Combat Test

"Protego Repercutio!" Lucien waved his hand and the curse rebounded killing the witch that cast it.

Whatever the witches were fighting for they were prepared to die for it.

While Lucien was protecting himself, the sorcerer with the cauldron was killed. In order to maintain order, Lucien had to snuff the situation by killing them all.

Lucien shoot forward with his wand drawn, swinging his wand across his body, Lucien magically decapitated a witch. Casting a protective charm in his left hand , Lucien mimicked the moves of Professor Quirrell when he killed the half breeds in the forbidden forest, the night Lucien met Voldemort for the first time

Boiling the organs of the witch closest to him, Lucien sent a heart calcification curse he had learnt from Voldemort's books, at the witch going for the cauldron. Killing her in seconds.

With three south American witches left, Lucien twirled his wand placing a barrier around the area so they couldn't escape.

The three witches got set when they saw the barrier and the battle commenced. Lucien battled the three witches by himself, conjuring chains with free hand bind one of them while sending a curse at another.

Breaking the chains, the witch casted fiendfyre in the shape of a crow to attack Lucien. Slapping the crow back, Lucien hand turned deathly black

Twisting his wand, Lucien extracted all of the water from one of the three witches' body,

Turning the water into a whip, Lucien wrapped it around the crow's neck, dissipating it with a spell

"Lustrum condidit et aqua"

When the crow burst into flames and vanished, Lucien sent a bolt of lightning through it, striking the second witch.

Lucien vanished with pure speed, appearing at the side of the last witch. With his sacrificial blade at her throat

"Where is the Phylactery?"

"In her bag, please..." Lucien slit her throat and the power of the sacrificed was swallowed by the blade.

Any sacrifice made with the blade, not part of Lucien's ritual will be swallowed by the blade, after enough blood and accumulated power, the blade will become a dark Talisman, a source of power to channel, fueled by sacrifice and blood.

Lucien collected the bodies and artifacts, before moving on to the next incident.

Throughout the night, Lucien killed many and incapacitated others. Vile scum had no respect for Lucien's house, However, He couldn't just kill them all, so he choose to restrain himself from time to time.

Deep in the night, closer to the coastline, Lucien had heard a bang. When he appeared, the wolves were fighting the Vampires and the Vampires were fighting the Hunters.

Lucien could have sat back and watched, but, Progress for the sake of progress trumps all.

Lucien sprinted forwards, Intercepting Lucien Castle's torrent of lightning. Taking the lightning within himself, Lucien redirected back at Lucien Castle, obliterating Lucien Castle's arm and frying half of his body.

With faces full of shock, the fighting parties looked at Lucien

"Well come on, I came to gain some experience. And if you think you are leaving this place with an artifact that doesn't belong to you…Think again"

Lucien Conjured his double-bladed pole arm and took his stance. The only group that could use magic, was the vampires, but it was restricted magic , that Lucien just had to be a little cautious of.

"Haha Bold!"

The three group came for Lucien together, Lucien exhaled and casted a wind charm. Lucien took them all for a waltz upon the wind. The night sky started to tremble, and high winds rolled in from nothingness.

"Come on then, you fucking scum!" Lucien shouted as he started the first two forms of the martial art.

The wind created space for Lucien to maneuver, a wind blade bisected vampire while Lucien sent a kick to a hunter's head, causing his brain to burst.

Three blades came at Lucien's head, using his weapon to block the attack, Lucien used his telekinesis to hold his weapon in potions while he dropped low and gutted his three attackers with the wave of a hand.

With his telekinetic power, Lucien signaled for his polearm to decapitate the three people and the cover his back.

The way Lucien used his power to control his weapon while still engaging enemies personally was a work of art.

After cutting down a hand full of vampires, hunters, and wolves. Nexus, Ouranos, and Tristen stepped forward. Leaders of the three factions

Lucien had no idea how he would fare, but took his stance, ready to go all out.

When the fight started, Lucien was going blow for blow with the Chief hunter and Alpha-alpha ,

While his Double bladed polearm was used to fight the blood sucking leech.

It wasn't even two minutes in the fight when Lucien began to feel his bones crack under the strength of the two warriors attack. Lucien's self-regeneration began to kick in and he soldiered own.

Polishing his hand to hand combat. Until the two warriors pulled knifes. Lucien pulled out his dagger.

High right, Low left, mid-section, knee to gut. The three of them were engaged in perfect spare, a deadlock as neither of them could change the flow, until nexus' left eye shined red, his speed and strength doubled, over taking Lucien. Ouranos, morphed into his wolf humanoid form. Lucien's regeneration could keep up with the speed of attacks, So, he put all his eggs into one basket.

Lucien disapparated. And apparated behind Tristen de Mertal. Conjuring another polearm, Lucien skewered him through his back, grazing his heart.

"Siccum, parch, urens siccavit consummationem" Lucien bound a curse to the polearm that pierced through Tristen, desiccating him.

Taking his original polearm, Lucien disapparated again, reappearing by Ouranos, and engaged in a fight. The fight became easier with a weapon; however, it still wasn't enough to gain the upper.

Nexus made his way to the fight and Lucien disappeared again. A moment later Nexus lost half of his left arm from the elbow down. It had been cut off by Lucien.

A couple of yards away from the fight , Lucien Castle had all but revived, and wanted to tare Lucien's head off

"Shit!" Lucien placed a hand on Nexus and enveloped all of the remaining hunter within his senses before Lucien disapparated. Appearing on the other side of the Isle of Mull

"Leave before, they kill and take everything you have. What you received today was meant for you to receive, Now disappear until you recuperate"

Lucien vanished after that.