The Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt  Thoroughly confused was the expression of the night. After Tonks vanished, Dumbledore brought everyone back from confusion and Professor Moody chimed in a support.  When the night finally ended, Lucien saw himself to the halls of Archeia Ton Epta.  "So, this is the Samodiva?" He said, "And what of the Veela Elders?"  "Dead, our lord."  Tonks replied  "Oh well, take this one back to the Kingdom. Give her to Emperor Kaikara. Tell him 'She's the one'." Lucien turned away from the Samodiva as it looked around with fear, completely away aware of its impending doom   " No. No. No, I want to make a deal. My life for a Lamia!" The Samodiva exclaimed in a frenzy.  Lucien stopped mid stride and Tonks snapped her head in the Samodiva's direction. " I don't need a Lamia at the moment. "I need you--Dead." Lucien resumed his stride while the Samodiva banged at the imprisonment formation shouting for Lucien to listen.  "I smell her on you! Your mother! She was my favorite, and the stronger you become, the greater her most prominent abilities become. As her son, if you free me. I will not seek retribution..." She said.   "Nymphadora, Where is  Navarra and Hermione?" Lucien didn't even bother acknowledging the Samodiva's words, instead he sent a mental message and continued venturing deeper into Archeia Ton Epta   "The Chamber, they had a hard time before I arrived" Nymphadora replied   'Hmm, is that so?' he thought   Moments later in the chamber of secrets, Lucien observed the beaten and battered Syndicate, or at least what remained of it.  The Syndicate was a group of students who chose to fake their deaths and live as shadow soldiers to further Lucien's plan. Their sacrifice was expected, though Lucien still felt an overwhelmingly bitter taste in his mouth when saw the condition of his people and the bodies of the fallen.   "Send Life insurance to their parents and their bodies. And spare no expense healing the injured, even if they have one foot on the other side."  Hermione nodded her and vanished. When she reappeared, she held a box of cure all elixirs. One by one she handed them out, saving all the young witches and sorcerers that remained.  assured that everyone was out of harm's way, Navarra took Lucien to a study and casted privacy wards. She looked at him with glazed eyes full of sadness and her heart wept. With her soft elegant hand, she caressed Lucien's check, "How far you have fallen, even when you stabilize yourself. You can't change what you have done. Please, rely on me. I'm here only because I want to be by your side." she said, then kissed his check.  "I don't know if you truly understand the gravity of the situation. But you have summoned a demon, more golems are in the school since I left, a boy killed and his body found- sloppy by the way, and you have befriended Harry fucking Potter. You are Dumbledore's target, officially, now."  Although, the things Navarra mentioned were somewhat minor, even she could feel that Lucien's actions were rash and didn't bode well for his future plans.  "I'm aware, Navarra. And honestly, I realized my mistake after I killed Cedric. I don't know what? but something is definitely different. So, I need your help."  " I want to help as well," Hermione called out. Besides Daphne, Hermione was probably the only person in the sinister seven that could peep through Navarra's privacy wards.  "Hahaha, alright. I need you two to vacate the chamber of secrets and leave the school, along with the syndicate, indefinitely."  Like that, they were gone, no questions asked. But before leaving, Navarra gave Lucien a necklace for protection and Hermione gave Daphne and Katie witch's glass. Witch's glass are item that acted as a sort of magical facetime, but with mirrors instead of phones.  The next day Kaikara appeared with a bone, and Lucien spent hours in pain, merging with it and using it to finally get his Veela power under control. When he was finished, Lucien had acquired his first Physique, bring his physical strength to new heights and all of the Veela and Samodiva abilities to an operational level.  If it wasn't for the desire to have a perfect baptism, Lucien could have ascended to the 5th Baptism in that moment.   Waking up from a long nap, Lucien felt like himself. He had complete control over himself and even repressed memories had resurfaced.  "Hmm, I was an unruly bastard, wasn't I. Oh well" he muttered to himself.  Walking to his potions class in stride, Lucien ran into Harry and Cho sucking faces in the hall.  "I hate to be a cock block, but we have potions and Snape doesn't like you. How about we get there on time to improve your relationship with him."  Cho broke the kiss and put her forehead against Harry's shoulder to hide her beat read cheeks. "Sure, why not?"  Harry replied.  The problem between Harry and Snape were two things: Harry was a Potter and he started of his years at Hogwarts with Ron Weasley at his side.  Lucien felt that if he could show less of the Potter side that Snape hated with a passion and expressed his desire as his mother, to be a potions master, this would drastically change things between the two of  them. Like his mother, when Harry actually paid attention, he had an instinctive understanding of potions.  Walking into class, many people had gotten used to seeing Harry with Lucien and the other chosen when they were not in class. Many of the Gryffindor students chucked the association up to the Triwizard tournament.  But regardless, in that moment, they were friends. And naturally, many Gryffindor students kept their distance and the Slytherin kept it on friendly terms. But no one was as mad as Draco Malfoy.  "Everyone take- your- sea--" Snape stopped for a moment and saw that Harry was not only on time but was fully prepared to learn with the same intense sparkle his mother once displayed. 'So, Lily Potter was his best friend. The one that shared his love of potions' Lucien had finally gotten confirmation on the answer to the riddle Snape had given Potter during their first potion's class.   Lucien truly felt for the man, His best friend marries his enemy and has a son. The Son reminds him of his enemy, but the heart and mannerisms of the boy reminds him of the best friend he loves and mourns so intensely. It was truly heartbreaking. However, it's also the reason Lucien bounded with Snape as professor, Lucien saw him as a real man, and learned Sorcerer full of endless lessons and a plethora of knowledge.   'I wonder when Azeroth would be back?' he thought to himself. Another good teacher, Lucien wanted to poach.  Soon after, Potions ended, and the rest of the day's classes followed. Like that night blanketed the Hogwarts castle.  A loud screech could be heard, and massive Owl flew by and dropped a package caught by Lucien  "This is it gentleman...Zabini" Lucien handed him a package "Viktor....Potter... These are our suits. I hope you all enjoy the night. I have two dates waiting on me, so I'll take my leave first."   Like magic, well with magic, Lucien's suit appeared on his body as he met Katie Bell and Padma Patil on the staircase next to the great hall. "Drop dead gorgeous, the both of you." Lucien wore a warm smile and lead the ladies to the great hall on both arms, causing envy and disdain from many.    "What would you expect from Slytherin scum.  No decency. An embarrassment to Hogwarts." the quiet insults continued, yet no one had the gall to speak up.    "Not yet Mr. Dubois. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have to pick one of your dates to be your partner for the opening dance. " Professor McGonagall said    "I'm aware, Katie will be my partner.  Padma love--"    "I know, I'll see you inside."  Padma interjected and gave him a soft kiss before leaving.    "Well, okay the... oh there you are" Professor McGonagall said her last words before hunting down another chosen.     Gathering by the door, Viktor, Harry, and Lucien spoke while everyone filled the great hall in preparation for their entrance.  "Hmm Cho looks beautiful tonight..." Lucien said with a smirk    "She's always beautiful. Besides I bought her the dress she's wearing so she's particularly glowing on this night." Harry quickly replied     "Oh, did you have your 'maid' pick it up" he retorted, and Viktor chuckled      "Fuck off, Lucien.  You're the reason I met Ziyi in the first place" Harry retorted      "Hahaha so Corrupt" said Viktor.      " Gentleman, get in line" Said McGonagall      One by one the chosen and their dates entered the great hall. and took their place on the dance floor       "Psst..." Fleur got Harry's attention "Remember our lessons and don't embarrass me, Golden Knight of Gryffindor" She mocked him, and Cho's face turnt beat red again as everyone snickered.        With the exception of Mael Brodeur from Beauxbatons, all the contestant gave of an atmosphere of close friendship. In the corner of the hall,  Vega's paw stamped on a small beetle catching it and taking it away.        