
It was almost midnight when I got the call.

Lexi was in the hospital.

Her mother said that Lexi wanted to see me before she goes.

I threw on some pants and a shirt. I grabbed the keys.

Angelica won't let me drive this late, so I would have to find a way to the hospital.


So lucky enough to have an Uber to pick me up and take me to the hospital.

I walked into the emergency room.

Nurses were passing by with other patients in their hospital beds.

It gave me a flashback to where my parents were in one of the beds.

My parents were great people, but decided to have their death too soon.

Glass and blood was all over their bodies as the nurses bring them by.

My flashback snaps when I reached the nurses station.

"Hi I'm looking for a Lexi Clarke," I say.

The nurse types the name into the system.

"You know visiting hours are almost up," the nurse says.

"I figure."

"Room 216. Take the elevator to the second floor and the room is on your left."

"Thank you."


I reached the room.

Lexi was lying in bed while her mother was sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"It's hard to get an Uber around here," I say.

"October can I talk to you in the hall," Lexi's mom asks.

I walked out of the room.

Lexi's mom cracked the door.

"She was asking about you non-stop since she came home. I wanted to thank you for today October. You gave her the best day that she would have asked anyone for. I was wrong to judge you for what's best for her because-"

"It's okay. I did question about some things, but when it happened I got over it."

"She never had a chance to get a boyfriend before, but you gave her that wish. Thank you!"

We walked back into the room.

Lexi was looking at us.

"October thanks again for today," Lexi says "I go to that social and I never find anyone to date. I'm glad that I met you and you gave me the best day for me."

I handed Lexi sheets of paper.

"I started writing my life story and you're in the story," I say.

Lexi reads the story.

I seen the expressions from Lexi after reading some parts of the story.

After reading the story Lexi asks her mom to leave the two of us alone.

Lexi's mom leaves the room.

"October you should get the story published when you finish it. I mean it's really great to read."

"I never thought about being a great writer for this story, but as long as someone likes it," I say.

After the sentence Lexi's lips met my cheek.

Lexi also hugged me.

"Just as I'll remember you by. A tall guy who smells like Axe chocolate spray."

I see she knows my cologne smell.

Lexi's heartrate drops as she lies in the bed.

The machine falls flat.

She was gone.