Summer Before Year 4

The end of my third year was very anti climatic. It was slightly disappointing but, then again. Not every year had to end in a firework show. Anyway, the school year is now over, and things were finally in a good place, the Patil Twins went back home as if nothing happened and did Lucien's bidding without even knowing it. The alterations the golem inserted into their minds, was like a sire bond. They believe them selves free of any influence. But always acted in his best interest.

Navarra took the Syndicate to the Dubois Manor in Budongo for the summer. They were to witness and learn the different magic arts present on the African continent, under the care of Nina the Necromancer and the Twins Arsu and Azizo. Lucien had taken the boys in during the summer after his first year of Hogwarts. This led to his acquisition of Nina, the Necromancer and guardian of the Arsu and Azizo.

Turoth and Vega took Hermione's thunderbird, Marduk, to Shangri-La for the summer. While Lucien gave the order for the Bennett ladies that infiltrated the ministry to start hunting down death eaters, with a kill order. The order received major backlash from Dumbledore and his people. They were ultimately rebuffed by Dorothea Bennett. She had in acted a 'Zero tolerance Policy' signed off and enforced by Minister Fudge.

Hermione and Daphne were handed over to the elves to complete their studies. Hermione was sent to the Dark elves for her interest in magic application and the magical application of magical creatures. Daphne studied with the celestial elves, Magical technology, runes, and space-time magic was her concentration.

Zabini and Pansy, spent their summer together adventuring. Just like they liked it. Katie however was having the most burdensome summer. When Lucien removed the Yaxleys. He talked to JannaBell about claiming her inheritance, officially becoming Janet Bell-Yaxley, Lady of the Yaxley House. It took a lot of convincing until she finally caved. Now she spent her time getting the Yaxley affairs in order and she drug Katie around to shadow her. JannaBell had no interest in running both Houses. So, she decided that when Katie came of Age, she will inherit the Bell House. This way JannaBell could focus on reconstructing the Yaxley House.

July 1, 1994

I received a call today; Jenna still hasn't woken from her sleep. But as far as the celestial elf in Mystic Falls could tell. Jenna was slowly assimilating with the power she had received from her Grandfather. Her hair was now Raven Black with silver streaks. And she had deep radiant amber eyes... She also started to emit a savage power.

It took the sacrifice of an exiled archangel to send Miranda and Jenna to this world. Hopefully they were the only ones of their kind. But in order to be safe. I allowed the family to take Jenna to the Bennett Ancestral Home and petition Qetsiyah to allow some more Bennett witches to join the dead Bennett coven boosting the power of the land from 101 dead witches to 300. The raw power of Jenna's grandfather was simple to tyrannical. The moment she was brought into the wards all memories of Jenna had been erased from the world. Pauline and her daughter Sophia had to erase the memories personally from Jenna's family or the risk of them going insane was all too high. Miranda allowed her memories to be altered as well. Jenna turned into the estranged younger sister, that was taken away from her years ago.

Abby also told me that Gail Warren, the girlfriend of Zach Salvatore contacted her. About the Respondeo Incantation. Apparently, she had gotten a note in her pocket with a protection spell on it. It told her when and how to use it. With instructions afterward. To her surprise the hours after casting the spell. Damon Salvatore, A vampire, had killed her and a dozen other people. Her baby was cut from her. And she was pronounced dead.

I laughed for while of course, the power of my new eyes were incredible. When I finally relaxed, I told her to lend a hand. Then take in the woman and her baby in. With the Respondeo Incantation the town remembered Gail and her pregnancy, but that's all they remembered. Gail Bennett and her pregnancy. With a little extra help from the spirits. Stefan Salvatore's memory was altered to forget ever helping Gail's daughter survive. As far as he knew. They were both dead. And by the time he came back it wouldn't matter.

With Gail and her newborn child, Sarah Bennett. Another Lynch pin was activated. Sarah Bennett was the Monarch, with the flap of her wings the flow of time quaked and reality warped. She was the one to change BonBon's future to the most optimal outcome.

Speaking of best outcomes for BonBon's future, Sheila arrived back from Portland, Oregon recently, she was weak and feeble. She had gone to help an old friend that wielded a pretty nasty form of magic. Siphoners. They stole magic from things and people to fuel their spells. While there, she ran into a conflict and suffered a blow of having her magic nearly sapped, Harming her life forces and foundation.

On August 23rd. 1994, I received word that unwelcome guest attempted to get onto the old Gaunt estate but was ultimately repelled. It wasn't until reviewing the memories the grounds keeper , did I realize the scoundrel was that cockroach Voldemort and Pettigrew, Pettigrew had escaped the custody of the ministry of magic and did what any predictable servant would do. Return to their master.

Voldemort was finally on the move. And many hidden death eaters started to move as well however the moment they popped up they were hunted down. And their wand was eaten by a Bennetts under the guise of aurors. However, more than Lucien had anticipated began to appear, and this sparked a shadow war between the ministry and the death eaters. Dorothea put in lots of effort concealing it from Fudge. Unfortunately, that all changed, on August 26th . the return of death eaters were official.

However, to everyone's surprise, Fudge denied everything and chalked it up to the death eaters from the old regimen looking to sew fear and chaos. A small band of criminals, he said, were carrying out attacks, and they shouldn't be feared. The dark lord was dead, he declared and soon the criminals would be brought to swift justice.

Sending an order down to the head of the department of magical Law enforcement. Dorothea had no choice but to report everything about the death eater activity that had been ramping up over the summer. And with the Zero-tolerance policy in place. Fudge wanted every auror working around the clock. Even the newest recruits we're put to work. Their job was to snuff out death eaters' cells. And the report to their seniors with targets.

"Minister, Minister. Are the rumors true. Has the dark lord returned? And is the Ministry waging a secret war against his army?"

"Of course not, Ms.Skeeter. The ministry believes in 100 percent transparency. The dark lord has not returned, and the death eaters are all but , finished!" he stated to before the wizarding world

"Then can you please explain the overhaul on new auror recruits."

Minister Fudge was shocked by her question. Turning to reenter the ministry, Fudge ordered Dorothea, to conduct and internal investigation for possible leaks. The push for more recruits were kept under wraps. And all recruits had taken unbreakable vows.

It was exactly what I needed. Fudge was digging his grave. But he still had time, while Mama Thea was busy clipping ex death eaters from the ministry on the pretense that once a death eater always a death eater. Lucius was the first to get sacked. And the Notts were sent to Azkaban. The Greengrass and Averys were safe after they did what the Notts refused to do. Join Lucien and swear an unbreakable vow of servitude.

To pull everyone's mind away from the current problem. Fudge used unauthorized time turner to go back in time and authorize a proposal he had recently denied. The Tri-Wizard Tournament. The Tri-Wizard Tournament was big enough to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, until the problem was solved, and order was reestablished.

Every spin of a time turner was cataloged and submitted daily, for those who were given permission to have one. This is why Lucien never used his for anything other than his classes.

Unfortunately, those who knew the feeling of time shifts noticed the change when the Tri-wizard tournament was suddenly back on. Though, no one dared to ask questions.