Zhu Clan and Water Lilies

It was February 4, 1994, the day before Bonnie's Birthday. It had been a week and half since Miranda gave birth to the Gilbert twins. Unfortunately, Jenna had yet to awaken from whatever sleep she was in. Everyone had tried numerous ways to wake her. Miranda assumed it had something to do with all the power she had let lose all at once. Over the years. Jenna's power had grown and the power she received from her grandfather never properly assimilated with her. Jenna's body just couldn't take the pressure.

While Lucien sat in chair next to the bed. He watched over Jenna and read to pass the time. When the sun began to set, the family had finally finished preparing the house for Bonnie's birthday party.

Knock Knock

"Come in" Lucien called out as he continued to read. Not bothering to look up, he spoke again once the person entered the room

"Jenna is resting, and I have not the want, to hear you speak"

"But you have the need, you, haughty little bastard" She replied, with accumulated indignation.

"What do you want, Anabelle Zhu?" He asked unphased by her words

"It's time we have a heart to heart" Lucien closed his book and then faced Anna. Reaching out with his right hand, Lucien was his telekinetic powers to lock Anna and place as he teleported the both of them behind the wards, near the Bennett Ancestral House.

"Where are we?" Anna asked

"Somewhere, we can fight to our hearts content" He replied

Anna smiled "I know you don't hate me. You hate that I'm allowed to stay on the property. Besides, you have a lot more growing to do before you can ride this ride"

"You think I'm scared of an old bitch that can do a few elemental parlor tricks?"

Anna's lip twitched, when Lucien called her an old bitch

"I came to talk about Bonnie. Not to fight you Lucien. I never intended for us to butt heads"

"Then speak. And make it quick"

Lucien was ready to fight no matter how much Anna said different. He seen the energy swirl around her, she almost lost her temper. Annabelle was truly a sweet woman. Lucien just wanted her off the property.

Anna started to explain to Lucien how she was in mystic falls waiting to free her mother from crypt she was placed in during the civil war era. She told Lucien, that she didn't really have much of a home over the years and that staying at the Bennett property was a breath of fresh air.

"and what does this have to do with Bonnie?"

"Vampires will come for Bonnie, I'm not the only one with a loved one in the tomb. And I can't stop what's going to come, but if you allow me and My mother to stay here when I free her. I'll become Bonnie's first Vassell. The Zhu Clan will be yours"

Lucien Squinted, this was something he had never seen coming. And it made him antsy

"What's coming Annabelle?"

"You have to except my terms first" She replied with earnest eyes

"Fine, but you swear an unbreakable vow with me, and then Bonnie at the age of 16. Deal?"

"an unbreakable what?" Anna asked rather confused

"Its promise, if you break it, it means death" Lucien answered her question nonchalant like.

Anna and Lucien talked details after Anna agreed.

"So, you stay on the property until you can require your stolen land, all houses will be owned by the Bennett family to ward against enemy vampires. Finally, you want your mother's apothecary back that is now under the ownership of the Gilbert family. Is that all?"

"Yes." Lucien took a deep breath " deal, now you tell me what's coming?"

"Katherine Pierce"

When Lucien and Anna was finished talking, he sent her out of the wards back to the Bennett Manor. When she arrived, she forgot all about the place, she had just been with Lucien.

Back at the Bennett Ancestral Manor , Lucien walked in the basement. The Bennett's had a strong enough foothold there, Lucien didn't require a ritual

"I call forth the Bennett Conclave"

The room morphed into a grand hall and Lucien was standing in the middle of the hall surround by his Ancestors, Qetsiyah stood in the middle. Behind her were two women with uncanny resemblance to Qetsiyah.

"The Conclave is now in session." The Older woman behind Qetsiyah stated

"And who are you?"

"The Grand Dowager, Esadora Ekati. Qetsiyah' s Grandmother"

Lucien's face contorted. "No, impossible." He took another look at the woman standing next to Esadora and recognized her from the memories that Qestiyah had shared with him, it was her mother.

"Andriana Ekati, Qestiyah killed you long before she created this plane"

"Haha I thought your smarter than that Lucien. We are of the Ancient Noble house Ekati. Greek for Hekate. The house of Hekate, the Titan Witch Goddess, The First Witch Empress. The Mother, The Maiden and the Crone. No matter what happens to our Family. Three generations can always resurrect to regenerate our Family"

Lucien thought about it for a moment.

