End of the Second Task

"Wake up" he whispered into Fleur's ear startling her awake

"Relax, Delacour." he said "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to protect you. For a hefty price I might add"

Fleur looked around a bit dazed and confused. She noticed that she sat on the floor of a wet cave. It was a bit dark but most of the cave was illuminated by a magically conjured light source high on the ceiling. There were no exits, only a pool of water.

'We swam in' was the conclusion that she came to.

"Are you not going to speak? Your grandmother said you would be grateful once I saved you" The boy spoke again

Fleur finally came to when the boy mention her grandmother. Focusing on his face, Fleur knew exactly who she was dealing with, "What did my grandmother tell you, Mael? And why is she here?" She asked in her native tongue, French.

"She said that after this task your future will be assured, that if you don't succeed in the next three days, you will never get this opportunity again. She tasked me with helping you and to tell you not to trust Lord Dubois" Mael explained, only to see Fleur growing even more confused.

"Let me break it down for you, love. Your grandmother, doesn't trust Dubois, your boy toy. So, while you complete the task, she wants me to protect you. That's all." said Mael

"What is so important about this task?" Fleur asked, racking her brain around what could possibly be so important under the black lake.

"I don't know, but it's important enough for my family to send an owl. Your success is my success. If you fail, I'll be disowned" he said

"Then I guess we have to win. But you will not fight Lucien or I'll forfeit"

"Deal" Mael quickly agreed, 

Pushing herself up from the cave floor, Fleur conducted a few quick stretches and made her way to Mael's side. "So what do you know so far that can help us?" she asked whilst taking a seat.

"Well, our 'Treasures' that Headmaster Dumbledore spoke about, are people. My Yule Ball date and your little sister, Gabrielle."

"Gabrielle" Fleur became extremely uneasy and panicked 

"Calm down, She's safe. All we need to do is retrieve her. My date is no one special. What matters most is you and your sister."

"Merci, Mael"

"But that's the easy part, Dumbledore also said that our treasures will lead us to more treasures. Whatever those treasures are is why your grandmother and the french nobles are pulling resources."

"French Nobles? Then why must Lucien be excluded?" she asked

"He attends Hogwarts, has relation to the english muggle queen, and has a kingdom in british territory. Although he is nobility in france, it is only the title, he clearly has no interest in france."

While Fleur and Mael were talking.  Lucien was scouring the depths of the black lake for Potion and alchemy ingredients, Harry had arrived at the location of the first treasures. His eyes locked on to what he knew to be his treasure, an unconscious and bound Cho Chang floating in the water and guarded by mermaids armed with tridents. But unlike the original timeline, Harry didn't hesitate in the slightlisest. Pulling out his wand, Harry flicked his wand and freed Cho. 

 Harry was the first to return to the surface. Met by cheers and applause. Though when he attempted to climb on to the starting platform, he found it to be warded and his access, denied.

Moments later,  Viktor appeared followed by Vera.  To all of their surprise, it was easy to retrieve their treasures, the mermaids didn't even put up a fight. Viktor and Vera also tried to climb the starting platform, they too were denied. All except Fleur and Mael, they had climbed a different platform, one in the middle of the black lake. Mael knew that the task wouldn't be over until they retrieve their second treasure. But the first thing they had to do was keep the people they saved from freezing to death. 

All  of the champions eventually understood the meaning behind Dumbledore's words and began questioning the people saved. Probing for any information that could lead them to the next treasure. Night came quickly and the contestants had decided to stay separated. Conjuring tents on their platforms and preparing for a cold night. 

Many worried about Lucien, he had yet to return from the black lake. But as soon as night fell, on the furthest platform on the black lake. Lucien appeared out of the water with katie on his back. Once he was on the platform, he too conjured a tent, but instead of a fire, he created an invisible heat source to keep them warm. He wanted to be invisible tonight, because no matter how much he bonded with them, he just couldn't trust any of the other contestants. 

