Under Surveillance

The confusion in the group was well founded, Lucien never told them about the sleeping Salazar Slytherin that he had encountered when he ventured into the chamber of secrets.

He sat the group down and recounted the story to them all, Lucien then told them how suspected the other three Hogwarts founders might be in a similar state. Each founder left something special in Hogwarts. The chamber of secrets was Salazar's, the room of requirements must have been Rowena Ravenclaw's, considering how her statue appeared the first time the sinister seven created and entered Archeia Ton Epta.

"So, how did you defeat Salazar Slytherin?"

"Lucky spell, if he wasn't so weak from unexpectedly waking up. I might have died"

They all accepted Lucien's explanation for the time being.

"For now, what we really need to focus on is Sirius Black. We need to find him and kill him. Before Voldemort or Dumbledore."

"Why would they want to kill him Lucien, Isn't Sirius working for Voldemort and Dumbledore doesn't kill"

"Haha everyone kills, Katie. And Sirius wasn't working for Voldemort. And Dumbledore knows something. He is way too smart to not know the truth about Sirius' imprisonment"

Sometime later Lucien pulled out a bag of dragon knuckle bones and drew a salt circle. Throwing the dragon bones, Lucien looked at them for some clue of what was to come in the future. This way of divination, in no way compared to the eyes of a seer but, it would do the trick.

"What does it say Lucien?"

"Halloween, we need to be ready by Halloween."

"What about the other 15 students that want to join?"

"I'll take care of that later Zabini. For now, give me the files on everyone staying in the chamber. You did destroy their wands, right?"

"Of course, we did"

Lucien spent the next day smuggling in all the wands he had at the castle, matching the wands to their new owners. Lucien armed his syndicate with untraceable wands so they could carry out their duties.

Hermione was in the Library, researching in the school archives. Lucien had told her to dig up old school history about Sirius' time at Hogwarts. All she found was grades and disciplinary reports. Hermione noticed that he was always in trouble with a group of friends. Towards the end of the week, Hermione had got word from a house elf about the details of Sirius' escape.

"Lucien, do you remember the first week of classes when the rumor around school was that Harry Potter received the Grim omen in divination?"

"Not exactly, but I did her something similar, why?"

"When Black was in school, He was always with a group of friends, James potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. "

"Get to the point Hermione"

"Pettigrew is dead, betrayed by Sirius, James Potter is dead, Betrayed by Sirius. That only leaves Lupin and Sirius. Lupin had all the time in the world to kill Harry Potter. So, I figured the Grim had to be Sirius. But then I found out that Sirius escaped Azkaban in an Animagus form, A big black dog, it looks the grim"

"Confusing, but I follow your train of thoughts. Either someone or something else is the death omen, or Sirius is actually here to protect Potter. And Lupin didn't get this job to stop Sirius, he is here to help him."

"Exactly, and like you said, Sirius never worked for Voldemort, what if the entire story is wrong and Sirius never betrayed the potters or his friend. What if the true culprit is in the castle"

"You think it's Dumbledore?"

"Or one of his professors. What if Dumbledore isn't calculating anything. What if he has a seer and is manipulating the future. His magic is only half of what makes him the most powerful sorcerer of the age. The other half is his connections and influence"

Lucien's eyes went wide with shock, he never thought about that possibility.

"Call everyone to Archeia Ton Epta now!"

Hermione pulled out her key and sent a message that alerted the sinister seven, while Lucien ran out of Hogwarts. Discretion was the least of his concerns at the moment. Once in the forbidden forest Lucien turned into a massive black Lion and sprinted to the edge of the anti-Apparition wards.

The moment he crossed the wards he disapparated, arriving at the Dubois Castle. Lucien went straight for the Vault and pulled a grimoire that Lucien had restricted from beginning pull from an enchanted pouch.

When Lucien arrived on the topside of the Dubois castle again, he had run into his cousin

"Hey Lucien!"

"What does the ministry have, that allows them to tell the future?"

The Bennet Ladies looked at each other. They were gathering information but, they didn't expect for Lucien to ask about their most dangerous discovery, out of the blue.

"The department of mysteries. It has a room that keeps the fate of the entire British wizarding world along with anyone else they wish to investigate. All in the form of crystal balls" Zhura explained

"Are we at risk?"

"The Bennet's haven't been added yet, but they are having trouble creating yours. They can't seem to pinpoint your fate or even what you will have for breakfast tomorrow"

"Because I am the destroyer of fate and decimator of destiny. Are seers creating these crystal balls or average witches and sorcerers?"


When Lucien finished his conversation with the family he jetted back to Hogwarts and then to Archeia Ton Epta.

"What's that matter Lucien?" Daphne asked,

"We might all be under surveillance, divination level surveillance. But there is a slim chance that my presence, is making it hard to watch you six"

Lucien pulled out the grimoire and placed it on the table.

"There's a spell in this book that can cloak us from divination. But to do it, we must perform a great Taboo"

"Lucien, our enemies are Albus Dumbledore, the professors of the school and possibly the ministry of magic. Fuck taboos"

"Well you heard Hermione, let's get started. We'll have to bring everyone from the chamber here. I already sent World to my Owl Turoth to collect the beast we need..."

"Wait, you sent an Owl? To collect beast?"

"Yes, Turoth is special, you'll see"

The sinister seven prepared for the grand ritual and taught the syndicate the incantation. The syndicate was eleven strong. With all of them together, and the sacrifices of the beast and herbal energy, it was enough power to barely pull the ritual off. But Lucien had no other choice.