new skills:scavenging

When I looked at my skill tree there was one more branch called ruler, but that's not what surprised me, it was the fact that I had 5 skill points, I killed at most 20 zombies my guess is that since I'm low level it's going to be hard to level in the future especially if I'm going to be here long, or if I leave at all, I then looked back at the death embodiment tree, and seen three paths to take, one was /poison nails/ which converted 5% damage dealt into poison damage when in death/zombie form and the poison was paralytic which means I could possibly wear down his opponents and lower their fighting performance and I can put multiple skill points in it

the second skill was /dead body/ which creates a aura that cause AOE damage to any body or thing user sees as a threat(can be turned on and off) it looks like I could also put more skill points in it to increase the range and damage

the the third skill Is /death rebirth/(only usable in death embodiment) adds 2% chance to come back to life after death, this may look hopeless.....but if I were to put more skill points in it maybe I can bring it to 100% and then I will be able to not die

since I had to put at least one skill point in a path to get to the paths other skills I put two points in /dead body/, I also put two in /poison nails/ and one in /death rebirth/ opening the path to other skills but since I didn't have skill points I didn't look at them

as i opened my eyes and woke up I heard nothing but looking out the window I realized I woke up early so I started my workout routine and finished it, it was still early so I decided to go out and start doing what any reasonable person would do during the zombie apocalypse, I grabbed one of the backpacks I found in the rooms and I went outside and started looking for places to scavenge

as I looked around I spotted a three story house at the end of the road enclaved by other houses, it had a garden in the front yard with growing Daisy's and roses, and it also had a closed garage which is high likely to have a car, and since it was the biggest and nicest looking house, it had to have the most supplies, before entering the house, I would use the death embodiment skill but none of the zombies were strong and even if they were I was stronger plus I cant always rely on that skill to survive, I can only rely on myself

as I entered the house I immediately knew that there was zombies in the house because zombies had a unique smell and unless someone didn't shower for a year that smell could only belong to zombies

as I was about to enter the kitchen two zombie fell out the second floor it was in creating a gaping hole in the ceiling, when they got up they immediately rushed to attack me, the first zombie attack me with right handed swipe attack which I dodged to the left then in the process of breaking its arm I accidentally took the whole arm off which I used as a weapon against the second zombie while it launched its attack on me by jumping into the air I knocked it down using the arm, while the second zombie was dazed by that attack I went to the first one dodging all its one armed attacked before putting all my power in my hand and hitting it in the head knocking its head off while the second one was still down I stomped a hole it its head,

I knew there wasn't a serious threat here, then I proceeded to the kitchen and without looking at what type of food it was I put in the backpack, I then decided to check out the garage so I opened the garage door from the inside of the house and I saw a nice tesla and i8, geez how much did they make, I mean in my world its hard to find these cars because they're old but since I read a lot of books I know that at some point in time these cars were expensive, and the other thing I saw were 9 many people lived here? so I decided to use death embodiment skill

as I changed I killed all if them relatively easy because they never tried to fight back because they don't see me as a enemy, I reverted back in to a human and searched the zombies for the keys and found the keys to the Tesla, not the i8

I then went upstairs and found there were no more zombies so I all the men's clothes to wear(I cant wear the same thing everyday) and shower supplies and the basic essentials

I went back to the garage, unlocked the door to the Tesla, put all the items I got in the back seat and drove home, and in the way I would occasionally kill some zombies, but as I got to the house it looked like a break-in.