will kill you"

The sorcerer looked around, he was surrounded by a coven of woman, they were the small coven from south America that had purchased the Phylactery.

"That's enough, while on these lands, no one will die"

The witches looked at each other, Lucien knew that in south America, their Ministry of magic was on the verge of civil war. They were the only ministry of magic that assigned their wizards to rule the muggle countries to maintain the statue of secrecy and it was grown more difficult to maintain order

'The small coven must be part of the rebellion' thought Lucien. As soon as his thought was finished, a wave of green light was slung his way