Tricks and Treats

Winds were howling and a storm was brewing around Hogwarts Castle, rain began to fall and patter against the windows of the hospital wing. Lucien and his friends sat quietly, next to Navarra and Hermione's bodies. Looking at the mourning friends from a distance, one could see a mixture of emotions, swirling unchecked throughout their bodies.

Lucien, himself still sat in a silent furry. Accouple hours went by and no one said a word,

"They're here"

Just before anyone could ask who Lucien was referring to, Lucy and Emma Bennett walked into the room, Pansy was delighted to see them, and she was just about to call for them, when Zabini clutched her thigh to stop her. Looking at Zabini, pansy wanted to know why he did that, Zabini just shock his and gestured for her to sit down.

Right behind Lucy and Emma, was Dumbledore, his few professors and Dorothea Bennett and her few Auroras.

"We're sorry to disturb you all, but we have to take your friends now and deliver them to their families"

Lucien just nodded in response. Lucy and Emma conjured Caskets and placed the bodies in them. Once the caskets were sealed, they were taken away. Dorothea Bennett now the head of magical Law enforcement, looked Lucien over a couple of times and smiled

"You handled yourself well, son. Sirius Black was no pushover, by any means."

"Grandmother, just ask me what you want"

The aurors were shocked when Lucien referred to Dorothea as Grandmother. Then everything made sense, only the grandchild of Dorothea Bennett could best Sirius Black at a young age. Most of the Aurors present fought against Dorothea for the spot of Head of Magical Law Enforcement. And personally, experienced her battle prowess.

They were all the aurors that Alastor Moody didn't bring with him in his stunt to take the seat from Dorothea, during the selection battle in the ministry.

Romilda Vane and Emma Gardenia, were shocked as they realized that Lucien, was the Young Lord, Lucien Bennett Dubois. What was even more surprising was that Lucien was known for such heinous behavior at Hogwarts, yet he choose to send Pansy to protect them and his Grandmother was the head of magical law enforcement.

"Okay, have you in your friends been behaving yourself?"

"No, we were going to go prank Gryffindor, when we ran into to that scum, Black."

"What happened after that?"

Lucien tilted his head for a moment. Then snapped his fingers. A house elf that he had previously prepared appeared

"Bring the big pensive"

"Yes, my lord"

The house elf disappeared in a cloud of dust. This didn't surprise anyone. As the anti-apparition wards didn't apply to magical creatures, or special teleportation methods.

"Ahh that reminds me, how did you apparate on school grounds, Mr. Dubois?"

"It looked like Apparition, but it was a form of teleportation created by the Bennett house."

The elf appeared again, with a large round Pensive

"Grandmother? If you will"

Dorothea waved her wand and the Pensive warped, transforming into large standing mirror

Lucien then pulled an altered memory strand from his mind and placed it in the standing pensive.

The glass began to swirl, and images of Lucien's day appeared. Staring from the moment he awoke, meeting Padma and heading to Hogsmeade. His date, Parvati's and Lavender's interruption.

Lucien was having a good time until he started to worry about his friends, Scenes then flashed to the moment Lucien had found the sinister seven. And how they planned to go explore the forbidden forest. That is until Zabini, suggested they prank Gryffindor before they leave. The images flashed to the scene in front of Gryffindor tower and the stand off they had with Sirius Black

The stunner spells they used to stop him, the conversation they had, Lucien accusing Sirius of killing all of his peers this year, and Sirius' plot to kill Potter for the dark lord. Sirius denied the claims and said he didn't want trouble and threw a petrification charm, that was blocked by the group. The arrival of the Gryffindor first years came, and Lucien telling Pansy to protect them.

Pansy's speed baffled the professors, But the Aurors closest to Dorothea had seen that magic used by Dorothea before.

After Pansy made it the first year 's side the battle commenced. Zabini' s departure to get the professors, Lucien's ferocious battle without a wand and the deaths of Navarra and Hermione, both caused by rebounded spells. Daphne's and Katie's fit of rage and how they were incapacitated, The dementor brigade that approached, the arrival of Snape and Dumbledore. The extraction of Sirius' heart by Lucien and finally his mass repulsion of the dementor brigade

The memory stumped almost everyone present, for a group of students to fight Black so efficiently was amazing

"Any more questions"

"No, you may all return to your Dormitories"

The adult all departed to the Headmasters office, and Dorothea Bennett had lost her shit, Flying into a raged fit. As Dumbledore sat and received every insult and threat. When Dorothea finally calmed down.

She looked straight into Dumbledore's eyes

"I will have your job Albus. The dementors will remain her until the end of the school year. I don't think Sirius was the one stealing the bodies." Dorothea just shock her head in disapproval

"If anymore students come up missing please inform us. You're walking on thin ice, so just stick to the book if you value your job"

Dorothea and the Aurors took their leave afterwards.

In the Headmaster's office. The professors discussed what they had saw in the pensive.

"It's not surprising in the least. I was present at Dorothea Bennett's, Selection battle. She is a force to be reckoned with. It's understandable that she would teach her grandson. Have you found the missing students?"

"No, its looking more like they might be in the chamber of secrets Albus. And there's only one person in Hogwarts that can open those doors. And help us all, if it's you know who."

"It is surely not Tom, I'm pretty sure he is still in hiding, plotting another way to be revived. However, I give permission to search Mr. Potter's mind. If he is under someone else's control free him, if he is the culprit by his own will. We have no choice but to remove him"

"Yes Headmaster" The professor that were present, took their leave and Dumbledore slumped into his chair

"Did I make a mistake, Fawkes?"

The perched Phoenix let out a cry in response and Dumbledore just closed his eyes to sift through the year's events.