The Gift and The Horcrux

February 6, 1994

So, I know I haven't done this in a while, but I think it's much needed. Bonnie's party was amazing, almost everyone in town showed up. It must have been the hottest event going in this small town. I originally planned to give Bonnie the Patil Gift , but then I thought about it.

The Power I felt on that girl as an infant, was, amazing to say the least. Nurturing that for the coming war, is a must. But the only way to truly nurture something, you must pull the weeds, give it food, love, respect. And I need the Gift to do just that.

Jenna still hasn't woken from her sleep, Miranda decided to leave her at the Bennett Manor to keep the questions to a minimum. I didn't see a problem with it but, Mama Thea and Sheila gave me a talk about getting into dangerous business. Though, I didn't pay much attention to it. Jenna is an opportunity, that brings limitless potential.

All of that was tiny issues but, the best news I had gotten all year came during lunch. Everybody was out doing their own thing and decide to relax until a normal sized Turoth, Lucien's owl, flew through my window with a letter from Hermione…. She thinks, with one of Voldemort's Horcrux, she can find the rest if there are any.

Amazing right? The girls a genius, I knew it the moment I met her on the train. Using my blood key, I stepped right into Archeia Ton Epta to find Hermione. We needed to test her theory. And I had the tools to do so.

"Lucien, Your back." She said

"Of course, you discovered something amazing, Hermione. I wanted to test out your theory."

"But we need an active Horcrux."

I just stared at her and took her back to Mystic falls with me. It was a good break for her, to be around people again. She spent allot of her time in town, exploring and learning. I just let her be.

Grayson Gilbert was due back any day from his trip, and once he arrives. We'll use the Gilbert ring to test Hermione's theory. Easy fix.

I tried to rest again, but this time the Phone rang. It was somebody asking for Sheila and before I knew she was off to Portland, Oregon for a stretch. The same thing kept happening interruption after interruption. So, I said fuck it. Might as well get to work.

"Empress Keishara..." I called out. Keishara is the Empress of the Dark Elves. The most skilled elves in magical science

"Yes, my lord" she took a small bow once she appeared. I tossed her the Patil family's book

Keishara took a few looks at it and did some Dark Elf thing to speed read it.

"Knowing my lord, I assume you have the gift. Do you want me to give it to the young Lady Bonnie?"

I then told her it was for me. By night fall I had two new eyes. Thankfully they reverted to my original eye color with the help of Keishara.

"You're not allowed to discuss this with anyone, Keishara"

"Of curse my lord"

Everything was fine after she left. I didn't receive any visions or gut feelings. It was like I had no affinity towards divination at all. So, I followed the training in the Patil Book.

Meditating, I had to open up, what the Patil's called Deva doors but, in reality they were just chakras. Opening them all would give me full control of the gift. Each open chakra was step closer to ascension in a way.

In the middle of meditation, it hit me, it nearly knocked me on my back. I don't know if it was because my body was stronger than the twins or the fact that I had both eyes. But I saw everything as clear as day. A Vampire killed a woman; she was carrying the child that was meant to be Bonnie's best friend eventually. Then it flashed to Sheila, having her magic nearly drained and being severely injured. Mikael's arrival at mystic falls, and the disappearance of Abby.

February 7, 1994

I woke up this morning when the visions were over. All I could say was "what the fuck?"

You might think, I went to talk to Mama Thea or somebody about the visions, but no, Each and every person in the family had a part to play. And the world had just showed me Abby's and Sheila's. Abby gave birth, but she was never meant to raise Bonnie. And Sheila had to be exactly were she was, for the benefit of the witch community.

Leanna was coming into her part quite nicely. She had a thing about proving herself, she wanted to be seen as worthy enough to have the name Bennett. So, I've been nurturing that as well

"Leanna, can you find this person for me. I think she's in town, or somewhere close. I just want her found. Then give me her location"

Leanna happily took the task and went on a hunt. She was becoming the family's personal exterminator, for anybody who went against the benefit of the family.

When I walked into the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile, there was Lemon Meringue pie and it smelled like Miranda Gilbert made it.

"Where did Leanna go?" Joanna asked me

"I have no idea" I replied while taking the whole pie "She probably met a friend in town"

Grayson Gilbert arrived at home, later that morning. So, I put Hermione in action.

She went to his office for an appointment, that schedule by his 'Assistant'. Obviously, it was altered.

"Are you Dr. Gilbert?" she asked once she stepped into his office

"Yes, I am. And who might you be?"

"I'm Hermione Granger, Pleasure to meet you. My mother is over at Naughty Nymphs. Such a repulsive name, you Americans. Anyhow, we're new to town and my mother scheduled an appointment for school Vaccinations."

"Ahh yes, My 11:30." Dr. Gilbert looked around the office and then at his scheduling book

"It seems, my 10:30 is a no show. So, how about we get to it?"

"I'm waiting on you, Doctor. I have to be led to the examination room. It's my first visit remember?"

Watching everything through a scrying glass, I couldn't help but laugh. Hermione probably felt she was acting, but all I seen was Hermione's natural mannerisms on full display

Once the two were in the examination room. Hermione made her move. Closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry, Doctor. Petrificus totalus..."

