First Task: Running the Crucible

The sound of horns playing upbeat music reverberated throughout the forbidden forest. It slowly began to deafen along with the cheers of the crowd. The forbidden forest was being sealed off. When the forest became dead quiet. The imprisonment wards around each contestants' pillar, vanished.

"So, I guess this is it." Lucien muttered to himself. Jumping down from his pillar, Lucien looked around and then stretch out his consciousness. "There it is" he muttered, pushing off the ground he darted in a single direction, appearing before a wolf. Clutching its neck with his left hand, Lucien used his right hand to rip out its heart.

As the crowd watched Lucien's fast and decisive movement many people were repulsed, and others confused. Lucien was Slytherin everything he did was bad magic in most people's eyes. Professor Azeroth rooting for the boy simply told them all the way to summon a Leshen, When Azeroth finished his explanation, enlightenment showed on many people's faces. Azeroth, just shock his head in grief.

Azeroth had set a trend , the next moment Durmstrang was explaining the actions of Vera Orlov, with tradition done away with. Vera used her staff to battle a dragon she had accidentally ran into. Her battle magic was foreign to the people of Hogwarts. It had a signature color of black and green. Giving it a sinister appearance. The more Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had to explain magic, rituals, and battle tactics. The more Azeroth was saddened and the dumber Hogwarts began to look.

Back in the stadium, within the first hour.

Lucien appeared in opening that Hagrid had brought him to during a beast care class. Placing the heart on an alter Lucien waited for a Leshen to appear. Leshen were woodland spirits. The know exactly what was happen in the forest. So, they watched Lucien for the time being. One hour, then two.

A Leshen finally appeared and Lucien took a step back into the ceremony grounds. "I'm glad you came. You're not an animal. So, I will not hunt you like one, but I need your heart" It was Lucien day view, why hold back. Like Durmstrang and their staffs. Lucien was carrying the double-bladed polearm, crafted by the goblins on his back.

Taking his weapon into his hands, Lucien wasted no time and began to battle with the Leshen, Vines came at him like spear. And the sound of wolf stampeding in his direction could be herd. Stepping on the wind, Lucien appeared behind the beast and delivered an upward slash "Levicorpus" as the blade struck the Leshen back, it went crashing into a tree. Dangling by its feet.

When the wolves arrived, Lucien decapitated them all with ease. Facing the Leshen once more. Lucien used his telekinesis to rip the Leshen apart. Taking its heart and everything else of value.

"AAAaahhhhhhhh!" a shout full of hurt and fury wailed throughout the Forbidden forest. Lucien was the first to kill a Leshen. And now its kind was mad, and it called to rally the forest. Barty Crouch stood in the stands with a satisfied smile.

Before anyone could think, magical beast were now hunting the contestants with a thirst for revenge.

"Oh, fuck off! Before I slaughter you all!" Clutching his weapon, the air around him electrified. Stomping on the ground Lucien turned into a bluish white streak of lightning and disappeared.

The next item Lucien went for was the wraith dust. For that he would have to go to the hallow lands. On his way there. It wasn't surprising to see a high-speed Viktor Krum moving in another direction, He had successfully killed a wraith. When Lucien arrived . Harry Potter and Mael Brodeur were battling wraiths.

Harry was struggling and the site was pathetic. As a weapon, Dumbledore allowed Harry to wield the Gryffindor sword. But it mattered not. Harry used the Patronus charm to push the wraiths back while slashing at them with the Gryffindor sword. It could have worked if his timing wasn't off. Mael wielded a spear with runes. He must have found out about the wraiths and drew special runes on his weapon.

But all of this mattered not, when Lucien killed that Leshen, more wraiths rose from the hallow lands with intent to kill. "Spiritus Bestia!" A lion and snake appeared behind Lucien. "Go!" Lucien shouted leaping on to the Lion King's back. Leaping over Harry and Mael, careful not to kill any of their enemies Lucien went deeper in to the hallow lands. Pushing his telekinetic power together to create tension. Lucien let it go , producing a telekinetic blast, pushing back the wraiths. Jumping to the ground "Sanctificamini spiritum. Comedet!" he shouted. And like the soul shards in the horcruxes. The wraiths were purified and devoured, strengthen Lucien's spirit beast. Watching the seen, The Lion King and Sage Snake became completely tangible. With ethereal abilities. A black Lion and white snake stood near Lucien with whitish blue mist swirling from their bodies.

