Archeia Ton Epta

With Padma in a foul mood. Lucien gave her some time to recuperate.

"Yay! We finally have Lucien back to ourselves" Pansy jumped on Lucien delivering a big bear hug.

"I knew that chick was crazy Lucien, You sure know how to pick em"

"Easy Daphne. She's not crazy, just a little complicated"

"None of that matters right now, This the first time we're all together and we don't have class. So you all know what that means"

Pansy whispered to the group and pulled out the blood pact keys, that gave them entry to Archeia Ton Epta

" By the way, these keys are the shit Lucien" Pansy gave Lucien a kiss on the cheek

"Zabini, Please get your girlfriend"

"Haha don't act like you didn't miss us either, she and Hermione have been bugging the hell out of me since you and Padma ditched us"

"Haha well im here now, so lets get going"

The Sinister seven turned down a corridor and hit a dead end,. Pulling out their keys. The group opened a portal an walked into Archeia Ton Epta

"I still cant get over how beautiful this place is"

"Then I guess you wont mind, skipping class and exploring it with me? How about it Daphne?"

Daphne's jaw dropped as she looked at Hermione

"Hermione Granger, I think we have finally corrupted you"

The group laughed, and Lucien watched them and just nodded in approval.

"Since we're all here. We need to talk."

Lucien walked down into the library and sat at the table in the middle of the room

"Haha so dramatic"

"Shut up Katie, Im feeling epic. Just sit down"

When everyone was seated, Lucien ripped the band aid off

"Navarra's going to die next"

The group looked at Lucien, like he had lost his mind.

"What the fuck kind of bullshit is this?"

"Relax Pansy, she's not going to die for real. Just temporary"

Zabini placed his hand on her shoulder, to sit her back down in her chair

"How can some one temporarily die, Lucien?"

Katie, was furious, a vein on her forehead was visibly throbbing

Lucien explained to the group how he had been faking the deaths of some of the students. Lucien had found a protection spell in one of his family's Grimoires. It keeps the person dead for a handful of hours until they comeback. He than told them, how with the help of Navarra and Zabini, they were able to recruit Pure bloods from Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff willing to forsake their lives and form Lucien's Hogwarts Syndicate, Lucien wanted a way to combat anything that came at him during his time in Hogwarts. Hogwarts seemed to be ground zero for life and death battle for some reasons. Dumbledore had his professors and students, Voldemort had an Army hidden in plain sight . Lucien felt he had to be ready. And his time at school was his most vulnerable moments, With the syndicate, that weak spot would become a hidden strength.

"Nothing about this is okay, Lucien. This is entirely Illegal"

"But it has to be done for the benefit of all of us."

Everyone knew that when Lucien set his mind to something it was a done deal. Which meant Navarra was going to die

"Why me Lucien?"

Lucien took out a letter that he received from a house elf and tossed it in the middle of the table. Waving his hand the words on the paper appeared in the air for everyone to read

"Those old bastards. "

"What do we do Lucien? Navarra is obviously not the only one in danger."

"We keep Navarra out of reach. From both Azeroth and Dumbledore. And after her death, She'll take control of the Syndicate. Hermione will go next and become the Keeper of Archeia Ton Epta, Issuing Knowledge and whatever this place can provide, to help strengthen the syndicate"

"And how will we travel between the Chamber of secrets, Acrheia Ton Epta, or anywhere out side of Hogwarts"

"I'll need your help for that Daphne, According to Hermione, you have a little obsession with port-keys. Katie will fall off of her broom when the season starts, when her death is confirmed she will become the ferryman, and take control over all transportation."

The seven hashed out the deatail of their deaths, and the handling of their families before they went off to explore Archeia Ton Epta and Practice more with Occlumency. Dumbledore and Azeroth were both strong and underestimating them will be the groups downfall.

Lucien ventured off into the space and time section, with Daphne. He wanted to find a way to rip the entire library from his dimension and create a pocket Dimension. Something stable, time regulated, and could be accessed from anywhere. Lucien wanted to take the entire room of requirements and turn it onto something Grand.

Lucien and Daphne spent the rest of the day reading and studying up on port-keys , arrays, and theoretical Teleportation arrays. Lucien could have easily asked the elves to think something up but, Lucien wanted to tap into Daphne's potential.

Losing track of time, Lucien and Daphne reawakened their Golems and sent them to attend classes in their place. The duo spent countless hours reading about time and space magic, associated runes. Lucien also sent for Muggle theories about Multidimensional worlds and quantum physics.

"Lucien, you do understand if we get this wrong. we can die and destroy the entire library in the process"

"So what."

Lucien and Daphne spent the next week drawing out compounded magic circles from the books they read, along with their own adjustments. While the rest of the sinister seven, along with the two golems draw a similar arrays in the forbidden forest and the chamber of secrets.

When the arrays were complete, The seven were able to travel back and forth between the three places with Large quantities of material. Although the teleportation array still required the blood pact keys to activate them.

Towards the end of September, The sinister seven had worked together to swallow the entirety of the room of requirements with sheer will power. It was the fatal flaw of the room of requirements. It allowed the room to be warped to the will of the students. When the absorbing the room of requirements was complete. It was no longer accessible from Hogwarts., Because of the blood seal the seven had put on Archie Ton Epta

While Daphne and Lucien worked on the dimensional aspect of Archie Ton Epta, The rest of the group worked on breaking the unwanted enchantments still left on it.

By mid October, with the help of elves, The unwanted enchantments on Archeia Ton Epta were broken, Lucien and his friends also discovered disturbing news from Kaikara, The Celestial Elf Emperor.

"My lord, this domain is completely sealed ff, However, place seems to be an elementary pocket dimension, there is some kind of tether linking it to Hogwarts,. It exists only bey the will of its creator"

Lucien always thought the room of requirements was part of Hogwarts

"What does that mean?"

"As far as we can tell this place is feeding off of something or someone, within Hogwarts to keep the dimension stable, Whatever it is, its powerful and as long it remains in Hogwarts. This sanctuary of yours will never truly be its on separate dimension. and if its creator sees fit, everything in this place could cease to exist."

" What if I cut of the source of power?"

"destruction, this place will become chaotic, spacial rifts will eat away at this place, the concept of time will become void. and when all is done, there will only be oblivion"

The sinister seven looked at each other for a moment and then looked at Lucien, They all had a gut feeling that Lucien didn't want to risk, messing with something that would draw to much attention. And if the could successfully cut of the source of power and stabilize this dimension, the it wouldn't matter how much noise the made, because the room of requirement would be gone, and only Archeia Ton Epta would stand in its own dimension out of the reach of any potential enemy.

Lucien took a moment to think

"I want to cut the source of power, and I want you to help stabilize and complete the Pocket dimension. thinking over a couple of things, If the power source is what I think it is. I want to kill her before she awakens"