Meanwhile In Mystic Falls...

May 11th, 1995, Mystic Falls, Virginia

"Tatia…" he muttered

Following the party into Nymphs, Once called the Mystic Grill, The mysterious white man watched as the families enjoyed each other's company. 

'Three women, Three little girls, and two infants. No this won't do.' he thought to himself

Across the bar and grill, the woman laughed and joked.  "So Gail, you've lived to see your daughter's first birthday. The vampires are gone now, so what do you plan to do?" Miranda Gilbert asked,

"I want to wait for Lucien to return, he saved my life after all. Because of the respondeo incantation, I can walk around freely. I just want to raise my little girl and be happy." she replied

The man's ears twitched when heard the conversation. He had to be cautious.

"Hmm, it might take a while for Lucien to return. But, you already have the Bennett name, and you know we have more than enough room on the estate. You don't have to go anywhere." Abby chimed in. "But enough of that, how are you doing Miranda? Are you keeping the twins healthy?"

"I'm trying…" Miranda replied tiredly " This one here is high maintenance and requires way more attention then the twins" Miranda gestured towards a young Elena.

'Haha, that's Tatia's Doppelganger alright. She always had a thirst for attention' the man thought whilst eavesdropping.

"Really? I'm sure she'll grow out of it." Gail made a sympathetic face

The ladies continued their conversation for a little more than an hour. When the lunch date was finished Abby and Gail went towards the Bennet estate and Miranda made her way back home. And like a lion the mysterious man stalked her. He watched and observed for an entire day. 

May 12th, 1995

The Mysterious man stalks again. He watches as Gail, Abby, Miranda the Bennett Manor. This is his moment. In a split second, he appears in front of the trio. "Good Afternoon, Ladies. My name is Mikael, the original vampire, and vampire hunter."

"We know, spirits stalk. You should have introduced yourself yesterday." Gail spoke

"Haha witches, always haughty, just like my wife. I'm not here to be your friend, witch. I'm here to give you an offer and only one." He said

"Then speak your piece" Abby responded.

"Well, I was drifting through town the other day to take in all the changes to what used to be my land."

"This has always been Bennett's land. Don't fool yourself." Abby retorted and Mikael sneered

"But imagine my surprise when I saw a face that's been dead for a thousand years," he added

"There are no more vampires here. They're all gone" Miranda spoke this time

"Lies! I smell two on this estate. But I wasn't talking about a vampire, I was referring to a doppelganger, Mystical, naturally occurring humans born physically identical to their past selves. I knew the one before your daughter, Tatia Anseldottir. And like her, your daughter must die! So, you can give her to me and you all can live or I kill you all to get to her." Mikael gave his ultimatum.

Miranda looked terrified and distraught

"Bullshit!" Gail attempted to raise her hand

Snap! Mikael appeared behind and snapped her neck.

"Ahhhhh!" Abby screams and a massive psychic forced collided into Mikeal sending him flying in the field in front of the manor. Tears streamed down Abby's eyes as she looked at Gail's lifeless body. 

Pop! Pop! Pop! Bennett women appeared next to Abby. When the saw Gail's body with her head facing her back, all of their hearts felt a stinging pain.

Looking up at the vampire in the field, none of the women could contain their anger and thirst for vengeance. 

The moment Mikeal rose from the ground and laid eyes on a small coven of Bennetts, his stomach turned a little. "Hmm, well I haven't used this in a while"

Mikeal closed his eyes and shook his old bones out. With every shake, the sky cracked and the temperature rose. When he was finally relaxed, he walked back to the Bennet manor and every step set the field ablaze, scorching the earth. A trail of lightning followed him in the sky.

"You must know, I despise everything about being a vampire, even these powers. I do not use them lately, only against that bitch of a sister in law and abominations!" Mikeal spoke loud and clear as he walked battle

"I swear today before Odin If I do not turn this house to rubble and smite that herald to sunders! I am not fit! To be named Mikeal Mikaelson! Huuuuh!" fire raged and the sky broke as the torrents of purple-white lightning descended from the heavens.

"talak'i t'ibek'a!" the Bennett woman chanted together and repelled the firestorm in its path. 

Floating above the house two Asian women created a massive earth dome to combat the descending light. However, the 1,000-year old vampire was insanely strong. The older he is, the stronger. the more blood he drank, the stronger he is. The more he practices, the stronger he is. Mikeal is the strongest vampire.

Crack! Crack! the dome was failing, Anna and her mother couldn't hold it much longer

"We have to break his rules, for Bonnie," Abby shouted

Together the Bennett's chanted "Sa vas est cure est vos facultas" 

"Sa vas est cure est vos facultas" 

"Sa vas est cure est vos facultas" 

"Sa vas est cure est vos facultas"

 "Sa vas est cure est vos facultas!"

The power of over a hundred dead witches infiltrated their bodies in their time of need. 

"talak'i t'ibek'a!" the woman cast their spell again, this time, not only did the block the fire, but they returned it straight into the body of its owner. The lightning ceased and the earth dome fell. 

"He fled, we need to hunt him down"

"No!" a voice commanded through the Bennett's spirit connection, "Lucien says, Abby must do this herself. It's crucial to her breakthrough. " the voice then disappeared and the Bennetts were cut off from the power of the dead witches. 

" I'll take Elena to the ancestors, she'll be safe there. Abby, end this fast." Sheila spoke at the threshold of the manor and returned to the manor to take Elena and Miranda away.

On the other side, Qetsiyah watched for Lucien, "I hope you're better now that you've met him, my girl. If I can change, I'm sure you can as well." Qetsiyah followed Abby from that point on as she hunted down an injured Mikeal. His greatest weakness was his unwillingness to feed on humans. That was Abby's only advantage. 

And she used it well. The two battled across Virginia and into the Carolinas. "Mikeal, this is it. We need to finish this."

"Hahaha can you finish this, Girl?" he taunted her.

"Yes...Phasmatos veras nos ex malom. Terra mora vantis quo incandis per vasa quo errum signos" She chanted like a madwoman and the feeble Mikeal body began to dry up from the inside, his veins turned black as tar.

"Phasmatos veras nos ex malom. Terra mora vantis quo incandis per vasa quo errum signos" She chanted again and Mikeal hit the floor like a bag of sand. Chaining the man up. Abby found an abandoned cemetery and locked him away.

"Now what will you do?" Qestyiah asked as she watches Abby contemplating her next actions. To her dismay, Abby decided to flee. She never returned home.

Taking the news to Lucien, he wasn't surprised. There was something about the future that just couldn't be changed without his direct interference. 

In Lucien's room, back at Hogwarts, he was holding a seance to speak to Qetsiyah. "Tell the family to take care of BonBon and Sarah. I'll be there when I have time." and with that, Lucien ended the seance and could only shake his head in disappointment "we'll meet again, Abby"