New Chapter

   The Christians call it Christmas, Anglo-Saxon call it Mōdraniht. It has many names, the winter solstice. However, in the British Wizarding Community it is known as Yule or Yuletide -- whatever suits your fancy. Though our young friend, to others young master, always preferred to refer to this sabbath as The Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt lead by the Norse God Odin, set the night skies ablaze with lightning so bright it put the sun to shame. The longest night of the year would become the longest day in an instant.

   Perched upon the back of grand chair sat Turoth, Lucien's magnificent great horned owl. Due to his time in Shangri-La with Vega and Hermione's Thunderbird. Turoth's horns had grown immensely giving the mundane creature the appearance of a magical one.  In Lucien's lap,  Vega laid snuggly against Lucien's stomach, curled into a ball. Her three tails hung to the floor for all to admire its elegant splendor. 

  "I really wish this feast would start already..." Harry spoke in a low tone only the chosen could hear. 

   "Your lack of a virtue is showing, Golden Knight of Gryffindor" Fleur replied, poking fun at the title his schoolmates had given him.

   "Both of you be quiet, it's starting soon. I can sense Dumbledore preparing for a grand entrance" Lucien chimed in with a tone just as low as Fleur's and Harry's.

  The Chosen students of the Triwizard tournament were all siting at a high table overlooking the great hall, usually reserved only for staff and important guest. Though, after the first tournament, many people felt the danger of the tournament warranted special treatment, second by the voice of the Minister of Magic when he received the game plan for the second task. 

   Boom! Clank!

   The doors of the great hall were pushed open with just enough force to make the entrance of a silver haired fox appropriately dramatic. 

   Professor McGonagall looked onto the scene thoroughly amused as always and the student body looked at the man as if he was demigod amongst man, as always. This was fox that was regarded with such fervor was none other than Professor Dumbledore. He had just finished a meeting with an agitated games master and had an announcement that only the insane would fine appealing.

   "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is a night to celebrate wonderful accomplishments of our six chosen, the love of our family and friends, and also the blessing of being able to experience another day full of magic" Dumbledore brought two fingers together and produced a snap that rolled like thunder through the great hall and the ceiling slowly changed.

   "Unfortunately, not everyone is as fortunate as we are. I regret to inform you all Cedric Diggory has been found dead in Hogsmeade. To pay our respects-- a moment of silence...."

   Dumbledore silently counted to five, then carried on, " The forbidden forest is being warded off due to the increase of vampiric activity. As a result, a wild hunt has been called for by the minister of magic. All fourth years and higher are welcome to volunteer. All wizard will be able to retain 100% of their gains from the hunt. But be warned, this a joint hunt...with Hunters"

   As Dumbledore spun away, tables of food appeared, and the night feast began. Walking to his seat, Dumbledore eyed Lucien with suspicion. 

  "It's been a week since Cedric was found dead. Why is he still pestering you, Lucien?" Harry asked.

  Lucien began to eat instead of replying to Harry's question.

  After Cedric's death, Lucien received a vision of what would become of the world if he did nothing and watched.  Because he is a fate destroy due to his world traveler status, his vision could only account for the things he had already done and the consequences of those actions. 

   Once he experienced, the future, Lucien realized he had moved the wrong piece into the wrong place. Sending Qetsiyah to investigate certain subjects on the other side, Lucien had discovered many well-kept secrets about  Harry and Voldemort's wound, Dumbledore's wand, and his past. With Dumbledore being the great sorcerer, he is, it was only natural that he had a few spirits to talk to.

    'Relax Lucien, you got this. Everything will work itself out' Lucien spoke in his mind to keep himself from acting impulsively now that he knew the location of the elder wand, invisibilty cloak, and the resurrection stone.

  'They'll be returning soon... All I need to do is wait' he continued. little did he know that his wait was over. He would soon have regain full control of himself once more.

  In the halls of Archeia Ton Epta, a bloody Hermione and Navarra has just returned from a grueling battle. Behind them was their new bloodthirsty whore of a gal pal, Nymphadora Tonks...

  " Can you tell us what you were doing there, Tonks?" Navarra asked, before Nymphadora had graduated, she had met a young Navarra and the two had taken a liking to each other.

  "Tonks? we remember, we used to like that name. we'll keep it...Tonks..." Tonks replied with a satisfied smile. "And my master sent me there to get that bitch of a creature back her by any means, even if it meant killing the both of you" 

  Tonks walked over to the middle-aged woman with long golden locks. Grabbing a handle full of hair, Tonks drug her to the middle of Archeia Ton Epta. Drawing a formation mad of runes, Tonks imprisoned the woman. "Stay put Samodiva, our lord will be here shortly"

  "Okay, well how'd you get in here?" Hermione asked the questions this time.

  "You mean this place." Tonks waved her hand around in the air, " Our Lord summoned us. We are his possession. Like a pocket watch, We don't need permission to enter. We just need a way in" 

   Startled by Tonks words, Navarra stumbled back a few steps, "His Possession...Summoning...You aren't Tonks, are you?" She asked.

  "Silly witch, of course we are. Have you ever herd of the demon named Legion? Same concept, instead of swallowing her, we saw potential and allowed her to join us. She was hesitant at first and then she felt purpose and caved. Now we are Nymphadora Tonks." Her eyes morphed into reptilian slits, then back to human pupils.

  Sick to her stomach, Navarra wanted to puke up her inside. Frantically reaching for a chair, she found a seat to process what she had just heard

   "Umm... Demons? Those are fables, theres no way you can be one." Hermione was yet to be convinced

   " we are now five, joined together and acting as one. When we find the sixth, we will know just how real demons are. Now excuse us, we must report our progress to our lords"

   "Wai--" Hermione couldn't even finish a word before Tonks vanished. 


  A suttle wind was heard, caused by the appearence of Tonks in the great hall. Everyone was startled. Mainly the Hogwarts professors, they were fully aware of Tonks existence and level of her power. The magic she had performed was completely beyond her. That simple fact startled them and filled them with waves of anxiety. Many immediately thought of her mother's maiden name, Black, and quickly attributed her new power to the rise of the newly reformed Death Eaters.

  "We have succeded, Our lord. Rest easy, all is well" She declared and vanished once more after giving a bow to the staff table.