"Take off  your clothes" He said 

"I hoped you would be more romantic for our first time." Katie replied 

"Haha it's not like that." he chuckled, "You need to get your core temperature down. Using magic is a little risky in unskilled hands"

"Oh, there's something the great Lucien Dubois can't even do?" she teased him as she wiggled free from her wet clothing

"Ha-ha-ha, Come closer"

"You know I've really missed you. I've been around but it also felt like I was watching you through a telescope and you were a distant star. All I could catch was afterimages" Katie struggled to speak as the cold sets in. Her teeth lightly chattered as Lucien held her close.

"I'm better known, and when this is all over. The seven of us can be together again. Navarra and Hermione won't have to hide anymore-- I promise."

"After what? This shadow war you have with the dark lord? Do you really think you can win, Lucien?" She pulled away just enough to look up in his eyes, "We're all pure bloods, why can't we just live the rest of our lives together away in peace?"

"And what about Hermione? I can't sacrifice her. And if you even remotely suggest it, then you aren't the person i thought you were" Lucien's face contorted into a frown.

"Says the guy who committed a mass sacrifice of innocent woman in a bar. Yes, I followed you block heads" she lashed out

"I'll sacrifice a million innocent, but I'll never betray my friends or my family. I may be a monster, but I'm monster with loyalties and I will never forsake Hermione." the cold determination radiated from Lucien's gaze. It touched a part of katie that even the cold water of the black lake couldn't reach.

A sudden realization dawned on Katie, "So  you will never just choose me?"

"No, I won't choose any of you.  What we are now, is all we'll ever be. Friends." he replied, Silence crept into the room and choked the air.


 "We should sleep…"

* * *

Morning came soon after,  at the crack of dawn when rays of light invaded the tents of the contestants, Harry and Lucien were the first to find what they were looking for. On the back of the girls they were holding. A picture was tattooed onto the backs of Cho and Katie. With one word

On Cho's back was a picture of a ring, below it was the word or name, Lancelot. On Katie's Back, was a picture of a jar of water and the word, Asrai. Leaving the tent, Harry went to talk to Viktor, filling him in about the tattoo, Vera and Viktor also found their clues on the backs of the people they saved.

Viktor saw a picture of a black pearl and the name, Davy Jones. Vera saw a picture of a familiar looking trident and the word, Mermaid.

"What the hell does this mean?" Viktor asked

"It's a clue to the next treasure, you both have easy ones. Vera obviously needs a mermaid's trident and you need a Black Pearl" Harry replied

"What about you?" It was Vera who spoke this time to inquire about Harry's treasure.

"I need a ring--"

"Lancelot's ring, given to him by the lady of the lake." Lucien replied as he walked in the tent, " I have to get Asrai's water and you should really protect your mind Harry."

"Where do we even find these things?" Vera asked 

"The city…we were at the border last night. And there is no we. Believe me, I like you all. But from this point, my the  best person win." he replied and left the tent.

* * *

There really wasn't a need for Lucien to make any plans, before the tournament, he and Zabini had already planned to venture into the city in the black lake.While the contestants were figuring out their next move, Lucien sat on the edge of his platform and talked to Vega with his mind.

'Viktor needs the Davy Jones Black Pearl and Harry needs Lancelot's ring. This isn't good'

'My Lord, if you have to stop anyone it has to be Viktor, That pearl is the Harbinger of death. It's a conduit for sacrificial magic. The Black Pearl, is the locker of Davy Jones. It was his Dark Talisman'

'Is that so… well so be it. I'll see you after the task'

'Wait, Fleur's grandmother is here and the cockroach I caught the other night says the french has closed their borders. Dumbledore is trying to stop the tournament but her  grandmother has friends everywhere and is fighting him. My Lord, there's something under that water that the Veela wants and it--'

'Would probably make her just as dangerous as Viktor. I understand. Change of plans,  keep a paw on that roach and leave Hogwarts, This is the year hell rises.'

'Yes, My Lord'

With all of Lucien's scheming and interference, he had pushed the world in a new direction completely, Little did he know. If he hadn't ordered the slaughter of the Veela elders, the Second task would have been 100 times easier and Fleur's grandmother wouldn't be causing trouble and so on. 

