First Task: Dragons and The Rada Family

"Bloody Hell! Where did you guys come from?" Harry asked frantically

"You nearly got us killed. The beast don't know we're here. But if the stamped through here the wards can only handle so much" Mael explained

"Oh.." Harry had a confused face. The boy had his talents. But it baffled Lucien how someone who spent four years in the same school as he knew little to nothing about magic. He went to live in the muggle world every summer, but for most of the year, he literally lived in a school magic.

"He's an Idiot… You're telling me that when a deathly cry was heard across the forest and more beast started to appear and go stir crazy. It never accord to you that maybe they had started to work together to kill us." Mael Questioned him

"Well, I heard the shout, but I just thought it was one of you killing a beast. But I guess that does explain why all of the beast have been chasing me towards this direction." Harry explained and the group was gob smacked.

"Harry, do you know what's in that direction?" Fleur askedd, the look of confusion on Harry's face answered the question for him.

"Alright, leave him alone. He's had a blood sucking leech eating away at his potential for the past four years." Lucien spoke up

"The red head boy?" Fleur asked, the furry visibly building up. Fleur wasn't a fan of Ron.

"Yes him, terminally ill that one. Loads of baggage projected on to his peers to make himself feel better. Poor Harry here has had it the worst. But Harry, you really ought to start preparing yourself, the world is dangerous, or are you forgetting how you got that scar? Words of advice, wizen up, everything that glitters isn't gold, and just because you have a sword, doesn't mean you're a swordsman. That requires practice like everything else" Lucien lectured

Harry nodded his head in understanding. Lucien sighed. The Harry Potter boy always conflicted him. The dark lord toys with him, Dumbledore toys with him, his family hates him, his best friend is a fucking wanker. And Lucien killed the last family he had. Lucien didn't regret or feel sorry. The conflictions came from the thoughts about whether or not he should help the boy or let natural selection take its course.


The group was well rested with about 17 hours of time left on the clock. "The plan is simple, don't die. If you make it through, then we'll talk about killing dragons" Viktor explained to the group as the walked to the beast. Shaking his staff, it turn red hot, like a rod fresh from a forge fire.

Waving her wand, Fleur conjured butterflies made of water. Mael had dancing runes around his spear, while Lucien and Harry just carried their wands.

"Ahhhhh!" The Leshen let out his battle cry and the Magical Beast advanced.

Viktor spun his staff then stabbed it into the earth. A phoenix erupted and engulfed as many beast as it could. Fleur's butterfly turned into a swarm. Their waters wings cut like razors and tore beast to shreds. Mael's spear thrust was like a small cannon. Stepping through the beast horde, Lucien transfigured the tree branch into long flexible blades that cut Beast to peace. With his free hand he used his telekinesis to extra hearts as he made his through the beast wall nonchalantly.

Harry seemed to be struggling. He used jinxes and knock back curses, know of them were strong enough to kill. And soon everyone joined him in the struggle. The beast numbers were starting to overwhelm them.

"Okay enough of this" Lucien conjured a giant lightning snake and fire bird. "Kill" the two conjuration blew a lane through beast wall and Lucien finally cleared the beast wall. Looking over at the Leshen calling the shoots Lucien teleported to its side and casted a reductor curse, turning it to ash. Facing the spire, Lucien's dragon looked down from the top as if it knew, Lucien was coming for its egg. Tilting his head to the side, Lucien wore a devious smirk.

To the right of Lucien, a Hungarian horntail was spitting out jets of fire at stone structure, "So that's where she is" Lucien tilted his head look at cowering Vera, way out of her element.

One by one the contestants stepped into to the dragon land. Just as the dragons took to the sky to mount their attacks. Twisting his wand. The ground started to shake, and when the dragon fell into a noose dive spitting jets of flames. Lucien ripped a slab of earth from the ground and used it as shield. When the dragon flew by Lucien raised his and barked "laminae de cyclone!"

