Old School Voodoo

In a black forest under a purple full moon. Hounds were running through the forest. An old man that was 7 feet tall, had long black and silver hair that hung to the middle of his back, stood in the hounds' path.

"You cannot have them…" he said in an old weary voice.

The Hounds came for him with snapping jaws and a rabid ferocity. With a flick of his wrist and three quick steps, the old man beheaded five hounds.

"Come on, Lucifer! You fucking traitorous bastard!"

"We are enough to end you and your retched Grandchildren Malach" A group of elders appeared

Malach Sneered and erupted with power. A blade in hand, Malach took his stance. And shot forward in a life or death clash.

Five against one, the power houses battled destroying everything in a 100-mile radius turning the land barren.

Malach Parried a blow into an elder's shoulder, with a quick spin Malach took the head of an elder he once called brother.

The battle raged on as swords clashed and elements bent to the will of the fallen angels. With two blades in his Gut, Malach did the only thing that could assure the safety of his grandchildren.

Using the blood streaming from his body. Malach casted an eldritch circle and wings erupted from his back cloaked in darkness.

"With My sacrifice, Elder of the Infernal Court, Archangel by birth right, I hereby cast you out!" Malach's Body exploded dark energy.

Like a tsunami, the dark energy rushed over two young girls hidden in a cave, miles away. Completely enveloped by Malach's essence the two girls were hurled through three dimensions before arriving in the mortal world (earth)

When the two girls arrived, Malach's essence soaked into the youngest girl's body. The power was so frightening that the girl couldn't handle it.

A small piece of Malach's essence went into the oldest girl, and world of information flooded her mind.

Quickly grabbing the closest rock that she could, she cut her palm and drew a run on her sisters' thigh and muttered and incantation. Her sister's body morphed, her black and silver hair turned blonde, her blood red eyes turned Hazel. Her pitch black wings disappeared and all of her dark energy became nonexistent.

Trying to shake her sister awake "Jenna! Jenna!" she called out, Pulling her sister into her arms

10 Years Later

"Jenna!!" Miranda's eyes snapped open and she tried to spring forward from bed calling her sister's name.

Abby grabbed her, trying to calm her down.

"Its okay. Jenna is okay… Your biggest concern should be these baby's that are coming like…now"

"Grayson. We need to call Grayson"

"That's not an option… We haven't done the ritual yet. And you know what that means"

According to Miranda, when a fallen angel is pregnant, she had to supply her child or children with power. The problem is, Miranda has been suppressing her power and the children haven't been properly nourished. Even more so because she was pregnant with twins.

Now that she was about to give birth. The magic she neglected to supply her children would come out all at one time, during their birth.

And that was a disturbance, she neither her sister could afford. That's why Abby was using herself as a transport to conceal and redirect the energy to the twins. Unfortunately, the closer Miranda got to her due date the more her power intensified and became uncontrollable. Too much for Abby to handle on her own.

In Lucien's bedroom Jenna was sleep in his bed, while he sat next to her. The door slowly opened behind him and Nita stepped in.

"Lucien, she's going to be fine. Right now, her sister, her niece, and nephew need you. We need to complete the ritual now. Or no one will be safe. And the entire Bennett family, along with your elf army will not be able to save us. We did a spell to slow down the birth but, it will not last long."

Abby had informed the family, about Miranda's situation, and the story of their arrival in the world as told to her by Miranda. Miranda had already given the okay for Abby to share her story with the family, because she needed all of their help, if she wanted her children to survive.

Nita couldn't get a response from Lucien. Stepping closer to him, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, I'm not my sister, I was never made for the whole mother thing. But I want you to know, even if I have to give my life, I will never let anything bad happen to you. But these girls are in bad shit right now, Lucien. And if we don't get to it. None of us will make it."

Pulling on Lucien's shoulder, Nita turned him around. Nita was met by all white eyes. Lucien was scrying but was soon snapped back.

"What?! We can all fucking die and I'm trying make sure no fallen angel hegemony is coming to the town to fucking kill us all!" Lucien lashed out, taking Nita by surprise.

"I heard everything. And started scrying to watch over the town. I'm not an optimistic. Between these two sisters. The leaked a huge amount of fucking energy. Let's just hope no one was around to pick up on it."

Nita looked at Lucien a little surprised. "So, you're not sad, falling into depression?"

"Haha no Aunt Nita, Jenna is strong, she has this." Lucien rose from his seat and made his way to the door "And thank you, I know you're not my mom but, thank you for trying to take on the responsibilities"

Lucien smiled and gestured for his aunt to tag along.

Downstairs, the family was gathered around Miranda.

"Let's get started, we still have a Respondeo Incantation to perform after this" Sheila informed the family.

The Respondeo Incantation was a ritual to perform in a time of mass memory alteration. It affected everyone, except supernaturals. But, for now that's all they needed. As long as the kept the statute of secrecy, that was one less enemy they had to fight.

Standing around in a circle the Bennett family was about to begin their Ritual.

