First Task: The Crucible

"Ollivander, what did you do with my lovely witches?" Lucien asked in a haze.

"Haha boy you should really learn to control yourself. They're all in the Medical wing of course. But, don't worry I've cleaned them up and it just looks like a group of girls went adventuring in places that ought not to. " Ollivander asked while sipping a cup of tea

"I've been writing you for weeks!" Lucien had a small outburst

"Yes, and I've been doing what you asked. If I didn't want to see how powerful my wands would become, I would have just ignored you completely" Ollivander gave a little chuckle "But, at last I've found a solution. But there is a small problem…" he added

Sitting up in his bed, Lucien just started at Ollivander awaiting his tale. Ollivander took on last sip of tea and recounted the story of his wife and her Veela linage. He then told him of the Tri core wands again and that his wife's hair was used for the core of one of the wands.

"Okay, get to the point Ollivander, it's been a trying couple of months" Lucien commented

Ollivander continued and told him about the Veela ancestry, everything is what Lucien had already known, and then there was light at the end of the tunnel. Ollivander had told Lucien, what the elders had told him and that the Samodiva needed is being protected by the Veela elders.

By the end of Ollivander's story, Ollivander handed him a case of tincture that could help keep his sanity. While hunting for the Samodiva.

"You didn't tell them about me, did you?" Lucien asked

"No, my boy, but they suspect that I had a son. So, from now. No more contact between us." Ollivander, took his leave after that

Looking at the vials of medicine, Lucien downed one and put another in his pocket. Leaving his room, it was the afternoon and Lucien was running late to an interview with Rita Skeeter.

Entering the room, Lucien saw the contest, Two from Beauxbatons, two from Durmstrang, and Harry Potter. Gaining the attention of everyone in the room Fleur, walked over to Lucien and grabbed him by the arm and led him away from the other contestants.

Her face beat red, Fleur began to ramble "Je suis vraiment désolé. Je ne suis pas comme ça d'habitude. Vous m'avez dit de garder mes distances et j'ai suivi votre parfum délibérément. S'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi d'interrompre votre orgie."

(I am really sorry. I'm not like that usually. You told me to keep my distance and I followed your perfume deliberately. Please forgive me for interrupting your orgy.)

Lucien couldn't help but laught at here words "vous frappez ma pute après l'avoir retirée de ma bite. Et vous ne vous excusez que d'avoir interrompu mon orgie? pourquoi ne pas offrir vos services en retour? vous sembliez plus que disposé à la nuit dernière." He replied

(you hit my whore after removing it from my cock. And you only apologize for interrupting my orgy? why not offer your services in return? you seemed more than willing to last night.)

Fleur turned her nose upwards and her face dawned another shade of red. "I was under the influence; it will not happen again. " she spoke with renewed refinement. She had realized that an apology wasn't necessary. And she now had to dig herself out of a situation that could lead to her being plowed to death.

Taking a step, Lucien snaked his hand around her waist. Then whispered into her ear. "Even if I get my abilities in check, you would be so cruel as to leave your future husband uncared for?"

Fleur lightly bit her bottom lip and dawned a smile she couldn't quite repress. Hiding her smile, she pushed pass Lucien and walked back to the towards the contestants while saying in low voice" connerie! Viens, nous avons une entrevue à assister."

(Bullshit! Come, we have an interview to attend.)

All the while Rita Skeeter was actively taking pictures of their exchange. From that moment on the interviews were rather dull. When they were over Ollivander held an impromptu weighing of the wands. He had been missing for quite a while and left it to his discretion , as long as it was any time before the first task.

The week passed by like a gust of wind. The first task would start in the morning and no one had any Idea what the task would be, all everyone knew was Dragons. And to make matters worse. The sinister seven had returned to Hogwarts. In that very moment, Lucien realized that he and Zabini were the only males in the group. It was recipe for disaster and Lucien felt it.

So, the first thing he did was tell the sinister seven about what's been going on. They really didn't seem to care about the girls. Though Katie was furious. She even volunteered to keep an eye on Lucien to make sure he took all of his medicine on time.

"Lucien, I know you want to hunt the Samodiva on your own, but you have to compete in the tournament, and I will feel better if we settled this issue as fast as possible. So, Navara and I will take a group with us to hunt for it." Hermione spoke up.

"It's not a negotiation, Lucien. We're going" Navarra supported Hermione's idea.

"Fine, but you know what you have to do?" Lucien asked

"Yes, and we can handle it. Especially if it means giving us a future." Navarra replied

Nodding his head. Lucien understood why she was going.

Later that morning, the geography of the forbidden forest had changed. The forest now 100 feet high and surrounded by a stadium and in big floating cloth screens. In the contestants' tent. Everyone stood in a circle around Barty Crouch senior and pulled dragons from a bag. The dragons weren't the important part, what came next was.

Leading the contestants to stone pillars spread throughout the forest. They were surround by imprisonment ward while Dumbledore explained the rules for the first task.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the first task of the TriWizard Tournament. Nothing about this year is traditional. So, we have decided to do away with tradition altogether! Six Chosen, two from Beauxbatons academy, Fleur Delacour and Mael Brodeur. Two from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum and Vera Orlov! And finally, Lucien Bennett-Dubois and Harry Potter from Hogwarts!" The crowd was bursting with cheers. A male and female garbed in Beauxbatons colors were shown on the floating screen. Two more screens showed a male and female garbed in Durmstrang colors. The last two screens showed Harry and Lucien as well.

The stands were filled with people from all three schools and spectators from all of the British wizarding world who wanted to watch the tournament. Barty Crouch need a way to pay for the changes in the tournament. And since tradition had been trashed, there was no reason to keep attendance to only the three schools for the first two task. as long as they paid, they were welcome.

Waiting for the crowd to settle down, Dumbledore continued "The first Task is called 'The Crucible'! each contestant was given a list of three Items, that need to be gathered. The first Item is the Heart of a Leshen! Next, is Wraith Dust and finally a Golden Egg, guarded by a dragon specifically chosen by the contestants! When all of these items are collected. The contestants must find their school flag and return it back to their starting point to signal the completion of the task"

Dumbledore was doing a fantastic job, but those nearest to him could visibly see the frustration. The tournament at Hogwarts meant a safer game for Harry, or so he thought. Because of the blatant

cheating that allowed an extra three contestants. Barty crouch personally oversaw the creation of each task. His purpose for this was to deliberately produce losers and one winner. The task were designed to showcase the skill of a wizard. And with wavers signed, Murder was permitted, although it had been years since one contestant killed another. But to make sure there was no funny business, Screens were added and a panel was formed formed wit a strict grading rubric.

"The contestants have 24 hours to complete this task. When the time limit is up. The remaining contestant will be booted from the arena if they have not completed the task by then, they will be graded accordingly. The Grades will be handled by a panel of five. Professor Azeroth of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall of Hogwarts. Professor Mercier of Beauxbatons, Professor Cardon of Beauxbatons and Finally Professors Aronov and Levinsky from Durmstrang and myself as head of the panel. With nothing left to say. Let the Tournament, Begin!"

With the flick of his wand, Dumbledore sent a tiny ball of light into the sky, when it exploded dozens of fireworks went off.