The Lost Diadem

Like a great storm, news of Sirius Black's death rolled through the wizarding world. And the story of his defeat spread like wildfire throughout the school. Romilda Vane and Emma Gardenia sung the praises of Pansy Parkinson, how she protected them until she collapsed from exhaustion, and the Great affection Zabini had for their savior.

Many Gryffindor's spoke about the battle between Lucien and Sirius. And how he casted the Patronus charm to repel the dementors. Slytherin house, mourned the deaths of Hermione and Navarra and the Sinister seven were treated like heroes for Stopping Sirius Black and avenging their fallen peers.

Lucien spent the next few days in his room, isolated. Many believed he was recuperating from the tragic events he had been through. Little did they know; Lucien was neck deep in books studying to complete his pocket dimension, He had to find out where Rowena Ravenclaw would hide herself. Something told Lucien, he needed the pocket dimension now more than ever

This feeling forced Lucien to speed up his initial plan, using his golem to multitask, It helped Padma through her internal dilemma. And together they were working on a way to get Padma what she wanted, without the death of her sister.

It was late November and snow blanketed the land. The student population was growing merrier and more robust after the death of Sirius Black. Lucien felt he needed a break from his heavy studies. The sound of chalk against the board echoed in his ears as Lucien stared of into space during his summoning class.

Lucien could hear his name being called, however, so lost in thought. It sound as if someone was calling his name under water, muffled and always distant. The more he concentrated, he realized that the source of this was Professor Azeroth.

"Oh yes, sir?"

"Would you care to demonstrate?"

Lucien was a bit confused, and his eyebrows scrunched together

"What the fuck am I demonstrating?"

Azeroth smirked,

"How to create a fucking Summoning circle" Azeroth gestured at a spot next to him "If you will, Mr. Dubois"

Lucien rose from his seat, and took his time walking to the front of class. The class was a little expectant. The only thing the Golem did in Lucien's place, was talk to his friends and spend time with Padma and Parvati. Very rarely did he interact with the class.

To be able to see what the new famous young wizard could accomplish in the hardest class at Hogwarts, was something worth their attention.

"Professor, what should be the nature of this summoning circle?"

"opening the gate. If you are as smart as I think you are, you should have noticed"

Lucien's face contorted again. He took a moment cleared his head of everything that didn't relate to summoning class. As Lucien sifted through his mind. He found what Azeroth was talking about.

The summoning circle to summon a person's primal beast, like must magic circles is compounded magic. the inner layer of the summoning circle opens a gate, the next layer is the guiding system, and the last layers, is the rules and regulation. The rules and regulation put limits on what can and can't come through the gate. and the requirements a summoned entity needs to meet in order to step onto the summoners plane.

Lucien took a deep breath; Lucien raised his hands and began to perform a series of gestures and pushed towards the ground. The inner marks of an arcane circle appeared on the classroom floor. The carvings on the floor emitted white flames as Lucien provided a steady flow of magic to it.

'This is it' he thought. A way to solve his problems.

Lucien twisted his hands and let out a groan. He had opened the gate. Lucien could feel the power on the other side. Although it was not a distinct power, which meant the gate had open up to a place between dimensions, worlds, universes. Somewhere, Lucien wasn't sure. Closing the gate, the class gave Lucien a round of applause as he went back to his seat.

"I think I know how to solve our Rowena Ravenclaw problem, and finally complete our own Dimension." Lucien told his friend as the all lounged around Archeia Ton Epta

"And how do we do that Lucien?"

"I'm glad you asked Hermione, we summon her"

The group realized Lucien had another wild idea

"Its simple, we just need something that belonged to Rowena when she was alive, and after we tweak a few symbols on the summoning circle, boom. We have her"

"And then we kill her. I'm in"

Naturally Zabini was the first to step up. And the rest of the group just followed along.

Lucien called for his Royal elves and their elders.

He informed them that it would take a lot of power to stabilize and finished the dimension, this, they already knew. The problem came with their inexperience in the field of space and time magic. As the royals and elders prepared to handle their business. Lucien and his friends were thinking up things that they could use as a talisman to summon Rowena Ravenclaw.

The final item they came up with was the lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw. It was worn by her since its creation. and the on only known item still known that was personally used by her. It would be the perfect talisman. Lucien pulled the book over to him, that had the picture of the diadem. He casted a locator spell that turned the book to ashes.

"Did you find it Lucien?"

"No, something must be cloaking it"

"How about we check the archive, Seriously, we know the story of the lost diadem. Well Rowena's daughter is a ghost in the castle, what if she brought the diadem back, or had someone return it for her."

"Daphne Greengrass, fantastic, 1000 points to Slytherin!"

"hah shut up Lucien"

The sinister seven walked over to the archive console and searched for the lost diadem in artifacts. They even searched the artifacts that were without names. Nothing came up, that looked like the diadem.

"Check the dark objects" Navarra suggested

The group had to ride brooms to the end of Archeia Ton Epta, to search the dark objects. And they all had to be present to unlock the vault. Lucien felt it would be safer that way. When the doors of the vault opened, a Blood thirsty energy washed over the group of friends.

"If you want to stay, I can go in by myself"

"No way, I love it here"

"Of course, you do Pansy"

Lucien led the way and the group followed. They all used magic to examine the dark objects, taking care not to touch them. The deeper an object was in the vault, the more dangerous it was. The seven spent a little over two hours searching the vault. About 5 yards from the end, a silver diadem that formed a raven. with a sapphire in its center piece sat on a pedestal.

Lucien looked the diadem , and his jaw tensed up

"Son of a bitch... everyone get out now."

The diadem had felt a threat, and black mist began to leak from it.

"Run!" Lucien swung his arm horizontally in the direction of his friends knocking them back ten yards with a burst of telekinetic force.

Lucien conjured his spirit beasts. The black mist formed a figure with the face of Voldemort,

"you dare..."

"Spiritus bestia: Kessinger earumque oppres" Lucien's great spirit snake sprang out and wrapped around Voldemort

"Quasso!" The sapphire in the diadem shattered

Voldemort's remaining soul fragment would become food to nourish his spirit beast

"comedet!" Lucien's to spirit beast, Swallowed the soul and the energy that formed their bodies became more dense and profound.