This isn't the ending....

-The year is only 2097

Technology has gone so far such as, flying cars which hyper draws energy from the sun and stores it in a highly advanced battery, capable enough to continuously store energy from the sun for a year without outputting it and overheating, scientists have found ways to make houses fly, robots and advanced AI's operate on a global level, all being powered from the suns energy, every one started lazy because technology took care of everything.....but only for the rich



shut up



"ahhhh finally I can go back to sleep"






"guess it's time to get up for work" seron thought to himself as he got up and headed for his small bathroom.

seron lived in in a tiny house in the poor district, he also was raised in a tiny orphanage with other kids, they would try to get him to play with them, but he was well....I'll just let you see for yourself


"Hey Seron come play with us" a boy said pointing towards a playground which only had one slide, two swings and two sets of monkey bars

"....."Seron looked at him with a stoic expression before saying"no" before continuing to read his book about the beginners guide to coding and programming which no one knows how he acquired, while seron kept reading the boy kept asking whilst seron ignored him, until he finally gave up, and right after seron said"did someone say something"


Seron was adopted at the age of 9, he was adopted because he had the knowledge of someone in 11th grade which surprised most because he was so young, after he was adopted his foster parents would ask if he, wanted any toys, games, to play outside but the only thing he asked for was books, at the age of 11 he finished highschool after getting his foster parents to let him skip grades, instead of going to college he started working out, you would think this is strange because robots handle all the hard work, so there was not many people actively pursuing to get fit, he started a routine and started working out an entire day, he even to interest on hand to hand combat, his foster parents thought he was weird, the he would study and read the next day.

He has been doing this without skipping a day all the way to this present day


Seron is now in his bathroom and started to brush his teeth and wash his face, and after he looks in the mirror and sees his heterochromia eyes which consist of one red pupil and one blue one, his puffed up and brushed back white hair with streaks of black in it, his pale skin which contradicts his healthy body, and although he works out a lot he still manages to keep a more slim body, Seron starts putting on his black with a white interior suit for work and leaves his home, his birthday was just a week and a half ago and he turned 19, his foster parents also died a month before his birthday leaving him with the small house, money, and a heartfelt note which would make even the toughest cry, but strangely he didn't cry, in fact he didn't even feel anything when they died.

Seron applied for a job at a mysterious game company, it was strange because it was high paying and the creator wanted actual people instead of using AI's, once he got there it and looked around he didn't notice until he looked up, it was a small floating building, which immediately let Seron know whoever he was working for was rich.

as Seron took the levitator(floating elevator) up and walked in the small game company, he realized there weren't many people working here but once he look in most of the rooms he realized no one was here until he heard sound coming from the last door, and when he opened it, there was just an old man having machines aid him in creating a small disk.

the old man seen him and said "you must be seron" Seron didn't answer which made the old man grin in confirmation, seron then asked where does he start the old man says he doesn't start at all which confused seron, the old man grabbed the disk and it disappeared but what happened after was the very spot the disk disappeared from, a small black hole appeared and what surprised the old man was that seron wasn't looking surprised or even asking questions about it, which made him laugh and say "boy you aren't going to say anything" to which seron just says" you aren't explaining so I wont ask" as seron said this the black hole grew and just as he saw the old man was smiling the black hole absorbed seron and started expanding and getting bigger people were getting scared because they couldn't escape it or see were it lead to and within a month the entire world got swallowed and then the black hole shrunk rapidly until it was gone, seron saw blackness but what saw heard next surprised him and that's rare.