* * *

Deep within the black lake, Lucien swam as quietly as he possibly could. This time, he was a massive snake on the lake floor. Arriving at the city borders, Lucien commenced a slaughter of mermaid guards. Assasinatiing them one by one, Lucien infiltrated the city.  On his tail Viktor, Vera, and Harry followed. The figured Lucien, would be the perfect infiltration plan. 

"Vera, take this and go" Viktor caught a sinking trident and handed it to her. Vera received first place shortly after

About a mile from the city border was a barrier of wards, Dragging a lifeless mermaid corps with him, Lucien swam right through. The moment he laid eyes on the underwater city, it took his breath away. The architecture resembles El Mirador, Guatemala. The city was buzzing with life. It wasn't hard for Lucien to blend, the city was free water and everyone walked around on two legs, others on four. 

Weaving through the crowd, Lucien heard many rumors and tales about the wizarding world he was from, Avalon, and fairytales about ancient civilizations. With the help of legilimency, he also learned about the things people did not openly speak about, The city counsel and the treasure. More importantly, how someone attempted to rob the treasure not a week before the second task.

In the middle of town square, two of the cities most wanted criminals were strapped to a pike for all to see, in front of the stood a group of five people in a single line. The man that spoke had deep blue eyes and snow white hair, as he spoke, he had a habit of making hand gestures. Upon his hand was and elegantly crafted silver ring. 

'Lancelot's ring…' Lucien thought, it was the exact same image he saw in Harry's mind. 

Beside the whit haired man, was a beautifully figured woman made of water, She had long pointed ears and four great wings on her back

'And that's my Asrai.' Asrais are scottich water spirits, loved by water. They're practically invincible in aquatic environment. Though, they had a weakness that matched their equally overpowered existence.

The two men on pikes were set ablaze the moment the white haired man finished speaking, as they burned, what Lucien presumed to be the city counsel, made their way back into the counsel building.

Lucien wasted no time and pursue them. Scaling the side of the building. Lucien broke in through the roof. Casting a cloaking spell, he walked through the halls unseen. Room by room he checked for the asrai and the treasury. He had decided to refrain from stretching out his consciousness, the last thing he needed was to make contact with the wrong presence. 

An hour passed while Lucien searched the massive building. Slowly turning the knob of an ivory made door, Lucien pushed and the door made on loud sorrowful wail

"Who's there?" a voice called out from inside the room. And like a blink Lucien vanished and reappeared next to the first thing he saw in the room, a book shelf next to a window. He quietly observed as a woman made of water stepped out of side door. Sadly, she wasn't the woman he was after.

'She'll have to do' he thought.

With a wave of his arm, Lucien muttered "Solarna baklja…"

A great bright burning whip lashed the water spirit. Faced with bright burning heat. Unlike vampires, the Asrai was almost instantly reduced to a puddle. With telekinesis, Lucien jared the Asrai water and left the room. 

Dong! Dong! Dong! A warning signal was sounded through the city the moment Lucien stepped foot out of the Asrai's room. With his treasure in hand Lucien didn't give two fucks about the warning signal. In a blink of an eye, he vanished. 

Lucien now stood on the starting platform with Katie and a jar of Asrai water. The next person to arrive was Viktor, though the way he returned was incredibly off. It even made Ddumbledore raise an eyebrow. However, Karkaroff simply smiled and cheered. Snape also watched with a satisfied face. 

'It must be part of the deal they made. Maybe  Professor Snape knows what's going on.'

Lucien made his way to snape and whispered by his shoulder "What's going on professor?"

"European nations are preparing for war, the death eaters have everyone on edge. And the weapons at the bottom of the lake are being coveted"

"What weapons?" Lucien played ignorant, but he was also curious to what else was being gathered

"Davy Jones' Black Pearl, Lancelot's ring, and the Lamia's whip" Snape replied "Dumbledore is becoming rash as well, there's a traitor in Hogwarts and no knows who it is. Dumbledore thinks it's Crouch. But we will know for sure after this task is over."

   "Than you, Professor" Lucien walked away and all his worries about the task were confirmed. Voldemort was moving faster, and people were struggling to get their affairs in order, all due to a traitor, Crouch.

