Unexpected Guest

August 11, 1993

"Today is the day our company takes the world by surprise. Private military companies that we own will be using or products, countries that are taking in refugees will be using our product. The forest elves medication is next generation Pharmaceuticals. And with this, we start our Journey to the world's throne."

Serpent Paxx launch their new regenerative medication, food supplements, Anti-viral and antibiotics.

Taking the world by storm.

August 21, 1993

The Celestial elves had finished making their first batch of Atlantean technology. Making the United Kingdom and the Isle of Mull the most secure countries in the world. With a 100 percent surveillance grid powered by diamonds. Unmanned drones the was constantly fueled by natural background radiation the was constantly present in world.

By September 1st the war of the North had ended, and the Scandinavian countries were now under the rule of the English crown.

On the train to Hogwarts Lucien sat in the cabin with his friends, Lucien was being chewed out again for not replying to letters all summer. And this time Hermione was in the hot seat as well. Lucien had explained to them how he got caught up in the chaos with everything that's been going on. And How big changes had been made within his family.

They accepted his explanation and begun to talk about their expectations for the year.

"The only class I'm really looking forward to is Summoning, just imaging your inner beast made manifest. This isn't your Patronus, the beast we will summon is the reflection of our shadow self. I mean what could possibly be more exciting than that?"

"Lucien do you know how rare it is to actually summon your primal beast, the majority of students at Hogwarts fail, that is why we only need to form a summoning contract with a magic beast to pass."

"Don't be so pessimistic Hermione, I'm sure a Lucien will accomplish the impossible this year" Navarra hugged Lucien's arm while resting her head on his shoulder. Lucien just chuckled

"I'm sure we will all, be able to accomplish the impossible. Especially after I teach you how to conjure your spirit animals, It's the same thing as the Patronus, although, a lot stronger."

"Lucien, my man. Are you telling us that you know how to cast the Patronus charm?"

Zabini leaned forward in excitement

"I can do more than just cast the charm Zabini, as far as I can tell I modified it in a way never seen before


The sound of Metal grinding against each other rang through out the train, it was coming to a stop.

"Why are we stopping? We shouldn't be at Hogwarts yet" Daphne pulled out her wand.

"No, the other wand. What ever forced us to stop may need to be killed." Lucien pulled out Salazar's wand, ever since he retrieved the wand from the chamber of secrets, Lucien always kept its own his person.

Exchanging looks, everyone in the cabin, pulled out the wands Lucien had given them at the beginning of the summer.

"Get your keys ready also, we may need to escape and Archeia Ton Epta is the only place I can think of that we can all get to safely"

"Lucien it is getting cold, something isn't right, we need to move now" Zabini the put his hand on the door to leave

"Wait! Can't you tell what's happening? The cold, the gloom, its dementors. Professor Lockhart told us about them last year when he went of specters. It's a type of variant"

"Haha genius Hermione, If the that's the case then allow me to show off" Lucien smirked and the stepped into the main corridor. After a moment his body erupted with blue mist

"Spiritus Beastia: Grand Repulse!"

Waves of blue energy echoed from Lucien's body, Wave after wave knocked back the dementors. On the fourth wave, the dementors were forced to flee the train and the surrounding area, and the temperature began to return to room temperature.

"We should walk the train, if anyone was kissed by those things, they won't be in the best condition and might need some help" Lucien began to walk away, and the rest of the group exited the cabin as well.

None of the seven put their wands away, they knew dementors wouldn't just stop the train for no apparent reason, and that meant only one thing. Sirius Black was on the train.

Black was an enigma to Lucien, the Notts, Greengrass, Avery, no of the death eater family's sent word to Lucien after the world was notified about his escape. Even though, the story is, he betrayed his best friends to Voldemort.

Lucien, being Lucien, could smell that crock of shit, five miles away, 3 months ago. But Sirius is not a death eater, so, Lucien has no use for him and won't spend resources on a wild card, so early in the game. Lucien however did decide one thing. If he saw Black, he would kill him on the spot. Prisoners talk in Azkaban. And the Yaxleys and Malfoys had family in Azkaban. Therefore, Sirius gets the death sentence by association.

Lucien made his way down the train, while his friends focused on Slytherin House. Lucien felt that the other houses could handle their own problems. Lucien himself went on a little hunting expedition. On his way to the baggage carrier, Lucien bumped into a petite girl with long flaming red her.

"Well if it isn't the bold and beautiful, Ginevra." Lucien smiled

Ginevra took a step forward and gave Lucien a hug

"Oh Lucien, it's good to see you. And why do you insist on calling me Ginevra, can't you be like everyone else?"

Ginevra leans back to look up at Lucien

"If I was like everyone else you wouldn't let me hold you like this, now would you?"

Ginevra smiled and face turned a shade red that matched her blazing hair. Taking a step back from Lucien she regained her bearing, though the change in complexion lingered.