Once the opening dance commenced, others joined in  and the party began. without a hitch, the student danced the night away...        "I know you feel it too, He has returned and soon no one can deny it."  were the words that heard from the lips of Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang.         Mad-Moody, Harry Potter, Cho Chang, Katie Bell, Padma Patil, and Lucien all heard it from different parts of the quad. And to each of them, it all meant something different. Harry felt fear, Mad Eye was unfazed, Cho became sad because of Harry's fear, and Lucien was delighted.  'So, the deadbeat teacher is ready?' he thought          Boom!          The carriage door swung open and Snape shined a light on Lucien, Katie, and Padma.          "Just leave Dubois and take them with you." Snape said in a low tone, Igor was shocked, not by the two girls with Lucien. But, Snape's leniency.          When Lucien and the ladies left, "He is why you act oblivious? I have students I want to protect too, Severus. I am asking for your help." said Igor           Snape knew he couldn't tell Dumbledore of Lucien's situation and with Azeroth gone, Snape couldn't deny his need for help. So, he gave in.                                                               * * *         "Ladies and gentlemen, May I introduce, Chief Hunter Nexus Obey." Dumbledore announced to the students that volunteered to join the wild hunt on Yule night. Lucien didn't believe it at first until gazed upon the eye of Apollo in Nexus' right eye socket.          When their eyes met, Nexus moved towards Lucien. "Lord Dubois, I've had the pleasure of visiting your country not too long ago. It was a very vivacious place. " he said          "Of course, it is, it's my country. I hope you enjoyed your stay?" Lucien replied          "Hmm, it was riveting."           "Then how about you join me sometime this summer, I'm sure we can find something to discuss."             "Exactly as I thought.  Happy hunting, Lord Dubois" Nexus turned away then brief the crowd on the dos and don'ts of fighting vampires, then he gave the hunting party on rule, "If the vampire uses elemental powers, run and send up a flare"             Like that, the wild hunt had begun.                                                                        * * *            "What was that?"            Whoosh...            "There it was again"            "relax or you'll die. But not too relaxed, Zabini."           " Apologize, for not being able to kill a basilisk my second year. I'm not a fucking pro, Lucien"            In the forbidden forest. Lucien, Fleur, Viktor, Pansy, Vera -Viktor's fiancé and Triwizard chosen, and Zabini made up a hunting party. The game they were to hunt was vampires.            "you smell that?" Lucien asked            "Yes" Fleur, Zabini, and Pansy replied in unison.            "Fleur, release your pheromones and I'll do the same"            "But, Lucien—"            "I have my power under control. Trust me" He replied.            Magic gathered around Fleur and Lucien, like a puffball, visible gas erupted from them saturating the forest with their scent. It drove the vampires mad with arousal and with arousal, came the thirst. Mindless zombies they were, the vampire stepped away from their hiding places and into the open.            "Incendia!" Vera and Pansy called out, fire erupted and illuminated the forbidden forest.            "Like moths to the flame..." Viktor cooed            "Yeah, Rabid moths, you block" Vera replied, she didn't like Viktor's light heartedness in such a dire situation            "Stop." Lucien signaled Fleur and they both stopped their pheromones.        Hisss! The fangs of the vampires appeared as they hissed, their eyes turn black and blood red. The veins around their eye sockets pultruded intensely.       "I want the white-haired boy. You can have the others" an alluring feminine voice spoke from the back of the vampires' party causing the vampires to attack without hesitation.       "Protego!"        Boom! The vampires hit the protection charm and rebounded, leaving cracks behind.       "Wands are to slow!" Lucien shouted as he pulled his Double-bladed polearm from his pouch. Viktor and Vera reinforced their staffs, Zabini relied on his pyromancy, Fleur her Illusions and Pansy transfigured a wood stake and relied on wandless magic.          Crack!  A fist ripped a section of tree off         Spells flew left and right; raw energy choked the air as the battle raged one.  