Halloween Pt.1

Lucien, the sinister seven, and the syndicate didn't have a lot of time. If they wanted to make their moves, it had to be soon, and it had to be undetected.

"My Lord, I have the materials needed for your ritual! I'm coming in hot over the black lake!"

"I got you Turoth, just keep flying straight and true"

Lucien assembled the sinister seven and the opened a portal against the cliff, Turoth trusted Lucien and flew straight and true. Just before Turoth collided into the cliff, he went through the open portal and appeared in Archeia Ton Epta carrying , A giant Conex Box.

During the Summer when Lucien went to Shangri-La, Turoth went out on his on adventure, Eating the heavenly resources and training by way of life and death battles. He was now an eight-foot-tall owl with a third eye and horns. His tail resembled that of Phoenix, although fuller, the elegance of it was astounding.

"Lucien, what happened to your Owl?"

"He evolved Pansy; I'll tell you all about it later. Let's get started with the ritual. We have shit to do"

A mixture of herbs formed a circle and a mixture of roots formed an equal armed cross in the center. Lucien began to draw arcane symbol around the circle and lined the cross with ancient runes.


The syndicate moved without hesitation as the place four torches at the four cardinal points.

"Now Join hands, the moon is almost at its apex"

The sinister seven and the syndicate joined hand and Lucien stood in the middle.

Everyone spent time gathering magic from within and around them. A moment before the ritual started, Lucien petrified three Unicorns and a Centaur

"Let's begin!"

Everyone began to chant in unison as Lucien slit the throat and drained the blood of the first unicorn

"Blessed by the laws of the world, this unicorn represents the past"

Lucien repeated the process with the rest of the beast

"Blessed by the laws of the world, this unicorn represents the present!"

"Blessed by the laws of the world, this unicorn represents the future!"

As the blood of the unicorns drained into three separate bowls, Lucien passed them around, The blood of the past marked the left eye, the present marked the right eye, and the future marked the middle of their foreheads.

When the final blood mark was placed, everyone erupted with magic

After Lucien drained the blood of the centaur, that was the overseer of the unicorns and prophets by nature. Everyone present placed a blood handprint of their heart.

At the same time in the ministry of magic, all of their Crystal balls began to crack.

Lucien finished the ritual, and everyone fell unconscious. Their crystal balls in the ministry exploded.

Days went by as everyone slept, the first to wake up was Lucien and Hermione.

"We've slept to long. We need to go now our whatever opportunity that happens today will pass us by"

"Lucien, forget it. Navarra and I are still alive. It's pointless now"

"I have a way to correct that, wake everyone up"

Lucien left Archeia Ton Epta after that and went to find Padma. But he made a stop at his dorm room first and put his golem to sleep. Knowledge of the past weeks began to rush into his mind.


While Lucien was down and out, his golem was still at work. He had talked to Padma and shared the history behind her boggart.

Apparently, there was a time, when Padma was afraid of her gifts, and her sister would do anything to get rid of it. Falling into a deep depression.

Padma being the knowledge addict that she is, did everything she could to learn more about their gifts and began to practice. Wanting to keep her sister sane, Padma forced Parvati to practice. But what Padma didn't fully realize was that dark magic corrupted the soul. So, when she found a book about the legacy of Patil twins that comes and go through the generations. She had no idea that the method she was using to control her gifts started to eat away at her and Parvati.

Sadly, Parvati wasn't strong enough to handle it, and slowly lost her sanity even more. While Padma was growing more corrupt, she found a hidden page in the book that detailed a ritual that allowed one twin to extract and absorb the gift of the other but, killed the twin in the process. Padma hid the book away and stopped practicing the magic in the book. The effects of the magic slowly dissipated until the day Parvati found the book in Padma's thing.

Parvati was terrified. She felt that her sister was fattening her up for a sacrifice. So, feeling betrayed and wanting everything to end. Parvati was going to kill herself in a way that damaged the pineal gland in the process, this way Padma couldn't complete her ritual.

Padma walked in, just before Parvati could act, and erased her memories of everything. Reverting her back to the elementary stages of her seeing abilities.

But what Padma feared most was the fact that she partly saved Parvati… because she still wanted to absorb her sister's gift. And her corrupted lust for power and knowledge almost lead to the death of her sister.

"Are you ready Lucien?"


"Hogsmeade, you said that you were going back to your room to get your pouch."

'Shit' was the only thing Lucien thought

"Oh of course, Professor Azeroth totally sidetracked me. Can you give me moment? Beside Snape still isn't here to dismiss Slytherin House"

Padma smiled and raised to the tip of her toes, placing a soft kiss on Lucien's lips

"Of course, I also need to find my sister anyways. Just hurry back okay. Today's our day"

Lucien returned to his room and reawakened his golem

"Your going to Hogsmeade with Padma. Behave yourself or I'll destroy you and replace you."

"Yes, Master"

When The houses left to Hogsmeade, Lucien and his people met in Archeia Ton Epta

"Spread out around the school. Don't be seen, and alert me at the first sight of Sirius Black"

"Yes, Lord Lucien" echoed throughout the building and the syndicate was dismissed

"The same goes for all of you. Navarra and Hermione will stay with me. No one will fight Black expect us. Just keep tabs if you see him. Do not engage"

Lucien looked at all of his friends

"Black is a wonderful duelist, a dangerous man. So, do not underestimate him. Use your wands you received from Ollivander; our wands will help us justify Black's death"