Halloween Pt. 2

With everyone in play, Things were going smoothly. And to make things better, most of the student body was out at Hogsmeade. It gave Lucien and his people free reign. Hours went by as everyone scavenged the Hogwarts castle. While Lucien waited, he performed protection spell on both Navarra and Hermione.

It was close to the evening when Lucien got his first tip.

"I think I seen em, I think I seen Sirius Black"

"Where is he?"

"Oh Lord Lucien, I did exp.."

"Where is he?"

"I seen em near the Gryffindor tower"

"Lucien morphed into a massive Lion, carrying Navarra and Hermione on his back, Lucien sent a mental message to the sinister seven and told the Syndicate to go back to the chamber of secrets.

When Lucien and the sinister seven converged on the Gryffindor Tower Lucien sent out his last mental message to his golem

"Golem, take Padma and whoever you are with at this moment and head back to Hogwarts. When you're finally alone, Incapacitate all of them."

The golem did exactly that. Padma, Parvati, and Lavender Brown. Were all led away from Hogsmeade and incapacitated a waiting Lucien's orders.

At Hogwarts. The sinister seven was searching near the Gryffindor tower, When Lucien spotted a massive black dog

"Stupefy!" the seven shouted out, Forcing Sirius to a halt. A second later he morphed into himself and stared at the Sinister Seven

"I don't want any trouble kids" Sirius flexed his palm a little. That slight movement caught Lucien's eye

"Protego!" Lucien shouted, repelling the petrification charm.

When Sirius took a closer look at Lucien, based on the description his cousin gave him, He recognized Lucien as the apprentice of the Dark Lord

"I know you boy!"

"I figured. I just have one question, who told you about me?"

"My cousin, she's quite curious about why the dark lord choose you"

Lucien's face contorted, Sirius had to die.

Everyone was ready to do battle, until two first year Gryffindor students existed the tower. Looking at the situation the two girls stopped and just stared. One side was the infamous sinister seven. the every first year was told to be weary around. and on the other side was the even more infamous Sirius Black from the wanted poster, The wanted criminal that escaped Azakaban.


"Romilda Vane, First year. And Emma Gardenia, also a first year" the two girls began to sweat a little when they heard their name rattled of by Pansy Parkinson

Pansy applied wind magic to herself awaiting Lucien to respond.


Pansy appeared next to the girls and casted a Protego charm, while Lucien and the rest of the sinister seven engaged in battle.

Sirius Black truly was a duel maniac. Even with out a wand his proficiency in battle magic was beyond the average British wizard.

Spells flew left and right. Destroying the surrounding area. Lucien stepped forward to take on Sirius alone.

"Zabini, get the professors now!"

"Navarra, get ready!"


Lucien's wand flew out of his hand. And a smile appeared on Sirius' face, Until Lucien hurled a bolt of lightning at him

"You're not the only one with skills"

With a have of a hand earth spikes shoot from the ground towards Sirius' gut.

In response Sirius put up a barrier and conjured five light blades and hurled them at Lucien.

Ripping the stone from Gryffindor tower Lucien blocked all blades and casted a stream of white lightning at Sirius.

"Elementary, boy!' Sirius casted a stream of blackish red flames. And the two elements collided, creating constant explosions.

"Ahhh!" Lucien redouble his efforts to fight off Sirius' flames . Joining both hands together, he pulled his Lightning into the ground and took a step forward

"Partis Temporus!" Lucien pulled his hands apart, causing the torrent of flames to divide.

Hermione threw up her wand to protect herself. Unfourtanetly, Navarra wasn't so lucky and died by Sirius' flames.

In a fit of rage, Lucien slung spells left and right. Conjuring chains and blades. Sirius acted in kind. Protecting and redirecting


"Repello!" Sirius redirected the exploding charm.

Lucien saw this as the perfect opportunity. Twisting his hand, Lucien's wand appeared once again. Holding his wand in the defense potion. Lucien sent three quarters of the charm into the tower, blowing a whole in it. As for the remaining quarter of the spell. It went straight through Hermione. Killing her on the spot.

Daphne and Katie began to cast curses at Sirius. He defended them all with ease. And sent knock-back hexes at the two girls. Incapacitating them.

In the distance Zabini was returning wit Dumbledore and Snape. Seeing the two figures approach with wands in hand. Sirius morphed into his Animagus form and sprinted off.

Lucien's eyes went read with fury and disapparated. Startling Snape and Dumbledore. When Lucien appeared, it was a yard in front of the fleeing Sirius. Lucien conjured a double-bladed pole arm and it levitated in front of him

"Die!" Lucien sent his weapon at high speed at Sirius . Which he easily leapt over. While he was airborne. Lucien looked up at the underside of the massive black dog. With a smirk on his face, Lucien bent his knees and jumped to grab Sirius.

As the two tussled in the air, Lucien placed his hand on Sirius' chest.

On the ground Dumbledore waved his wand, separating the two and bringing them back to the ground. However, when they landed. Sirius Black was a corpse and Lucien held Sirius' heart in his right hand.

"Justice..." Lucien muttered has he dropped the heart onto the ground and set it ablaze.

Back near the Tower, Pansy had finally collapsed with a bloodied nose. She had overexerted herself protecting the two first years from stray spells. As her body was falling. Zabini used all the strength in his body and appeared at her side to catch her. To the first years, it was like a chapter from a romance novel. But they couldn't fully fan girl over the moment as they were still shaken from experiencing a deadly battle first.

Snape had stopped at the Hermione's and Navarra's Bodies and pronounced them dead. Dumbledore assessed the area and made his way to Lucien. Unfortunately, the dementors had heard the fight and smelled Sirius Black, Racing at top speed from the skies. And army of dementors had sucked the life from the area. and honed in on Lucien's location

Dumbledore raised his wand. But solid blue waves of magic had already start to echo from Lucien's wand , repelling the dementors. When the dementors were long gone, Lucien's turned his head to look at Dumbledore

"You're late Professor! And my friends are dead because of it.!" Lucien had tears running from his eyes, and had captured the attention of everyone present, and the students looking out of the windows in Gryffindor tower

"I understand, you have been through…"

"You can not understand. You have no idea what is like to be me. You old bastard. To grow up alone, with out love. To find friends only to watch them die, due to the incompetence of your Headmaster!"

Incompetence, Dumbledore's lip twitched when he heard Lucien's outburst. Even the spectators were taken aback.

Lucien pointed his wand at the body of Sirius, and it floated in between Dumbledore and Lucien

"But don't worry, I killed the man that you couldn't catch, The traitor to the dark lord, Murder of his friends, muggles, and many of my peers this year. Go on take him. Claim your reward and go back to rot in your damned office!"

Lucien sent the corpse flying at Dumbledore and it was caught by Snape.

"Enough! Mr. Dubois. This is neither the time nor the place..."

Lucien's grip on his wand tightened, as he clenched his teeth

"Of course, I wouldn't want to tarnish the name of the almighty Albus Dumbledore, Now would I?"

Lucien walked back to the sinister Seven and took the bodies of Navarra and Hermione away, Zabini took Daphne and Katie. While Romilda Vane and Emma Gardenia helped Pansy walk.