Snap! Pansy broke the arm of a vampire and put a stake in its heart. Breaking of half of the stake lodged into the chest of a dying vampire. Pansy used a projectile spell and sent it through the heart of another.         "Zabini!" Pansy shouted        A torrent of flames came at breakneck speed swallowed the bodies of the fallen vampires        Bang! Viktor received a kick from a vampire and found him airborne until he collided with a boulder. His staff broke into two pieces when he attempted to block the attack.       "Reducto!" Vera attached the curse to her staff, the moment it made contact with body of the vampire he was reduced to ash. "Come on, get up! You're not allowed to die before our wedding." She pulled Viktor up from the ground and the two carried on.         Squelch. Lucien ripped hearts out with enough vigor that it acquired a  sound of its own. The sound made even the vampire's uncomfortable.         "Oh, you're strong. I like that in a man. Especially if they can kill as easily as you do." The brown-haired vampire cooed from the distance. She waited for Lucien to approach her. She admired his every  move as he strolled across the forest to her, killing along any vampire in his vicinity along the way.         "Mhmm, and you smell delightful. Unfortunately, I don't like the way his is going. So, I'll have to cut it short." The Raven hair vampire began moving energy and storm clouds rolled in.          Kaach! Lightning struck several spots around and she morphed into Panther and fled at a high speed          Boom! A flare exploded in the sky. Lucien snapped his around and looked Vera. She had signaled that beast of a hunter Nexus Obey.          Morphing into a massive black Lion, Lucien took off and gave chase. For a vampire to use abilities that had to be at least 500 years old, a special few could use them even younger. Either way, Lucien knew that the brown-haired vampire must be the one Nexus Obey personally came for.         'Turoth she's out of my range. Give me a location.' Lucien sent a mental command to his horned owl who was soaring above the clouds.         'She's heading to the coast, my lord'         At full speed Lucien ran, then teleported to the coastline. About five miles out, He saw a panther approaching. Performing the last technique Voldemort's books had to offer,  Lucien body changed into a black cloud and shot towards the panther. Tackling her to the ground, Lucien produce, and earth-shaking roar lined with magic. It shattered her eardrums and turned her brain to mush killing her for the moment.            Grabbing the brown-haired vampire, Lucien took her to the Isle of Mann.           "Contain the vampire" He said before returning to the forbidden forest.            Approaching the aftermath of the battle, Lucien saw Nexus and Dumbledore speaking to Vera. But the two men quickly turned their attention to Lucien. "Where is the ancient vampire?" Nexus asked            "What ancient vampire?" Lucien feigned ignorance            "The vampire that could control the elements, Mr. Dubois" Dumbledore replied            "Lord, or Prince, whatever comes easier really. And the brown haired woman, I lost her at the coastline." Lucien watch Nexus intently and as the forehead creased. "Forget about her, this place is crawling with vampires to kill, Chief Nexus."            "That vampire is the one I want. Dark brown hair, Petite body, and alluring face and light brown eyes?" Nexus questioned            " Yes, who is she?" Lucien asked            "None of your business" he replied and left the scene.                                                                                     * * *            By the time the sun rose in the morning, many vampires were slain, and many hunters and a few hunters were severely injured. All that survived, retreated to like their wounds. Nexus, however, took his men and pursued the brown- eyed vampire. The injured hunters were collected, and the wild hunt had ended.           While students who participated in the hunt exited the forbidden forest, Lucien stopped everyone made a bid for the stuff the collected, mainly fangs and blood. By the end of his business, Lucien had bought all there was to buy for whooping 500,000 Galleons. Tired from a night full of work, he returned to his room and plopped on his bed, face against a pillow.            "Lucien? Lucien!" A voice came from his mirror            "What!" answered from his bed            "Do you know who you caught last night?"            "No, Lucy. Who?"            "... Katherine Pierce"