Lynch Pin

Back on the coastline, the wolves and vampires looked at each other weighing the pros and cons. Lucien castle was in a dire state, Tristen was desiccated, while the wolves were standing strong.

Ouranos couldn't let the Sword of Gerald of Wales escape. When they were thinking, the polearm stuck in Tristen vanished and Tristen regained his color, but he was still weak and needed more blood then he could drink in his current situation.

With their telepathy Lucien and Tristen communicated with their people, before turning into birds and flying away.

After the auction, the supernatural tension around the world was at an all time high. The vampires feared being wiped out, The Pureblood wolves feared the sword of Gerald of Wales being mass produced, after the vampires find a way to reverse engineer it. The hunters now had immortality and poison that could kill vampires, wolves, and other supernatural beings by the thousands.

The days that followed were the most convenient for Lucien. In Beacon Hills, California. The pureblooded wolves reassigned most of their assets to the United Kingdom, and Empyrean Ixxen promised to help them combat the vampires and hunters, if the need ever arrived.

A government contract was given to them by the Queen of England the following week. With elite forces from Lycan corps (pureblood wolf contractor company) and the Kingdom of Mull. The Queen had sent the muggle world into disarray. With the help of Mama Thea and Nita, The Queen had permanently dissolved parliament and was in the works of establishing a constitutional Monarchy, while advancing on the north to take over the Scandinavian kingdoms. With Russia's backing.

America was left to dangle in the wind after loosing their alliance with the United Kingdom. The united kingdom's moves were so unexpected in erratic. It didn't take the UN long to dissolve. As the United states of American began to recall their forces and consolidate their power, against the impending war.

This caused Lucien Castle and the Strix to make a power move and weasel their way into the US government. Developing land to build more Military facilities and field offices for government agencies. This moved indirectly pushed MACUSA into a corner. Calling a general meeting, The American minister of magic launched an operation to assimilate into the No-Maj American government. This way they could monitor magic and maintain the statue of secrecy. As a new secret government agency, all of this was possible with a couple of rituals and charms.

Once assimilation was complete. The MACUSA drove the United states to go to war with Canada, MACUSA needed to go further up north, they did want to risk engaging with an all-out war with the southern rebel states. Lycan Corp soon snatched a government contract with the United states of America as well, their job was to take the west coast of Canada, with other private contractors.

Lucien was tracking all of these changes, thanks to his elves around the world. Lucien, then used his elves to coerce American private contractors in to deals, signing of the majority of company stocks to Lucien, for hostile take overs. Then placed the elves with enough merit as the CEOs of these companies. This allowed Lucien to be in control with out having any direct link to him until he was personally ready to make a move. Besides Mull soldiers in Scandinavia, Lucien was just a small time Heir apparent to a babe country.

The Hunters went into hiding to consolidate and restructure . With the Voynich tome and basilisk venom in hand they had a lot of things that need to be down before the upcoming war. Nexus, his wife and, Son all took the immortal elixirs, restoring them back to their prime age and making their bodies stronger than the average Hunter. Nexus status had risen from chief to king hunter. Calling hunters around the world for his coronation. There he gave the order to cease the hunting of supernaturals indefinitely.

Many rouge witches and sorcerers attacked, Empyrean Ixxen' s business fronts for the black market in hopes to find immortality elixirs'. Lucien quickly order their death and the deaths of their families. This fueled the rumor of a new dark lord, to spread throughout the British wizarding world. Lucien used these rumors as a steppingstones and mobilized death eaters on 'Voldemort's behalf'

Mama Thea was sent to the ministry of magic to deal with Amelia Bones.

On July 29, 1993 Amelia Bones was found dead in her office. She had committed suicide. Leaving her position open for Mama Thea to take. Many disagreed, until a free for all duel took place for the position days after. Mama Thea had come out in bad shape. Merely because Alastor 'Mad-eye' Moody wanted the position for himself. And gathered many Auroras to take part in the duel to assure Mama Thea's failure. Though, they never expected Mama Thea's wandless magic and control over elements to be so Adept, coupled with her wand, that had an enormous magical output and uncanny concentration of magic. The ministry had no choice but to give her the position.

Minister Fudge was the most ecstatic individual after the duel, Fudge was aware of Moody's and Dumbledore's connection. Fudge felt Dumbledore was a power-hungry bastard. Already holding enough seats to challenge the authority of the Minister of magic. Fudge felt that Moddy's vying for the position of Head of the department of law enforcement was Dumbledore's way of sinking his claws deeper into the ministry.

Little did fudge know that Mama Thea had planned to use her position to plant the Bennett family witches, throughout the Ministry departments with Aliases. With the Death eaters running wild, Lucien had studied the second part of Papa Tunde's sacrificial magic, using the death eaters to kill some of the brightest minds in the ministry. Lucien took their magic and knowledge, Lucien directed it to all his cousins to make up for their lack of a magical education.

While Lucien had gotten everything he needed in order. He ordered Emperor Kaikara to let Mikael go to hunt Klaus. As long as Mikael was out there the original family could never settle down and build an empire. This gave Lucien time to build something unrivaled, since the time of Gods.