A Golem's Worth

After the Horcrux was destroyed, Lucien spent a few days teaching his friend about conjuring their spirit beast, the spirit beast could be any magical or non-magical beast that represented the witch or sorcerer.

Pansy was the first to succeed, Lucien expected his friends to pick it faster than he did. Unlike him, they didn't have two lives and an identity crisis to work through. Pansy conjured a gorgon, Resembling medusa.

"Everyone except Pansy, stop.

Look how she controls her beast, and her beast is prideful and haughty to all except her mistress. Pansy has fully excepted who she is, Arrogant, prideful, vain, obsessive, evil, and unstable. After one moment of hurt in her live , she now strives to always be the oppressor and never the oppressed.

This is what you all must do, look into yourselves and see yourselves for you truly are… Pansy, have your gorgon face you, connect with her, and allow yourselves to become one."

Pansy followed Lucien's instructions as everyone watched intently. The gorgon and Pansy merged. And Pansy grow to 7 feet and her tail was just as long. She became a curvaceous woman with a slim waist and large breast. Her hair grew to the middle of her back and transformed into snakes.

"My friends. This is a true Animagus. And when she becomes stronger, she will be able to morph into a snake. Depending on your spirit animals, some of your first forms will be human-like, like pansy here, or you will be the traditional full animal form, like me"

Lucien morphed into a massive black lion with golden eyes,

"in my later stages, I will take on a more human merger, embodying the attributes of my spirt beast. That is the first difference between our Animagus forms and other peoples in Brittan, the next as you can see, we can talk in our Animagus forms and we can also perform magic. This is why your elemental and inherent abilities is so important to train."

Lucien stamped his paw against the ground and the table in the Archeia Ton Epta floated in the air. Opening his jaws, Lucien snarled, and the table burst into flames

"Go head, keep practicing"

The days went by and the Sinister seven choose to stay in Archeia Ton Epta and sent their golems out in their place. By the second week of December, all of the sinister seven had completely conjured their spirit animals, Hermione's was a thunderbird, Zabini was griffin, which made perfect sense

based on his pride and sense of adventure, not to mention his haughtiness to everyone excluding his friends.

Katie conjured a dark phoenix; Daphne conjured a white tiger. Navarra conjured a massive black lioness with golden eyes.

for Christmas break. Navarra and Hermione couldn't go home, so Lucien and the rest of the seven wanted to keep them company, along with the Syndicate who were in a similar predicament.

Lucien trained them all, Giving the Syndicate a new arsenal of spells and dulled with them so they could get more accustomed with the new power level of their wands. When they were not studying and dueling the were all working on wandless magic, mostly their elements they had an affinity for.

On Christmas day, Lucien had thrown a party in Archeia Ton Epta, It allowed the development of relationships and loosened everyone up a bit. The night was going amazing when Lucien received a message from his Golem. Unknown to Lucien, Padma and Parvati had stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas and wanted to perform the ritual to extract Parvati's gift.

Lucien gave his Golem the go ahead after, he reviewed the golem's memories and seen all the training it had put in to complete the ritual. After Lucien absorbed all his Golems new information and experience. He sent five cure all potions and instructions for the Golem to follow, failure meant destruction.

"I'm ready if you guys are"

The Patil twins looked at each other and proceed to the operating table. With the technology provided by the Elves, the Golem had magical medical technology that could monitor Parvati's vitals. Once Parvati was on the table and all the IV's were in her arm. The Golem pulled out a small cat.

"Lucien what Is that for" Parvati asked

The golem gave her a warm smile

"I can feel you are a little scared. And I want to show you that there is nothing to fear."

The Golem looked at Padma with eyes full of affection, then back at Parvati

"I love your sister, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you come out of this completely healthy… Watch closely"

The golem took a syringe full of the cure all potion, with his index finger, he slit the cats throat. The twins were in shock, the golem quickly injected the potion into the cat, it was completely healed after the potion took effect.

"Do you see? There's nothing that could possibly happen, that this potion cannot correct."

A little more at ease, Padma kissed her sister and started the drip to put Parvati to sleep. When Parvati was finally out, The Golem conjured another operating table.

"Lucien…" was all Padma could say before Lucien put her to sleep with the same powerful anesthetic.

The golem proceed to hook Padma up to the IV's and monitors. Muttering incantation's the Golem sealed of the room for privacy and to ward against unwanted guest.

Starting with Parvati, the golem removed a piece of her skull and then cut into her brain, according to the method suggested in the Patil family book. When the golem finished, he placed Parvati's Pineal gland in an enchanted jar , reinforced by ancient runes. When the jar was sealed for preservation. The golem injected Parvati with the cure all potion

When Parvati was completely healed, she shot up like she had received a shot of adrenaline. The golem quickly put her back down. He went on to repeat the same process with Padma. When the golem was finished, he went on to extracting the seeing eye from both Padma and Parvati. Healing them once again.

This time when they awoke, the Golem obliviated them both. Until they passed out.

In Archeia Ton Epta, Navarra , Zabini and Lucien were making Golems to take the place of the Patil twins. When they were complete. Lucien did a simple , yet painful knowledge transference. So that they golems could play their roles. Lucien gave the new Patil twins their orders and sent them on their way.

The real Patil twins, however, were brought to a room in the chamber of secrets, so that the golem could carefully alter their memories from the time they discovered they had seer abilities up until present day. Every Syndicate member was under contract, before they even faked their death, so, Lucien wasn't worried about a spy. Though it would have been easier, if Lucien would have stuck with his original plan to kill the twins and pin it on Sirius.

But he felt things were better this way. Now that he had spies in both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, that he could directly control.

"Lucien, what's the point of spying on the other houses"

"Haha Zabini. The other houses are smart, but if they were as cunning and as ambitious as us, then they would have all been placed in Slytherin. With that being said, they would never suspect the pure hearted Patil twins are working towards their subjugation.

It was a muggle man by the name of Vladimir Lenin, he said," Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world." That's our goal Zabini. To transform the whole world, with us at the top."