Huge gust of wind began slammed against the soaring dragons, cuts formed on their bodies and Lucien walked to the spire and looked up at the obsidian dragon. "Give me the egg or Die!" He shouted

"Insolence, Maggots! You are all fucking maggots! Break!" The obsidian dragon shouted shattering Lucien Cyclone. At that moment another mental message came to Lucien

"My Lord, we need to body of that dragon. We request that you kill it and the rest of the dragons. If the others tell their kin of our acquisition of the Obsidian dragon. The dragonkin will hunt you until your last day. And then your family after that." The message came from Valdria, Empress of the Yumboe, which was weird considering Valdria usually obey and never requested anything from him.

"Haha good, another blessing in disguise. I love this tournament" Lucien dawned a crazed smile. The only reason dragon kin will hunt him for killing and taking the obsidian dragon, is if it was their king. Lucien honestly felt, that he was going to kill the king dragon.


Summer of 1994---

Barty crouch Jr stood in front of a cave on an island in the middle of the pacific. This island was like any ordinary Island. The only difference was it housed, The last king of the dragonkin and his daughter. For centuries the King summoned female dragons from all over to breed them, though he never seemed to conceive a child.

One day a small group of dragon lords appeared on his island to enslave him and his women. But he soon realized the voice of the dragon lords didn't have the same effect on him that it did on his kin. Alas he had discovered why he couldn't reproduce. Nature was suppressing him, to give birth to an unchecked powerful line of dragons would be the start of a hegemony.

After slaughtering the dragon lords. All of the king's women became his apostle spread the tale of the savior king. A king that could usher a new era. Taking human form, the king traveled the world, looking for a sorcerer that could help him sire a line. One night he found a sorcerer that was saturated with the power of the dark arts willing to help him. The Sorcerer's name, Tom Riddle.

After Barty Crouch Jr escaped his father's control, He concocted a plan with the dark Lord, take the wizarding world in one fell swoop. This plan relied on Tri wizard tournament. However, the dark lord was weary about Dumbledore. So, he sent Barty Crouch Jr to invite an old friend that could occupy Dumbledore. The Obsidian Dragon Emperor, A magic wielding beast of creature. It was perfect plan. The ministry even walked the dragon into Hogwarts to be apart of the first task.


Tri-wizard tournament, First Task

"Hahaa you foolish apes!" The Obsidian Dragon Emperor dropped from the top of the spire. And attacked Lucien

"Dragon's Wraith!" A large force of pressure suppressed Lucien. The power was something that Lucien would have never imagined. Walking to Lucien the Obsidian Dragon Emperor sniffed him. "Ahh same school, different boy..." he sniffed again " Ahhh, you are off limits for now... Stay out of my way or I'll be forced to kill you" Sent him a mental message. Voldemort had given the Dragon emperor Lucien's sent and told him that Lucien was his apprentice, not willing to tell the dragon emperor of how he was tricked into an unbreakable vow.

The obsidian Dragon emperor flapped his wings again and perched him self on the spire than kicked down a golden egg to Lucien. Confusing him. The other dragons followed the emperor and used their tail to bat the eggs to the contestants. However, when Harry stepped through the Beast wall. All of the dragons locked eyes with, their sheer might cause Harry to spit blood.

"hahaha Your damned master, is a complete enigma. He battles the great Dumbledore and lives, kills great wizards for fun and Yet this boy is given him a run for his money. Hahaha he can't even take my women's killing intent. But you can withstand my wraith. It seems Tom his nurturing his real threat." The Dragon Emperor spoke about Lucien in a voice only the dragonkin could understand. He was highly amused by the situation.

Lucien couldn't help but chuckle "I know right, you should have been here our first year. That boy touched his face and Tom started melting. You want to know why?"

When the Dragon Emperor received the mental message from Lucien speaking on his comment. The dragon emperor was shocked. Talking another look at Lucien, The Dragon Emperor couldn't believe his eyes. Pushing down his shock, he replied to Lucien "Tell me tell me"

"His weakness is love"

The dragon emperor and Lucien looked at each other "Pffft pfft ahahaha!" they laughed together

"I have a question though. Why am I the only one that can hear you?" Lucien asked

The dragon emperor nodded towards the Hungarian horntail. And it gave its egg to Harry. Taking the handout all of the contestant saw it as a blessing and went to get find their school flags. Leaving Lucien alone staring at the Dragon Emperor and surrounded by his women. The Dragon emperor looked closely at Lucien once more before speaking

"You don't know, do you boy. You have the power of the crossroads Guardian in you. Before my obsidian color, the Io dragon ruled the dragonkin and we flourished in numbers and our scales were pure white. And over time he became less fertile. But that's a story for another time. The point is one of my ancestral uncle, member of the royal family was sent to the underworld as an Ambassador and met a young powerhouse. The jewel of his generation.

