End of The First Task: Fickle Is The Human Heart

Pushing his conversation with the Obsidian Dragon Emperor to the back of his mind. Lucien ventured to the School flags with ease. When he arrived. All of the contests had their wands drawn on one another. Lucien paid no mind to it. Placing a cloaking spell on himself. He used his wind step and grabbed two school flags. Casting strong knockback jinx. He put the contestants on their asses. Grabbing Fleur, Lucien teleported to Hallow lands

"Is this close enough to your starting point?" Lucien asked

Looking around, Fleur recognized where she was. Hanging on Lucien's shoulder, she could still smell the least amount of residual pheromones emitting from his body. Taking in the settle aphrodisiac for a moment, she then removed herself from Lucien's embrace.

"Yes, it is. Thank you, Lucien?" She replied to him with a smile. Nodding his head in return, Lucien turned and stepped off to his starting pillar to complete the task. When he arrived. He stabs the flagpole against the pillar, his body instantly folded in on itself and warped him to a stage built for the returning contestants.

The next person to arrive was Fleur, followed by Viktor then Vera, Lucien wasn't surprised by the turn of event. If Lucien had someone that he had to take care of he would do the same. Unlike the slight help he gave Fleur at the end of the task. Viktor battled Mael for all of his Items and gave them to Vera. Resulting in her taking fourth place after Viktor.

Harry came in Fifth and Mael never finished. He lay unconscious on the forest floor until the time ran out. Due to his uncompletion, he had to be graded on his performance and no matter what the judges saw, he arrived on the stage without a single item and was given 0 points. Dumbledore wished to overrule it, but everyone on the Panel was in opposition, even McGonagall. She understood the brutality of the Tri-wizard tournament. And how Mael Brodeur was treated was a gift because he returned with his life.

Dumbledore once again bitterly addressed the audience, though, once again, it was well hidden. The First task was talked about in many countries. The first task was brilliantly developed and leagues above the usual simple tasks that really didn't challenge the contestants' abilities.

When the contestants got back to the dormitories, the party began. Durmstrang attended a party at Slytherin and Beauxbatons was in-between Ravenclaw house and Slytherin. Katie took this opportunity to be close to Lucien, to make sure his medicine was taken. And he didn't drink too much to offset the effects of the medicine. Lucien just shook his head with an amused smile as she told him. Hermione and Navarra were already gone, searching for the Samodiva in the north.

While everyone was drinking and having a good time, Zabini and Lucien ditched Katie and Pansy to take a stroll. "Where are you two going?"

Turning around, Zabini and Lucien saw a drunk Viktor holding a full glass. The two looked at each other just shrugged their shoulders. "We're going for a walk. Zabini here has been away recently and we're catching up. You should join us; it looks like you got some problems that just won't drown" Lucien replied

"Hmm, guess you're right, friend" Viktor downed his glass and then tossed it at the wall "We go" he added.

The Trio walked through the halls and out the castle. During that time Zabini told Lucien and Viktor about his travels and Pansy's tendencies. The good and the bad. He loves the girl, but she sure had her problems, but she also had her good points that he loved.

"Women, vicious creatures they are. They deserve to be put down. But then you realize that you can't live without them, they deserve to be loved. Even when they lie and go around you, only to end up in a life threatening tournament only to live up to a dead guy expectation, be damned how feel.!" Zabini and Lucien looked at the usual cold and stoic Viktor amused by his show of emotion

"So, Vera? You guys a thing or is it one sided?" Lucien asked

"Its complicated, friend. What about you?" Viktor inquired

"Haha" Lucien chuckled and the trio continued their walk as Lucien told them about Lady Rosier and Fleur Delacour. The excitement and stress of not being in control. Zabini understood what he meant. Viktor associated it with teenage hormones coupled with Ms. Delacour's Veela charm.

"Well Damn, I think you should fuck them all, and everyone else be damned. Love is overrated. You are young man with needs. " Viktor commented

Zabini smirks and says, "Says the man who joined a death tournament so his lady couldn't. You just confessed a moment ago. Haha fickle is the human heart." Lucien and Zabini laughed

"Whatever, but Lucien for a guy complaining about regaining control, you sure didn't mind being forced into the tournament." Viktor probed

"Yeah, you never said how you got into the tournament. Wasn't there like some super powered spell around it?" Zabini was curious as well

"The answer is quite simple, I cheated. I put my name in the cup, it was a simple confundus charm to hoodwink the thing." Lucien replied with a victorious smile

"You can smile after First task, still. You truly are a bold man, my friend. What do you think the second Task will be?" Viktor asked

"I honestly don't. The first task had a search and retrieval concept. One of the first three items must be a clue, but the end prize was our school flag. Maybe it meant to represent something close to us. After all, we spend most of our young life's ate our schools." Lucien racked his brain around the possibilities of the next task. But he didn't think too hard. Most likely the Golem had disguised as an Auror knew the next task.

"Zabini tilted his head a little and thought about the Items. "It has to be the egg, " he said. Viktor and Lucien agreed and the trio made their way back to the dormitories to get ready for the next day.