3 hours had passed while Lucien's spirit beast were running wild. Looking to score well, Lucien put his weapon away and pulled out his wand. As soon as his wand materialized. Shook Lucien's body and gave him tunnel vision. In his short lapse of consciousness, the wand showed him visions of the Durmstrang staffs.

"They're giant wands…" Lucien had realized that his wand was excited

"Fine... I guess I have been putting it of long enough." Lucien mentally spoke to its wand and it purred like a kitty, and Lucien chuckled.

The dragon's keep. Is what Lucien called it, stretching out his senses, Lucien found that dragon all sat in a centralized area in a place that Azeroth and Lucien was familiar with. The Forgotten Spire. It was an old abandon tower that sat smack dead in the center of the forbidden forest. The most dangerous part of the forest.

By nature, dragons are loners. But if you put a group of baby carrying mother dragons in one are, only one thing is bound to happen. It will turn into a dragons keep, and as unit the Dragon's fight of their attackers. Besides that, it was hard enough getting there. Viktor, Fleur, and Mael had all killed their Leshen as well and a barrier of beast stood between them and the dragon's keep. Arriving at their position. Lucien stepped down from the Lion King and walked through the wards that were put up, to protect against the beast.

"Lucien… You made it" Fleur said pulling him into a hug. She looked tired and disheveled. She had fought her way her like everyone else, tooth and nail. Everyone's clothes were tattered. Except Lucien's and Viktor.

"Where is everyone else?" Lucien asked,


Viktor had struck a tree next him

"Vera is trapped in the dragon land." Viktor said, with a sad and defeated tone. Cold and callus he was. But family and comrades will always receive his kindness. Lucien respected the Bulgarian warrior for that.

"Its only some pesky beast. I'm sure we can handle it together. To be honest it's the only way. It's probably why Vera is trapped as well. She probably assumed she could find her dragon, steal the egg and leave. Unfortunately, when dragons pack together. The way they operate change. That means they are also fighting as a unit" Lucien explained

Viktor clenched his fist, Mael and Fleur were frightened by the thought of what a pack of dragons could do.

"What do we do?" They all locked at Lucien

"If we can get passed the beast wall, we can rest in the dragon lands as long as we don't get to close. After that, we slay every dragon that comes our way. And we rescue Vera" Lucien explained a very simple plane. Of course, it would get more detail after breaking through the beast wall. But the main thing was just getting passed it for now

Viktor grabbed Lucien's shoulder and nodded his head. " Thank you… I couldn't return to Durmstrang if I let Vera Die. She's the late Headmasters Granddaughter, she wasn't even supposed to be here." Viktor explained

"Well don't worry, if any one besides me can make it out of her. It's you or Vera. Durmstrang specializes in martial magic. I suggest you use everything know in this battle, for Vera's sake." Lucien replied.

Twisting his hands and muttering a strange incantation. Lucien and the group disappeared from the big screens in the stadium. "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?" Fleur asked

"Cloaking spell. No one can see us now." Lucien replied pulling pouch from his pants.

"You smuggled in charmed bag?" Viktor asked with an amused smile "You're good man Lucien Dubois. Now I don't have to share with your girlfriend" he gestured to Fleur. Viktor was gentleman as well. If Fleur didn't have food, he would have naturally share. Pulling a charmed bag from his pants as well, vector let out a loud hearty laugh. And Lucien joined him. Handing some meat and bread to Fleur the three ate.

"what about me?" Mael asked

Viktor and Lucien replied in unison "What about you?"

Fleur looked at her bread and started kneading it. Lucien squinted his eyes and she continued to eat. Viktor and Lucien were like long lost brothers of the same mind. It was like Zabini was sitting next to him. They both had the same plan and Lucien didn't mind. Not one bit.

In the distance the sound of hooves hitting the ground could be herd. Looking over his shoulder, Lucien didn't know if he should laugh with amusement or cry over the stupidity that Harry seemed to constantly display.

"What the fuck is he doing." Viktor flourished his wand a roped wrapped around the hippogriff's neck snapping it with sheer force. When the Hippogriff tumbled to the floor Harry flew forward but was caught by Lucien telekinesis and pulled into the cloaking spell, disappearing from the big screen and shocking the audience once again.