'Vega, it's starting. Tell the family to pull out of the ministry. Lock down our borders'

'Yes, My Lord'

Lucien took another look around him, then turned his attention to the lake. It was bubbling and steam began to rise. Harry erupted from the water and landed on the platform next to Cho.  "Accio Firebolt!" he shouted.

His broom came at full speed. Wrapping his arm around Cho, Harry jumped onto the broom and returned to the starting platform. In his hand was an elegantly crafted silver ring, Lancelot's ring. 

"Impossible" Lucien muttered under his breath

"What is it?" Katie asked

"The person that protected that ring even made me doubt myself, Potter shouldn't have survived that battle, let alone return with the ring." Lucien stared at the ring dumbfounded

Besides Lucien's confusion, the only person in an unhappy state was Mad-eye. From within the crowd he frowned as he stared at the ring in Potter's hand.

"Ahhhhhhh!" A great wail caused the black lake to explode releasing a cloud of steam. On the surface of the water, Mael Broduer balanced himself while casting Fiendfyre. Fleur was free falling with a whip in hand. At the end of the whip was man being strangled. This man mad Lucien's blood boil. 

"Arresto momentum!" An elderly woman shouted to slow down the free falling Fleur. In a cloud of white smoke she shot off towards Fleur. Lucien teleported. In the air, Lucien clashed with the woman before kicking her and Fleur away. In his right hand was a man with a broken neck. "Reducere" Lucien said, the dead man shrunk and he slipped him into his pocket. 

* * * 

"And First place goes to, Vera Orlov!"

The crowd cheered and the cannons fired again, signalling the end of the second task.

A few things happened that day after the second task. Fleur forfeited the tournament, Her grandmother immediately took her home the moment she identified Lucien after their clash. She sensed his Samodiva Physique and growing power. She knew the only way he could have that Physique is if he was the one responsible for the slaughter of the Veela elders. Though, Lucien sent a letter to Fleur explaining his action and warning the Veela elder to keep quiet and to stay in her lane. Lucien didn't have the power to beat her, but she feared the power Tonks displayed during the slaughter. 

Barty Crouch was soon found mysteriously murdered and Potter took an odd turn when he and Weasley became thick as thieves once again and the Golden trio, Lavender, Ron, and Harry were friends once more. Thankfully, it was the only change. Snape told Lucien he would keep an eye on Potter. But Lucien still worried. He felt sorry for the guy. If only he wasn't the boy who lived, he might actually have a chance to become a powerful wizard.

Viktor however spent his days in seclusion, Lucien knew it had to be due to his assimilation with Davy Jones' Black Pearl. Snape also told Lucien not to worry about that either. He said Karkaroff was guiding him, and no one was more adept in sacrificial magic than Karkaroff.

As for Lucien's affairs, the man that he pocketed turned out to be a male Lamia. His body was sent back to the kingdom of Mann to be prepared for Lucien. The Bennetts were extracted from the ministry and made it safely home. All except Mama Thea, Lucien's grandmother. As the Head of magical law enforcement, should just up and leave. Unlike the rest of the family who were all working at the ministry under false identities.

* * * 

April 1995

The days began to get a little warmer. Professor Azeroth returned and Lucien quickly returned to his old routine. Though this time Lucien was preparing for his first attempt at summoning his primal beast.

"Alright Lucien, take it slow." Azeroth instructed him

Lucien constructed his summoning circles with ease, "Where did you go?" Lucien asked

"When you graduate, I'll show you. Now focus."

Lucien continued for the next few hours and finished his circles by midnight. 

"Very well, now it's time to show me your progress" Azeroth spoke from his chair as he sipped his tea.

Gathering the magic and opening the gate was all Lucien could muster. Ultimately, he failed that night, over and over again. His magic had gotten stronger and his control was exemplary. The problem lies in his ignorance towards his father's true identity and as a result, his own identity.

May 1995, Mystic Falls, Virginia.

A  white man with light brown hair and blue eyes stood 5 feet and 11 inches tall. He wore a black suit with a white buttoned up shirt. Observing his surroundings, he noticed three women with their children walking into the local restaurant. It was completely mundane, that is until he caught a glimpse of the little girls

"Tatia..." he muttered