Update!(Mature content after this point)

First off, I want to thank everyone for the support. The OGs and the newcomers.

This chapter is just a little summary of information that you might have forgotten after 100 chapters.

This current Volume will focus on the tri-wizard cup, Character development, Lucien's progress as a young sorcerer, and it will be completing the merger of Lucien and the tri-core soul wand(finally).

Lucien Bennett Dubois, During the first volume as a very young wizard, he met Garrick Ollivander. Ollivander told him a story about his greatest creation. The Tri-Core Soul wand. This wand fuses with the soul of the wizard and grows with the wizard. The main core is what keeps the wand stable. and it also the abilities of the main core that the wizard gains after fusing with their wand.

Lucien later discovers that, the tri-core wand is cable of eating other wands to aid in the complete merger of wand and wizard. During the event that wizard meets the requirements to complete merger with his/her wand. The main core will become the physique of said wizard.

Phoenix feather- Phoenix Physique

Veela hair- Veela Physique

Basilisk Fang/horn- Basilisk Physique

The wizard will gain the physique that belongs to the beast in their wand. Rick the phoenix gave a feather to Voldemort and harry potter. Voldemort and Harry potter will gain the identical physique of Rick the Phoenix. not Donny, the pure-blood overlord king phoenix. But, Rick, the ordinary phoenix.

Can Rick, the ordinary Phoenix Physique become Donny, The pure-blood overlord King Physique? Yes, just not from the beginning, it will be a processes

Back to Lucien, Our MC. Lucien was gifted two wands. They were made in a way that Ollivander felt, they would never find another than Lucien (Plot armor right?).

wand 1: Elder wood, Thestrial tail hair, Basilisk Horn, (Main core) Phoenix Feather.

Wand 2: Pear wood, Horned Serpent's Horn, Spine of the white river monster, (Main core) Veela Hair

The phoenix feather came from an ordinary phoenix. However during Ollivander's story. He tell's Lucien, that his wife is a Veela. She dies and Ollivander uses her hair, to make the main core of the second wand.

During his fusion with these wands, he gains abilities from both the Veela and the Phoenix.

As far as he could tell, Veela pheromones(charm) and Phoenix regeneration. Yes, these abilities can evolve as the wand and the wizard grows.

In 1993, Lucien began to notice that his Veela Pheromones could get wildly out of control and has gotten him self in the habit of suppressing them. However he can not control his power according to knowledge on Veela Males, until he is 16. So its a nuclear bomb, not a bow and arrow.

Ollivander, and books on magical creatures also inform Lucien to stay away from Veela woman, Ass he give the impression of a pure blood male Veela. Although Female Veelas tempt human man, they strive for purity and their lust becomes uncontrollable around the very rare Pure-blood male Veela.

so now, Lucien has been suppressing his abilities for years and his abilities are related to Ollivander's wife.

The Veelas of harry potter derive from the mythical creature Vilas. This Volume will get dark and twisted as Lucien takes on the tri-wizard tournament, His uncontrollable mysterious abilities, while oddly boding with...Snape? with a sprinkle of voodoo. no one is safe this year.

Chapter are being posted tonight

Sex scenes and mature situations to be included after this point