WebNovelYes, Boss67.69%

You Matter To Me

I go to work first thing in the morning and start stress baking again. "Aria, How long and how much times are you gonna stress bake?" Jessie Says. "Until this little human is born." I say. "Ari, you never did a gender reveal yet! Joe might not come so, you should invite your doctor!" Carly Says. "Can we just make it private? You, me, Jess, And as much as I hate to say this, Cal, and your new boyfriend!" I say. "Sounds good actually." Jessie Says. "I'll tell Charles. Cause I have a doctors appointment tonight." I say smiling. "Oooooh! Someone has butterflies." Carly Says. "It's honestly our first actual date. But, just because Joe is gone for who knows how long, Doesn't mean his wife is gone." I say. "You should take him here some time Aria!" Carly Says. "It IS the weekend today." Jessie says. "And he's a Doctor who is busy, guys. I don't wanna get in the way of that." I say. "Well I think it's sweet you think that." Carly Says. "God, I wish She were here... We could've baked together, I just wish I could have one more moment with her..." I say. "Aw, Ari, it's ok. We're here." Carly Says. "Always." Jessie Says. "Get to work!" Cal Says. "Yes, Boss." We all say. "Delightful is it?" I ask Jessie. She blushes and says "it is" . "Oh my god, is that a ring I see, Carly?!" I say. "Oh, right! Evan proposed to me yesterday!" Carly Says. "I Carly, these two are table five. Jess, this is table one." I say as I give them the cakes. I stay in the back and start baking.

It's now 7:00 and I close up. I take the bus home and cook myself some ramen for dinner. I eat and hang out at my house for a bit til it finally hits 11:20. I go the the bus and take the bus to the hospital. I walk in and I see a bunch of candles and see Daniel at the check in. "Here to check in?" He says. "Yes, Doctor." I say as I walk towards him, kissing him. "So of course we won't spend our time here. So I wanna take you to the field behind the hospital." He says. "You didn't have to do all this." I say. "But I did..." He says. "Cause I love you, Aria." He says. "You know, I haven't felt like this in so long... I never felt the way I have with you. Cause... I love you too." I say. "To the fields?" He says holding his hand out. I nod my head yes as I grab his hand and we start to walk to the fields. As we walk down I trip and I'm on top of him. "Sorry..." I say. He looks deeply in my eyes but then we kiss. "Let's go set up" I say. "Yes, ma'am." He says as I smile at him. We get up and start setting up.

As we lie on the grass, I can't help but wonder what's going to happen in the future. We suddenly hear a phone ring. He picks up his phone and says "Oh, it's my wife... I'll be right back." He says. He answers and steps aside. I couldn't help but overhear that they are fighting. He hangs up and comes back. "Is everything ok?" I ask. "She just doesn't get me as well..." He says. "Charles..." I say. "Do we even have a future together? We can't have this affair for forever." I say. "Aria, Of course we do. Someday they'll figure it out. I promise." He says. "Yea... I guess I'm just overreacting..." I say. "I can find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes. They've seen things you've never quite say, but I'll heal... Hey, I'm here, always." He says. "For now, lets just enjoy this time we have together. No nurses, no rules, just us." He says. I smile at him and lay my head down on his shoulder. "Oh, and I don't know when yet, but Carly and Jess want us all to have a private gender reveal. Basically the affair group, besides Carly." I say, laughing a little. "Sure, what time?" He asks. "Probably around night." I say. "I'll be there." He says smiling at me. "I feel guilty... I'm asking you to come to a baby shower for a baby that's not yours..." I say. "It may not be mine, but I will raise it beside you." He says. We lie there and just enjoy the night.

We end up accidentally sleeping there. I wake up at sunrise and I'm supposed to be at work. "Oh my god..." I say as I get up. "Charles. Wake up, we have to go." I say as I gather my stuff. "Shit..." He says as he looks at his phone. "What is it?" I ask. "She's been calling me..." He says. "In fact, shes calling me right now..." He says as he starts aside and answers.

-Charles P.O.V-

I take the call and she's going off. "Charles. What's going on with you? You've been out so much. Your making me worry... Come home..." She says. "I need to work today again... I'll be home same time as always..." I say. "Charles..." She says. "Yes?" I reply. "I'm pregnant..." She says. "Oh, I'll be there... Right away." I say as I hang up.

"Just go..." Aria says. "Aria..." I say. "It's fine. This was a All a bad idea anyway..." She says as she leaves.

-Aria's P.O.V-

I walk to the bakery which is a mile away and just cry a little. After awhile I make it to the bakery and rush inside. "Aria... What happened?" Jessie Says. "It's fine... I just need to um... make a cake..." I say. "I think she got..." Carly Says. "Why?" Jessie asks. "His wife is pregnant..." I say. "Aww it's ok Aria" Carly Says. "Just my luck." I say.