Book of Azeroth Pt.1

It was the beginning of another merry year at Hogwarts. And I have feeling this will be the best one yet. Entering, this year my schedule started with Summonings. Another, interesting part about this year, was that the sinister seven had all sent their golems in their place. Except for me. Daphne said she wanted to keep Hermione company this year and learn more from the dark elves.

Navarra was technically dead, so she had no need to send a Golem. However, she decided to stay with Nina. They had really clicked over the summer and Navarra was now learning necromancy from her.

Katie was still aiding the temperamental JannaBell. The Yaxleys had assets all over, dowry and dower that had to be reclaimed and upkept. And it was all too much for Jannabell, she could have hired anybody in the wizarding world but, Katie was the only one to keep her from breaking. Katie, made it a point me know that she wanted at least three letters a week

Zabini and Pansy, found themselves traveling through the middle east. And wanted to finish their little expedition before returning to Hogwarts.


The year started the same as every year, with the sorting ceremony and welcome feast. Although this year had a not so surprising, surprise. Hogwarts had been chosen to host the tri-wizard tournament this year. Before arriving, Mama Thea had told me about the event and what to expect. The tournament would be including. Durmstrang and Beuxbatons academy would be participating along with Hogwarts. A tournament to determine the best. Obviously, I was going to participate.

The day after the banquet,my first class was Summoning. I was specifically exited for this class for on reason. This year we would be attempting to summon our primal beast. I am determined to prove everyone by summoning my primal beast on the first try. In the class. Professor Azeroth started off by telling everyone if they attempted to use summoning in the tri-wizard tournament they would utterly die. We simple did not have the strength and skill to pull off such feats, without the aid of special beast carriers. Wizards were only allowed wands in the tournament.

With that being said, Azeroth started the lessons teaching us about shadow selves and methods to confront them. That led us into a short herbology lesson for the methods that required the mixing of herbs. Then we started learning about summoning people and live species. Last year we learned to summon objects, It was quite a bloody lesson. By intermission the class was riddled with pig and got innards.

The smile was so horrid, a 5th year raised her hand and spoke on the behalf of the class. No one knew if she was daft or just had balls of steal. After the first class, people began to realize that questioning Professor Azeroth's method's what only lead to self-harm.

"Professor, we should be allowed to use our wands. This is completely absurd. We do everything correctly and yet; these poor animals are still sacrificed because the flow of magic is just to hard to control. I accepted it last year because we destroyed things, however these are sentient beings, and I refuse to continue!"

I smiled in amusement as looked back and forth between Azeroth and the girl who was obviously daft. And then fought hard to hold back my laughter when Azeroth began to speak

"Oooh you are a smart indeed. Compassion, bravery, willing to face the giant on the behalf of lesser creature. 500 points to Hufflepuff. Come girl, come." Azeroth gestured for her to join him in the front of the class. Looking at the girl and the rest of the class. I could tell that everyone was nervous.

Contracts were a son of bitch, and everyone signed one before joining the class. And Azeroth made sure that it was renewed before every year at Hogwarts

"Pull at your wand, now show . your brilliance!" Azeroth's voice boomed throughout the classroom

The girl took on a haughty appearance with a confident smile. Pulling out her wand, she crafted her summoning circle "Hmmm" I made the sound audible for the class to here " The circle is perfectly balance for her second year in summoning, her arcane script, exquisite… However," when I finished the end of my sentence the girl's wand busted into wood chips and sent the girl flying into the wall.

Azeroth appeared before the class and with a wave of his hand, protected everyone from the rouge magic. I couldn't help delivering an enthusiastic round of applause.

"Professor, you are as brilliant as always" I tell him

"haha did you see the way her body twisted in the air? Zabini!" said Azeroth

"Yes, professor?!"

"Tell the class why a wand will not with the summoning of living beings"

"Yes Sir, unlike the summoning of objects, living beings require a lot more energy to protect the being from the special rifts, and the protective magic required to protect them are 10x more intricate because of the delicacies that accompany the living being. For example, organs, bones, tissue, and so on. Similar to the dangers of long distant apparition."

"oh, the waste" Azeroth muttered to himself and the projected his voice, "Correct, 600 points to Slytherin for actually reading the footnotes in the textbook. And another 150 points to Slytherin for Mr. Bennett-Dubois sense of Humor. It is now intermission. Please continue practicing wandless magic. I understand it makes you tired and you have other class. But the more you slack of the more animals, die. Also! This year's mid-term will determine whether or not you stay in this class and move on. Or go back to introductions, next year. Meaning you will be removed from this class and receive a fail." Azeroth finished his closing words and went into his office. Leaving the students to pick up the daft 5th year.

It was amazing. When the class finally emptied, I went to speak to professor Azeroth personally for the first time.

*knock knock*

"come in Mr. Bennett-Dubois" Azeroth called out

"Please call me Lucien. I only make people call me that when I'm being a dick" I replied, and a chuckle was produced by Azeroth.

"So, you've finally came to speak to me. Those house elves of yours have been watching my moves in the castle for a year now. At first, I thought it was Dumbledore, until I started noticing signs, specifically how they cater to you."

I continue to smile as I listen to Azeroth "I'm a right or I am right?"

I tilt my head "Brilliant as always professor. Don't worry I'll call off the dogs. So, you can keep practicing your forbidden arts near the forgotten Spire"

"What else do you know?" He asked me

"Enough. But I'm here as a concerned student. I want tutoring. I plan to participate in the tri-wizard tournament. And I want you to train me. Because I know you are as good as Dumbledore and I want to summon my primal beast"