"It makes perfect sense. You didn't have kids before Silas, you had them After Silas, after your people assassinated you. And if you came back, the Mother and the Crone must come back as well"

Esadora smiled "That's it boy" she said nodding her had in satisfaction

"And that's why we remain so powerful. You created the other side. Your basically immortal. And just like you hold the title of Empress still, the three of you hold the spot of Hekate's incarnate. When the Bennetts go extinct, you step through the veil and rebuild the family"

"Told you he was different Adriana. You're Just like your All father, boy, everything down to your Looks. He had the same beautiful eyes, you're practically his doppelgänger."


"Oh, shut up, you despise him for it and Qetsiyah loves him for it. I feel sorry for the boy, he wants to rebuild the family and reach the Summit of the world, while you two hinder him, with past conflicts that have nothing to do with him."

Qetsiyah rolled her eyes and focused on Lucien.

"Why have you called a Conclave Lucien?" Qetsiyah asked in sweet voice.

"Because I didn't know how else to summon you." He replied

Esadora raised her eyebrows, and then dissolved the conclave. Leaving Qetsiyah and Lucien behind to talk.

Qetsiyah, gave him a warm look

"So, I've been summoned' she says

"So, you have. I just wanted to talk. And even though I couldn't hear or see you, you made me feel…Understood. I need that now."

"Then how about we go for a walk" Qetsiyah took Lucien's arm and the scenery changed to the woods on the Bennett estate.

Qetsiyah wore a Burgundy and navy-blue sundress, that clung to her body as she walked along side Lucien

" So, who is the all father?" Lucien asked

"He... was my father?" Qetsiyah answered him after a moment

"You look exactly like him. when I first felt you, it was terrifying and then I watched you and it made me feel things that I've never felt before. I loved my father, in ways that would be frowned upon now… I gave myself to him and he didn't even love like daughter. He was cold, callous, and the only way to gain favor, was to give favors." Qetsiyah' s eyes watered.

"I knew how he felt, But I couldn't change the way I felt. And I told myself maybe if I topple an empire, Raid the tomb of an ancient, something, anything. Then he might reciprocate the feelings that I felt for him…. But that day never came"

Tears wet her cheeks and her eyes told Lucien that she was in a dark place.

"You don't have to tell me about all of this. Really"

"No, I watch you everyday, the least I could do is lay my self bare for you… I was depressed and twisted because of him, but I loved him anyways. In my depressed state, many members of my family plotted my assassination to usurp the throne. It wasn't until I received a new hand maiden, Amara, did things start to get better. A year later, I met Lord Silas of House Stolas. And being young and inexperienced, I catered to him like I did my late father. And the moment he gave me a hint of affection, my twisted heart perceived it as love. I gave him everything, from that moment on. And then he too betrayed me. He left me with nothing! No mother, no Best friend, nothing! it broke me after that. "

Lucien and Qetsiyah stopped at a small waterfall that dropped into a creek. Sitting on the bank, they just talked, Lucien had originally wanted her advice about how to deal with Horcruxes, waking Jenna from her sleep.The handling of the ministry, the list went on. But the more he listened to Qetsiyah speak about her life, personal thoughts and feelings. Lucien was intrigued by the beautifully chaotic mosaic that was Qetsiyah. After hours of talking about pain and sorrow, Qetsiyah told Lucien about happier times and adventures of her childhood.

"It's getting dark, do you want to head back?" Lucien Asked

"No, I think... we should enjoy what little time we have left together" Qetsiyah bit her bottom lip as looked at Lucien .

Qetsiyah waved her hand, lifting a water lily from creek. Holding it between her palms, she whispered to it. All of the water lilies that floated on the water illuminated bringing light to the darkening woods.

" Hehe, Now we don't have to go anywhere"

The next morning Lucien woke up, alone. But, on the other side Qetsiyah was right next to him. Getting himself together, Lucien apparated to the Bennett Manor and prepared for Bonnie's party.

His meeting with Qetsiyah didn't go as planed, But, he really didn't mind it that much. He learned a lot about Qetsiyah's father, And the way he carried himself. Lucien could respect him as a ruler, but, he was extremely lacking as a father. But if he wanted to know more, Lucien knew he would have to talk to the Grand Dowager, Esadora.