Dementor's Kiss

"Are you okay? The dementors were on the train. And one of them attacked Harry, Thankfully the DADA professor was there to find them off"

Lucien squinted "That fucking Potter, where is his cabin?"

Ginevra looked a little confused by the Sudden change in Lucien's attitude

"I'll take you, but, be warned my brother is in the cabin as well"

"Like I care, you should worry about your own well being when he sees us together"

"Like I care" Ginevra smile and grabbed Lucien by the arm "Come on then"

Ginevra led the way

"Haha bold and beautiful"

Some ways down the main corridor Ginevra and Lucien appeared in front of a cabin with a shaken Harry inside, along with the Weasley boy, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. Ginevra opened and the cabin looked at the doorway with a little shock

"Get your hands of my sister, you bloody..." Lucien waved his wand, casting a charm to shut Ron up

"Sit down and calm down before I knock your ass unconscious. Besides, her hands are on me obviously." Lucien Looked at the rest of the cabin with scrutinizing eyes.

There was a sent in the cabin that didn't belong to the students and smelled like a fowl variation of a pure-blooded wolf, Yet similar to Greyback.

"Interesting... Hello Lavender" She smiled back and said her hellos

Lucien looked over at Patil, however something was different about Patil this year

"Patil, are your eyes okay?"

Patil fiend confusion but, Lucien could see the shock and mild fright in her eyes

"My eyes are perfectly fine, now what do you want?"

"Hmm always so unwelcoming, no wonder Potter's the only one that likes you"

Lucien felt the desire to be petty.

"I mean its only right, Lavender marries Ron and her best friend marries his. Big happy family, right?"

Patil was a little embarrassed, along with the two boys, the only people as bold as Lucien were Lavender and Ginevra, they simply laughed it off

"Leave her alone Dubois"

Obviously, Harry stood up and spoke, Ron didn't have the gall. And it wasn't the Silencing charm that held him back. Truth be told Ron never even attempted to stand up from his seat.

"How strong you could become, if you weren't so easily molded by the whims of other, truly a waste" Lucien released a sigh

"Sit down Potter, you've properly defended her honor, Now Can you please tell me what happened with the dementors. And no this is not me making fun of you"

Everyone's eyes went deep with fear at the mention of the dementors. And Harry began to recount the event. Lucien took his seat in the cabin and quietly listened.

"That's all that happened?" Lucien asked

"Yes, that's all."

"And what did the new professor say? Before he casted that charm to push it away"


Lucien got up and walked to the door

"Potter, try not to die this year"

Lucien exited the cabin, followed by Ginevra

"Bye, Harry"

Lucien and Ginevra left the cabin, Lucien put his hunting expedition on hold, he had a feeling that if Sirius was a stow away. Then they'll run into each other at Hogwarts sooner or later.

On the way back to Ginevra's cabin, she and Lucien talked about her wellbeing. Mostly how she was faring after the chamber of secrets incident.

Dropping Ginevra off at her cabin, Lucien stepped off toward Ravenclaw. Something was gnawing at him and he wanted to end his annoyance.

*Knock* *Knock*

After a moment, the cabin opened. It was full of Ravenclaw women. Lucien looked around and his eyes fell on the girl in the furthest corner up against the window

"Padma Patil, Can I have a moment of you time?"

In the main corridor, Lucien pulled out a bundle of sage and ignited it.

"What are you doing Dubois?"

"Protection against eavesdroppers."

Padma tilted her to the side

"Its just a precaution. I have a couple of questions" Lucien knew people were watching, though they couldn't hear. So, to figure out what was different about the Patil twins this year, Lucien didn't mind

inciting a few rumors.

Taking few steps forward, Lucien snaked his arm around Padma's waist and pulled her close, taken her by surprise. Lucien had no idea how to control his Veela abilities, and according to Mr.Ollivander it would be close to impossible until he was 15/16 years old.

Invoking the emotions, he had with Jenna back in Mystic falls, Lucien directed all of that towards Padma. Hitting her like a freight train, Padma could be seen visibly trembling.

Lucien held her steady in his arms

"I'm new, with these kinds of things… But...I was wondering if," Lucien took a brief pause

"Lucien Bennet-Dubois, with a mind that puts Ravenclaw's to shame. I've never seen you struggle to speak your mind. I can't help but think it's my fault" Padma wrapped arms around Lucien in return

"Haha of course it's your fault, Love. Don't beautiful woman make all men nervous"

Padma looked away with a smile on her face

"This year, we're allowed to go to Hogsmeade, And I want to know if you'll like to go with me, when the time comes"

"Lucien, are you asking me on date?"

"Yes, yes I am"

The two teens locked eyes for a while. Lucien could also feel the gaze of the students in the surrounding rooms, Lucien took this moment to make his move.

Easing his way closer to Padma, he stop just shy of her lips

"Lucien, I..."

Lucien stopped her, closing the gap between them, Lucien planted a soft kiss on her bottom lip. There was no need to wait for a reaction, as Lucien pulled away from the kiss, Padma followed to return the favor. Inducing a series of small pecks between the two of them, until finally falling into a lingering embrace that seem to take over their emotions.

Inviting Lucien in, Padma received his tongue wantonly, allowing her carnal desires to take the lead.