"Okay, this is an old voodoo ritual. We will draw power from the herbs, fire, sacrifice, drums and dance"

The ladies were a little confused when Lucien said voodoo, Voodoo was a human religion in their world and bore no true power, unlike it its counterpart in Lucien's old world.

"Lucien, that's not the ritual she wanted us to do" Abby interjected

"But it will work, with the best outcome. " Lucien grabbed on to Mama Thea and Sheila using the Familial link to send the family everything they needed to know about the ritual.

"This might actually work"

"Let's get started." Some of the ladies conjured drummers, Zhura and Isabelle were going to sing. Mama Thea, Sheila, Pauline, Abby, and Joanna were going to dance Yanvalou.

Yanvalou was a rhythm and dance styled played to call for the Loas in the Rada Nanchon(Groups of Loas, with specific rituals and rhythms needed to call them). Except in this case it will be used to draw their energy as the Loas themselves aren't present on their plane. Lucien swung his arm and everyone's clothes transformed into the traditional white.

"Begin..." Lucien as the Houngan(Voodoo Priest), would lead the ritual. Lucien was going to draw on the powers of Marassa, The Divine Twins.

The women let Lucien's knowledge take over their bodies as they sang and danced. Lucien flexed his hand and his Veve was burned into the floor. He represented the gates between the worlds. The flames on the torches, now burned like flame throwers.

"As I gift to you, Miranda Gilbert. You shall offer nothing, and except my blessings!" Lucien shouted out.

The women began to speed up their dancing and drumming. Lucien twisted his hand again, Marassa's Veve appeared in the ground.

Lucien called out to their divine forces and presented offerings. A moment later a rush of power busted through Lucien and invaded the bodies of Mama Thea, Sheila, and Pauline. They had become the chwal (Possessed vessel) in this situation, they just became the personification of the Marassa's power.

Lucien called to them as he pulled out two dolls and placed them in a bowl. the two dolls represented the unborn twins and the bowl represented Miranda's womb. Enchanting them, Lucien pulled out one more doll and enchanted it as well. The last doll, represented Miranda.

"I call to you, for your aid in saving these children's lives. Their mother has energy beyond us, that energy now needs to be used in order to save their life"

Now in the height of the Ritual. Lucien grabbed a Boa from a woven basket and bisected it , bathing Miranda it's blood.

"Like the snake, you must shed your skin and accept the new you. Do you relinquish your power?"

"I do" she replied

Abby took the boa and laid it in the circle. Lucien picked up the doll representing Miranda and stabbed it with a pin. Causing extreme pain to Miranda, She shortly lost consciousness after.

Pulling the pin from the doll, blood poured into the bowl, with the dolls that represented the unborn twins.

Lucien held up the bowl in the air. "Aid them in their nourishment"

The Chwals took the bowl and began to mutter incantation. The blood in the bowl was didn't last long, as it was all absorbed by the dolls of the unborn twins"

Facing Lucien, the Chwals spoke in unison "It is done"

Lucien closed the ritual and the Chwals feel unconscious due to exhaustion. As soon as they collapsed, Miranda wailed in pain, the Twins were finally coming.

After giving birth, Miranda could no longer call herself a Fallen Angel. But she didn't mind it at all. She now held two beautiful children in her arms, she named the boy Jeremy and the girl was named Margaret. Jeremy could be said to be the spitting image of his great grandfather Malach, when he was an infant. And Margaret was Miranda's twin, when she was in her Fallen Angel form.

"Miranda, it's time" Abby reached for the twins to take them away.

Miranda could only nod her head in acceptance as tears flooded her eyes. Abby took blood from Bonnie, Sheila and herself. They personified the Bennett family tree(both the living and the dead) to suppress the great lineage of Malach's Bloodline.

In instant every Bennett throughout history appeared, then disappeared just as fast

"It is done" Abby said. Jeremy's eyes and hair were now dark brown. His sister's hair remained Black with streaks of silver and her eyes went from blood red to amber.

"She's just like Jenna, she has no innate control. Her older brother has to be her keeper, like I was for Jenna"

"But Jenna's hair and eyes changed. The seal didn't do much for Margaret."

" Its' because Jenna, had practice before the seal was placed on her. Subconsciously she knows the truth and is using the little skill that she has to going along with the will of the seal, If not for that. She would look similar to Margaret."

"And Jeremy?"

"Haha the boy would probably be a prodigy, if, we were still in our homeland"

The seals placed on the twins, Like the one now on Jenna. Made them completely human. as long as there is two generations of Bennett witches at the very least the seal will would hold.

By time the sun rose the next morning, the Bennett family was finally finished with their crises control. To Celebrate, the family went to Ava's and Mia's bar and grill, that was once called the Mystic Grill, was now called 'Naughty Nymphs'.

"Naughty Nymphs'?"

"Haha yes, we're surrounded by woods and we're all sexy maidens ready for a good time. What else would you call us?" Ava explained as she passed drinks. The Bennett women just laughed and threw their shots back to start a day of day drinking.