Grayson's body tensed up and fell to the floor like a statue. Hermione grabbed the ring from his finger. And prepared to do the spell she created.

Pressing it between her palms, Hermione muttered her incantations. And the ring began to melt destroying the Horcrux. Hermione's nose was bleeding, profusely. Then she collapsed.

Appariating into the examination. I checked on Hermione and then obliviated Grayson. Making him believe that he missed placed his ring, for the time being.

Hermione remained unconscious for about an hour. When she woke, she was in a fit. It took awhile to calm her down to get information from her.

"What did you see?"

"The other ring, It's with a woman at some American school, Duke." Hermione explained "But that Horcrux was different. My research said with every kill you can create a Horcrux. But that ring is something viler than anything Voldemort has every created."

"What else did you see Hermione?"

"That ring needs balance. It chips away at the wearers soul to resurrect him. Originally the ring would feed on the deaths of the supernaturals the wearer killed, as payment for creating multiple instant horcruxes, I don't know what to call it, Lucien. But it went haywire. The thing is alive now, and it craves blood. The things has been eating souls for a century and a half. If it wasn't destroyed in the spell. That man would have lost his mind and took many more lives"

I looked at Hermione and she was terrified. "You saw the deaths, didn't you?"

My words opened the flood gates, tears came rushing from eyes in steady streams. She couldn't stop shaking. So, I held her, I told everything was going to be alright . moments into our embrace, I put her to sleep with a spell.

I watched the sleeping Hermione for a while, while I thought about the spell she did. There was no way in hell she could have survived. I thought about for awhile longer until it hit me. When My spirit beast eaters the souls in a Horcrux, it breaks. Hermione must have used a similar technique. Taking the fragmented souls in the ring to fuel her magic, destroying the ring in the process.

I called for Vega to deep dive into Hermione's Psyche. If anything latched on to her soul, it would have side of effects on the psyche. And if it turned out that Hermione had an invader in her body, it was best to snuff it out early.

February 15, 1994

For the past week, I have been reading through Voldemort's Books that he left me. Practicing what was in them and trying to find what he would turn into a Horcrux. All we needed was and active one. And how ever many he had hidden across the world would reveal itself.

Voldemort needs to be taken care of. The moment I master books he left for me to study. His side of the deal would be upheld, and he'll come for my head. And destroy the British wizarding world in the process. He was a nuisance that need to be snuffed.

I had sent Hermione back a few days ago, to put the sinister seven on Horcrux duty. All except Pansy and Zabini. I had seen how much the liked dueling and saw it as a win-win for everyone involved. I sent them a letter with Hermione. Suggesting if the wanted a bigger stage for dueling, Petition to duel against the other wizarding school . Hopefully this might spark something interesting in Hogwarts.

"Come in Leanna" I heard her walking to the door.

When she entered, she was holding a folder full information.

"Is that on our Mystery woman?" I asked

"Yes, it's everything I gathered over the week" she replied

"Thank you, Leanna. I really don't know what this family would do without"

Leanna put on weak smile "What's wrong ?" I ask her

"It's just, only you feel that way. Even though you're at school most of the time or away. You still manage to send letters and check on me. Everyone else just…forgets about me you know? If it wasn't for the little favors you ask me for, I really don't how I would be able to stay in this family. Even Joanna is paying me less attention"

I pull her in to a lingering hug " I for one, am happy that you are around. And the things I ask for are no small favors. And that's why I only ask for your help"

When Leanna left, I read her report from cover to cover. The woman's name was Gail, Arrived in Mystic Falls in 1993. Now the Girlfriend of Zach Salvatore, and mother of his unborn child. Her daily routines, doctor's appointments, her last name is Warren. Orphan, no immediate family and she was involved incident that lead to the deaths of four people, speculated to be satanic in nature. This led to her relocation to Mystic Falls.

Pulling out a piece of paper I wrote her little note and teleported it to her. Hopefully she checks her pockets.

With all of that said and done, I continued Studying Voldemort's book in peace.

Third POV

Lucien continued to study and practice, eventually getting help from Anna. She wasn't a witch, but she was Vampire strong enough to wield the elements and manipulated weather. She also couldn't die unless she took a stake to the heart or was roasted in fire.

The two battled for days. Lucien got his ass kicked for days


"You're forcing it. You are very creative, but you need to let your creativity flow through you magic to create. The Fire was always a tiger before you decide to morph it into a tiger. It's a representation of the fire's intent. Think of it as symbolism. Fire is hot and it burns. But a tiger is aggressive and fierce. If you add those attributes to the fire. It will naturally become the tiger you want instead of forcing it like transfiguration."

Weeks turned into months, and Lucien got better at using his magic and the spells in Voldemort's books. At the pace he was learning, it wouldn't be long until, he complete mastered the last two books.

"So, you should be getting your mother, soon right?"

"Yes, if that Salvatore brother doesn't screw it up" Anna replied

"Good call me, when you have her."

"Where are you going?"

"Back to school, it's close to the end of the year and my friend's have a tournament, I really want to be there to support them"

Lucien appirated back to his room after that. It was close to the end of April at this point. Jenna was still in a deep sleep and nothing was happening in Mystic Falls that needed his attention. It was best he head back to Hogwarts and not waste anymore time.