Fallen Angels

The Bennett family walked straight through a portal opened by Emperor Kaikara. Once in Mystic Falls, Lucien took comfort being in the non-magical world. Lucien had always felt that the worlds were never meant to be separated. In Lucien's old world, the worlds were one in the same.

When the family walked into the Manor. Anna was babysitting Bonnie. Lucien didn't like the site of it.

"Why are you alone with Bonnie?" he asked, Anna was a strong vampire, 500 years old and counting. The control of magic around her was impeccable. Nothing about the young Lucien made her sweat.

"Abby is at the hospital with Miranda because Grayson is out of town again. And she asked me to watch Bonnie for a while" She replied.

Lucien frowned "I'll take it from here." Lucien walked across the room and picked Bonnie up

" You can go back to your Doghouse." Lucien never liked the idea of a vampire living on the Bennett property. But the Ancestors gave it the green light.

Growing up a Voodist, Lucien had a soft spot for the words of the Ancestors. To disrespect was heresy for without them, he would be nonexistent.

"Hmm" Anna gave him a side eye and walked away. Those two would eventually come to blows, just not in the presence of BonBon. Lucien would have to put all his power into a fight with Anna. He knew who he could trample and who he needed to be weary of. Anna was worth the caution.

When the room was left with just Family, Lucien couldn't help but smile at little BonBon, while he cradled her in his arms. "I have a gift for you, my love. And you will become the jewel of our family" Lucien whispered to her.

BonBon produced little giggles; Lucien could feel his time was up. Turning to hand little BonBon to her wanting cousins, they were all staring at Lucien Impatiently

"Like rabid animals. Here, take her" Lucien held her out and Mama Thea was the first to react.

When Lucien went upstairs the first thing he did was call Jenna. During his time away. Lucien had been in touch with Jenna but, for some reason recently he she had stopped writing.

"Hey Mrs. Sommers, This is Lucien Dubois. Is Jenna there?"

"Hello Lucien, are you back in town to visit?"

"Yes, Ma'am, we just got in today"

"And Jenna was the first person you called, How sweet. I'm sure it'll make her happy to see you. She's been going through a pretty tough time lately"

Lucien frowned "Is that so? May I speak to her?"

"Sure thing, sweetheart" Mrs. Sommers pulled the phone and shouted for Jenna to pick up her phone line.

In her room Jenna was frantic, when she heard that Lucien had called, she felt a rush of different emotions, and didn't know if she should pick up the phone or not. She had stopped writing Lucien when changes to her body started to accrue

After a few moments of contemplating, Jenna picked up the phone.



Lucien and Jenna had a pretty awkward conversation, Lucien could hear that she was holding something back. fear and anxiety, a mixture of emotions could be felt in her voice, she avoided any serious question and could barely hold a nonsensical conversation. Every attempt to see her was rebuffed.

Lucien attributed all of this to the hard time that Mrs.Sommers had told him about. Obviously, something was tragically wrong if, Mrs.Sommers didn't know about it. She and Jenna were practically best friends. But, if Mrs.Sommers didn't know, then Lucien's only option was to go see Miranda.

However, when Lucien went to the hospital, Miranda and Abby were nowhere to be found.

In the woods near Mystic Falls, Abby and Miranda sat in a circle lined by herbs and torches. Miranda was drenched in sweat and her face was beet red. Miranda's Blonde hair begun to turn black with silver streaks. The rune in the middle of her shined bright red before two giant black wings sprung from her back and her eyes turned blood red.

"Miranda! You need to control yourself! I can barely suppress your energy as is." Abby called out

Covering her hands in an herbal crème, Abby placed her hands-on Miranda's chest and began to chant her incantation.

The energy around Miranda went through Abby's body and dispersed through out the earth. Her wings slowly receded, and her hair returned to its normal color. Towards the end of the ritual, Lucien walked up to Abby and the now unconscious Miranda.

"What the hell is she, Abby?"

Abby turned to look at Lucien with a tired expression and a bloodied nose "Fallen angel..." She muttered before she fell unconscious.

"What the fuck?!"

At the Sommers' house, Jenna had a dangerously high fever, and her blonde hair was steadily turning black with silver streaks. It was exactly like her older sister's. When Mrs. Sommers opened the door to check on her, she nearly lost her mind.

Shortly after, Jenna was strapped to a gurney in the back of an ambulance. Unknown to everyone present, the rune on her thigh that she always thought was a birth mark began to shine red.

In the woods, Abby was up drinking a bottle of water waiting for Miranda to come to, when she finally did, she couldn't stop heaving and eyes were still shining blood red.

"Jenna... We need to get to Jenna" Miranda could barely speak but forced out the little words she could.

Lucien closed his eyes and focused on the gift he had given Jenna last year. Images flashed in his head. He saw Jenna in a hospital. Her hair and body was changing . She was wrapped in multiple ice blankets as her body temperature reached inhuman levels.

Lucien placed a hand on Abby and Miranda "Exhale." He demanded. The scenery around them warped and the trio appeared in the hospital.

Miranda, weak and pregnant, nearly collapsed as she held on to Lucien. " Get me…to her" she struggled to say.

Arriving at the room Jenna was in, the many doctors that surrounded her turned to look at the trio

"What are you doing her, this place is quarantined"

"Sleep" Lucien waved his hand and the doctors feel. "Hold on to me" Lucien placed a hand on Jenna, taking everyone to the Bennett estate.

When they arrived, Miranda cut her Palm. Retracing the rune on Jenna's thigh, she muttered her spell. Jenna's body relaxed; her hair reverted back to its blond color.

Miranda collapsed after she treated her little sister and her water broke.