But he was a humble boy and choose to take the position as the crossroad guardian like his father before him. That job was not glorious in the slightest. But the position came with power that would start wars in our current world. My Ancestral Uncle and this boy became fast friend. And the boy taught him powers related to the crossroads. At the time he didn't know. But the Crossroads was a creation of true divinity. And used to be equal to the ranks of kings. But as lifespans increased. People died less. And the only use for the crossroad was to cross realms.

The position became that of a glorified toll both keeper. So, when the young man taught my uncle his power. He committed a Taboo. It turned our scales black as night, to represent death. It gave birth to dragon lords to enslave us, and it created something inside of us to ensure that once we die, we never find peace and were unable to reach the crossroads. After that, the Boy, Legba, made a pact with my uncle and bound our families together. And Legba married my Ancestral aunt, Styx. After the curse, she could swim in the death stream, now known as the river Styx in myths, her scales were the only material that resist the acid effects of the water.

Together they created, a smuggling operation to ferry dead Io dragons, now called obsidian dragons to the reincarnation well. It was too risky to take us to after life, in case we were caught. So, our only choice was to try our luck in reincarnation. So, the reason you here this old emperor is because you have some relation to the Rada family. It's the Family that Legba belonged to"

"and how do you know all of this" Lucien asked

"Bloodline Legacy, you brat. and Magical creatures have two voices. One only kin understands, the second we allow other species to understand. The one I'm speaking in, is only meant for my kin to hear. And no sorcerer besides a dragon lord or a Rada can her that voice. And you are no Dragon Lord. Or I would have felt the power of your voice and your voice would have brought my kin to heel. So, you must be of Legba's family" The Dragon Emperor replied with scrutinizing eyes.

What the emperor didn't tell Lucien was. At one-point Legba and Styx's descendant merged with his family. Meaning the dragon emperor should have been the only Rada Descendant alive. Since he was the last of his kind. And the Rada only sired one son a generation to carry on the legacy. Although diluted, the dragon Emperor had the last drop of Rada blood in the world.

Lucien thought about what the Dragon Emperor had said. And walked off. 'After I graduate, I'll look into my father's background. Legba of the Rada Family. Maybe I could ask Jenna about the family once she wakes up' Lucien thought to himself. As he walked away to complete the first task. The Dragon's looked at his back.


"My Emperor, can he really be your Kin?" Swedish short snout asked

"No, but that doesn't explain the power he has. It pure, purer than mine. But he doesn't have a drop of Rada blood. And the underworld was sealed long ago and is now block by two dimension. But what's more confusing about this situation. I can't remember what happened to Legba and Styx. The story of my scales is imprinted in my bloodline but, there are also holes in people's history."

"Maybe it's related to the second descending. We all have bloodline legacies, and no one remembers that time. But it is when the world changed. Just be grateful you remember that much more than us my love." A burgundy and ivory Song dragon brushed against his chest.

The dragon emperor exhaled "Maybe, well, we came her with a purpose lets focus on it. As soon as these insects take us away. He change to our human sleeves, escape, and wait for the signal."


The Second Descending the dragons are referring to is the event the Elves told Lucien about. When an expert came down and flattened the world , reverting it back to a primitive state.

The first Descending is when Legba, taught the dragon crossroad magic. and the true divinity punished them for committing a taboo(New info). But Don't think to much about the dragons. They're there as a part of the dark lord's plot and way to Deepen Lucien's Papa Legba legacy in the HP world.

The dragons won't show again until the third task. And then after that, they won't show again until after Lucien's Hogwarts years. But before the start of the TVD canon. Also, in the TVD world. The other side created by Qetsiyah blocked hell created by Arcadius. These two dimension are blocking a sealed underworld. And is the reason it takes so much power to get to the mortal world. I.e. Jenna's grandfather sacrificing him self so that she and her sister can escape.