The Patil Twins

In the midst of their moments. Images flashed between each other's mind. Lucien was using Legilimency, However, he was not skilled enough to search her mind with out hurting her. But in this moment, Lucien searched her mind while allowing her into his. This way he could focus on navigating through Padma's memories by giving up on defending.

Though, Lucien flooded his mind with fabricated memories. Glimpses of Padma in divine like splendor. Emotions aroused within Lucien every time they crossed paths. She saw herself as queen through Lucien's eyes. She had saw herself the same way she saw Parvati when she was with her friends. Loved, Immaculate, coveted.

All the while Lucien saw the summer the twins had, the dreams they dreamt at night, the ever-growing visions they had. The twin's powers of divination was growing at breakneck speed. Lucien had also saw Padma in a new light. While Parvati feared he abilities, Padma tried to train them in secret, knowing how their powers made Parvati feel. Padma researched all she could. Lucien even got a quick glimpse of book that Padma had begun to cling to for some reason.

The visions stopped when Lucien and Padma parted.

"Lucien, I'd love to go one a date with you…Anytime you'd like, I'm available for you." Padma bit her bottom lip as she stepped back from Lucien

"I should really get back to my friends now, come and find me when we arrive at school." Padma gave Lucien another peck on the lips before she went back to her cabin.

On the other side Qetsiyah was watching the entire scene, After Lucien put up the privacy spell, she also couldn't hear the conversation. But watching Padma and Lucien kiss, made her feel wronged for some reason. Growing frustrated, she released a small psychic wave, that brushed against Lucien while he walked back to his Cabin

Lucien stopped for a moment, there was only one witch on the other side, with enough of a foothold that could affect the living.

"Qetsiyah, if you can't control yourself. I'll place a clocking spell on myself to hide from you. And you still think yourself fit to be Empress. Childish…"

Lucien's word took Qestiyah aback. She looked at Lucien for a while then disappeared to get herself under control.

In the distance two more witches on the other side watched Qestiyah

"Andriana, I really think you should talk to you daughter; it's been two thousand years. You need to let her know that it's okay..."

"NO! That little bitch took everything for me, mother. My husband, my throne, my Life!"

"But you still love her, she is your daughter. And it wasn't her fault and you know it. Now, she clings to his doppelgänger, shadowing him everywhere"

"He's not his Doppelgänger, mom"

"It doesn't matter, the resemblance is uncanny, and he has two of his three spirit animals. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the bastard was reincarnated."

Back in the world of the Living Lucien returned to his cabin to find that his friends had returned. And all were sleeping except Navarra and Zabini

Taking his seat next to Navarra , Vega climb into his lap and cuddle up against him, although she was furious

"Stupid! Reckless! You could have injured the girl and yourself. Do you have any idea the consequences of your actions are Lucien!" Vega was going off in a mental conversation with Lucien

"Vega, you forget yourself, so you better fucking remember before it's to late." Lucien replied

"It was the only way I knew how to get the job done. Besides it's good I did it this way."

"Why so, you can toy with the girl's heart Lucien, for a person who despises betrayal, you sure..."

"I will never betray her! And you are testing my patience Vega. Even if Padma and I do not last long, I have this strange feeling that I need her. And the closer I have her to me, the easier it is to combat or ensnare her sister"

Vega was still fuming, mostly because, of the potential risk that Lucien barely avoided. Vega and Lucien's minds were always connected. So, she had seen everything, except what Lucien had saw in Padma's mind.

Vega had mistaken this as a struggle to control the flow of information while maintaining a connection between himself and Padma. Little did she know, she was completely wrong,

Although Vega and Lucien's minds were connected, they could still hide things from each other.

"Vega go back to the castle; I need to handle this year on my own. Besides Turoth's skills will be much more useful for what I have planned."

"My Lord. Pleas..."

"No Vega, your being here, only gets in the way of my plans"

"Since when did we start keeping secrets from each other?"

"Since now, and I'm sorry. But please return to the castle, don't make me order you. I need to know that you trust me. I have a feeling I'm going to lose a lot of that this year"

Vega nodded her head; eyes began to glow, and her body turned to dust as she vanished.

"Lucien, where did Vega go?"

"I sent her a way"

Lucien leaned back into his seat sorting out all the information had taken in.

"what's wrong, Lucien?" Navarra looked at Lucien

"Did you and Vega get into a fight?" Zabini asked

Lucien looked Pansy,Hermione, Daphne, and Katie. The looked sound asleep , though lough casted a small

sleeping charm just to make sure

"Lucien, what the hell are you doing?" asked Navarra

"I'm making sure the stay sleep."


"Because I need to talk to the both of you. I need your help this year, And I want to know how far you two are willing to go for me and everyone in this cabin"

Navarra and Zabini looked at each other and then back at Lucien. They had realized that Lucien was finally going to bring them into one of his schemes.

"Beyond the pits of Hell, Lucien. As long as its an adventure" Zabini was a bit of an adrenaline junk. But Lucien knew he could go to war with Zabini.

"I told you how felt before the summer, So, I'll go as far as you need me too." Lucien could feel the sincerity in Navarra's words but, Lucien would soon put them to the test.

"Good! Because I'm going to fall in love with Padma Patil…"