Book of Azeroth Pt.2

Lucien stood in Azeroth's office awaiting his reply

"You're ambitious boy, But I'll tutor you. Starting today. You must be punctual and do exactly as I say. Do you understand?" Azeroth stared Lucien down

"Yes professor."

"And this stays between us, Be back later at this time" Azeroth said , then waved his hand towards Lucien, the scenery changed then he was standing in the hall way.

When Lucien was kick out of professor Azeroth's classroom, he went towards to the forbidden forest. He began to think about how fun the year might actually be, no scheme, just enjoying the school life without problems. Finally making it to Hagrid's hut, Padma walked to Lucien's side

"What took you so long, I was beginning to think you were skipping class. You know how much Hagrid likes to see you in his class" She said

"I know, I had to talk to professor Azeroth about something. We're still on for our date at bowtruckle Island?" He asked with a smirk

Taking a step closer to him, Padma put her arms around Lucien's neck. Holding on to her waist and pulling her close "Of course, we're still on" Padma answers in soft voice be form the two close the little space left between them to join and kiss

"Good, I've been looking forward to it."

"I know I've missed you all summer" She pouts

"Well, I'm her now… Come, Hagrid's here" Lucien continues to hold Padma's waist as the walk to meet Hagrid with the rest of the class.

"Ahh Lucien, Padma, nice to see you too still side-by-side. Ehh" Hagrid show's big smile, while some of the ladies in the class sneer.

'Hmm I guess it's reached that point. Hopefully Ollivander has found a solution' Lucien thought to himself

"It's where we belong Hagrid. How was your summer? Did you get my gift?" asked Lucien

Hagrid eyes began to beam with a newfound light. " Why yes I did! And I'll tell you all about it after class" When Hagrid was finished speaking, he faced the rest of the class and welcomed him into the new year. After his first couple of months last year , Hagrid really began growing into his new position as a professor. Lucien was happy to know he made the right investment. Now he had to do was work on getting Hagrid's wand back or convince Azeroth to teach him. Hagrid would make a wonderful summoner. And might be one of the few Sorcerers that can actual summon their primal beast.

When Hagrid finished his new year speech, he took all of the students into the dark forest deeper than he ever had before.

"Hagrid, I hope you know what you're doing?" Padma spoke softly so only Hagrid; Lucien and she could hear what she had said

"Don't ya worry, I have everything under control" He replied.

"He's got this, relax" Lucien supported, mostly because he wanted to see what Hagrid had planned this time.

A little further in the group walked into and open area. Surrounded by totems. Hagrid walked up to one of them and muttered a small prayer and took a wolf liver from his side pouch to placed in front of the totem.

Walking back to the class Hagrid was visibly giddy "Ooh I think ya all, gonna love this"

A few moments later wolves began to howl in the distance and crows appeared flying circles around a dust tornado, when the tornado disappeared and 8-foot Leshen stood in its place.

"Behold, the Ancient Leshen. Summoned with the liver of the wolf. But be wary if come across one without proper offering, because they killers without a doubt." Hagrid explained

"Wow" the class said in unison

"Holy shit" Lucien muttered. He had fought one in Shangri-La but never had he expected to for Hagrid to call one forth as a potential contract beast for this year's class.

"Hagrid, you will bring glory back to Hogwarts" Lucien said in an audible whisper

"Thank ya Lucien. Now student class the Leshen would disappear soon so pay it no mind. Whatever you do just don't step into the circle"

"Yes Professor" the class replied. Every time Hagrid heard himself being called professor it brought him joy. Hagrid went on to explain the history of the Leshen, and their behavior, next was the part that could be used for witches' brews, how to take care of them and then the proper etiquette to request a conversation. There were things that had to be offered after the wolf's liver. If the Leshen accepted the request to communicate, the wizard must over Honey Meade and Apples. If the Leshen refused, the heart of an Alpha had to be offered

"That's absurd. Do you mean a werewolf?" A boy asked

"Let me finish. The Leshen refuses. You must of the heart of an Alpha, yes, a werewolf, but it has to be a cursed one cursed one. Leshens are friends of wolves. To view turning into a wolf a curse. Is a disrespect to its friends. So, to say sorry for wasting its time, you must give it the heart of its enemy." Hagrid Explained

The class went on and Hagrid picked volunteers to give offerings to Leshens. Lucien was thoroughly satisfied with the class.

When the class was over, Lucien and Padma listened to Hagrid tell his summer story about how he Egg Lucien had sent him hatched and the great joy he had when he found an Occamy inside. He raised it in the forest and discovered that Occamies have a sixth sense for hatchlings in their area. Because of this Hagrid discovered his first Family of Occamies in the forbidden forest. At the end of the summer he turned it over to them, to be with its own kind

"Ahhh Hagrid! you oaf! I gave the egg to you as well done present for being one of the better professors and you gave the Occamy away?" Lucien face contorted

"But he was better off with his own kind" Hagrid retorted

Lucien took a deep breath " I guess, you right. How about another hippogriff? Maybe a girl for Buckbeak?"

Hagrid raised his eyebrow in interest.

After leaving the hut Lucien went through the rest of his classes and then Turned back time to finish his other class. This time around. While his past self was in the dark forest, Lucien went to Professor Azeroth's classroom.

"Ahh Lucien you made it. We have until the end of your class with Hagrid, that's when my 3rd Level class begins." Azeroth told him as grabbed a book from the Shelf.

"So far you know how to summon objects , you know how to combine arcane sigils and runes. And your pretty good at controlling your power. What we will focus on first is refining that control and producing magic circles as a unit."

"Unit?" Lucien asked

"Yes, instead of drawing it peace by peace. You learn to produce it all at one time. Shortening your casting speed, here are books about magic circles in its entirety , if you want to excel, you'll need to more about magic circles and their uses then just summoning. Hide those, because they are illegal. Especially the one about the Kabbalah. That teaching isn't widely accepted in the British wizarding world" Azeroth pilled books on the table, and insinuated many things, to get around Dumbledore's order to keep quite about certain things when dealing with the sinister seven