
As I heard the banging on the door I pondered if I should open it but then again it could just be zombies so I went to check through the window and seen it was a man with ragged clothing such as a dirty shirt with blood on it and the same for his pants, he also carried a baseball bat covered in blood, a women and she was wearing tattered tight jeans while also wearing a turtle neck shirt, they also had a little girl behind them and sh was wearing shorts and a coat that was to big for her, my guess is they're a couple and the little girl is they're daughter.

The women was banging on the door and I could tell if I didn't open it she would try to force it open, even though I doubt she could with physique, she could quickly ask the man with the bat to do it.

so I started headed downstairs on my way to the door and opened it, would think why would I do that, why would I care, well really I can care less if they die, but they're attracting to much of the zombies near the house I'm staying which makes, and plus I want to ask them some questions.

As soon as I opened the door the women and girl barged in and the man who didn't see me open because his back was to the door while he was fighting zombies I was about to close the door until the women shouted for him to come in and he rushed in so quick he tripped and fell, it would probably be funny if I was the type to laugh.

as they started to calm and settle down I was about to start asking questions when the women quickly said "I apologize for rushing In like that but as you could see I didn't have time for idle talk, oh and my name is Melisa, this is my brother William and this is my daughter Katey an-"

before she could continue, I Interrupted her by asking "do you have a class and if so before you got here did you also hear a woman speaking to you"

Melissa and William looked at me like I was crazy so at least I'm sure they didn't meet a woman before coming to this world so to confirm if they had a class or not I asked William to close his eyes for just one minute he was a bit skeptical if I was crazy because lets be honest it seemed like William thought I was crazy and hearing voices and hallucinating but after a while in silence William just did it.

and by the surprised look on his face I could confirm he also had a class so I said "which class do you have he responded in an exasperated way by saying "....juggernaut"

which was kinda weird seeing as he leaned more on the skinny side, Melissa being curious also closed her eyes and after a minute had the same expression as William before saying in a weird way "I'm a witch"(that's not something you hear a women say everyday)

interested in what type of skill tree they had I asked "which branch did you pick"

they looked at me quizzically before responding at the same time " I only have one branch"

from everything I seen and heard I can confer there are other survivors with....abilities but they didn't have the option to pick they're class and the other survivors only have one branch whereas I have many...interesting

but I didn't dwell on it much because if William is willing to let me borrow his bat to kill zombies I can get skill points and go more diverse in my branches so after that thought, I asked William "can I borrow your bat to go kill zombies"

William looked at me cautiously before saying "why go out and kill zombies when you can stay safe in here"

To which I responded "to thin the herd around the house so if I ever decided to leave there wouldn't be zombies in the way" I said, putting emphasis on I

and I said " as you may have noticed we have a skill tree which indicates we can level up, also meaning we to level up we have to-"

before I could finish he finished my sentence by saying " kill zombies" as I nodded my head gesturing he was correct we then said "yeah, but I want to make sure myself, so you'll have to wait to use it"

but then I didn't fret over it because I'm good in hand-to-hand combat, and I have the death embodiment skill which allows me to possess in dead zombie corpse so I really didn't need it.

while I was thinking William already went outside and started killing zombies so I went outside and told him to stop for a while because if I possess a zombie and he mistakes me for one of them in his frenzy, I might die

so I possess one of the body's he killed earlier and once I was in the zombie body I felt...numb....well I guess that's to be expected since they don't feel pain, and not surprisingly the zombies didn't attack me making things easier so I went and started killing them with my hand, I even literally decapitated one of them with my hands after an hour and a half I stopped

although I don't know when William already was in the house and when I got back in and locked the doors and that's when I smelled food, Melissa had just finished cooking so I made a plate which just consisted of chicken and rice and was headed towards the stairs

but Melissa stopped me by asking "do you not want to eat at the table with us" I told her no and went up stairs once I entered my room I quickly ate because I wanted to see if I got a skill point so after I finished eating not even taking the plate back I layed down and closed my eyes, after a minute I could see my skill tree and what I saw made me happy...huh, another rare moment.