....But the beginning

present time unknown

present location....black hole

As I drifted in the black hole wondering was this all life had, i felt indifferent about it being so soon but then I heard a woman speaking and a screen appear

"subject name: seron"

"the chosen"

"As the chosen you can say any class you wish to have even if it's something that doesn't exist.....yet"

as I heard her, I asked "a class for what"and I heard her say "A class for the new world of course"

I now had some idea of what the old man was doing, now that I think of it I didn't get his name...to be honest it doesn't matter

"you said any class right" I ask to be sure

and she reassured me, so I told her "give me the necromancer class"

she was silent for a moment before saying "ironic"

I ignored what she said and asked can "I see my stats" she said "you can't see your stats but you can see your skill tree" I then asked " how will I see my progress, and she said "how did you see it, before and I didn't say anything because I knew where she was going with it.

before I could say any thing she say "transporting to random location" and before I knew it I was in a house but it looked like the ones I read about, this was a house from 2019-2027, I could tell because the kitchenware in the house were older models then what we had when I tried to turn in the water and it worked but just barley, so I turned it off when I walked towards the window I saw.....ZOMBIES, another rare moment when I'm surprised when I realized I couldn't leave the house at least until some of the zombies cleared.

so I went upstairs and checked the rooms, there was only one bathroom and three bedrooms and only one had a king sized bed a small TV and a bookshelf the other two room didn't have a TV but queen sized beds, so i went to the bathroom first to take a shower as I entered the bathroom and looked out the bathroom window I saw another house I don't know if it was a zombie or a survivor but I saw someone or something at the window, I was to far to be sure, so just closed the window curtains because to be honest if they are survivors they are irrelevant to me so I stopped thinking about and took off my clothes to get in the shower, I realized they we're same clothes I wore to the game company, I pushed that thought out of my mind and proceeded to take a shower there was a towel on the bathroom rack so I grabbed and dried of and seeing as all the clothes in the house were for women I put on the same clothes, after I went to the room with a king sized bed and bookshelf so he could read a book and go to sleep, because when I was transported here it was nearly sundown.

so after I read 1/3 of the book I closed my eyes and after a minute I seen an expansive skill tree which had many main branches such as riser which lets me rise the dead(so that's why she said ironic....go figure), reaper which involves in me doing damage and healing myself, death embodiment which allows me to turn into different types of zombies, soul keeper which allows me to have back up lives, and from all off those they branch off to smaller ones, and at the very top I could see a exp bar.....but I could still not see my stats, I only had 1 skill point so I had to be smart about this, so after some thinking I chose death embodiment because if I can transform into a zombie they will be less likely to attack me, and I could kill them while they are unsuspecting gaining a lot of exp, and if there are other survivors I can turn them to zombies, but if a survivor sees me as a zombie they will attack on sight, but the pros outweigh the con's so, so be it after that I really did drift off to sleep only to hear banging at the door