2022 what could we loose

you're handing over your land and you're handing over your plans, we were so happy we overlooked the land, something that's finally ours. you didn't think to tell us that it'd devoured. we're just babies we don't know the rules, we only play games as the selfish fools. look what you did now that you were gone. you had plans of going to Mars, and now you're dead. now that you're gone we're so f***** up in the head. we're running on empty they told you not to have kids. you disobeyed their orders now we're going to get rid...of each other. yes I said that right I didn't stutter. we hate we ruin there is no sacrifice. SELFISH, NEEDY, NASTY, DOOLS. WHO COULDN'T AND CANT DO SHIT AND THINK THERE CAPABLE TO RULE. FUCK you. FUCK me. FUCK them. just shoot me dead.