History and spirits

It has been a few days since he began school. Wing was also there to show him around the

school. Jason had never interacted with so many kids around his age before, he was thrilled as

he got to learn new things and make new friends.

Today, was a windy and rainy day with the occasional lightning flash.

It was Jason first class of the day History, it was being taught by professor Li.

"Alright class, from right where we left off yesterday, today we will discuss about what happened

after our ancestors finally managed to leave the original solar system and planet Earth and what

the discovery of spirits means to us as a race." said Professor Li

After he finished saying that, he set up a holographic screen and a video began playing

"The story went like this…" said Professor Li

After leaving the solar system, with our technology back then, we quickly started terraforming

planets as soon as we happened upon any that were seen. Not only was it to increase our

population and resources so that we can continue to expand. It was also to see if we can find

any other intelligent life in the galaxy besides us. It wasn't until thousands of years later that a

signal from a different galaxy was discovered. There wasn't any message in the signal at all, it

was more of a beacon. That continued on to broadcast for years.

As everyone was excited with the discovery of this signal from another galaxy. Many attempts

were made to get in contact with whatever it was that was broadcasting it. None were

successful. Until it was decided, we will travel to said galaxy and see for ourselves what was

producing that mysterious signal.

Though, technology has advanced far beyond what it once was, it would still take nearly over

500 years to travel to that solar system.

It was during this period of time, came the discovery of spirits.

The discovery of spirits actually came about by accident. As people felt the urge for quicker

intergalactic travel. Many experiments were being done. One of which was the warp drive


Theoretically, the system would fold space and as soon as you step through the gate you would

be at the other side of said coordinates. As soon as the system was developed, tests were

being done to ensure its safety on human beings. But whatever went through the gate never

actually made it to the other side of the set coordinates and the said objects couldn't even be

located anywhere near the coordinates.

The scientist were now curious what exactly was on the other side of this gate. After conducting

several more experiments over the course of a few more days. They discovered that objects

that went through the gate can come back out from the gate as well, as they managed to pull

back the object they threw inside with a rope. But the question is where exactly does this gate

leads to.

As curiosity grew, they began conducting test with animals. The test began with caution. But

after realizing nothing had happen to said animals after returning back and forth from the gate.

They all felt relieved that at least it is safe to enter and exit.

It was finally time for the live test with humans. Many of them actually volunteered to be the first

one to go and see what was on the other side. Once it was decided who will go, the one that

was selected had many things to prepare.

As soon as the chosen was ready. With a rope tied to him, he waved to his fellow colleagues.

As he stepped through the gate he felt a sensation he had never felt before it was a pleasant

one. It felt as if something was being released inside of him. But nothing could have prepared

him for what he saw on the other side at all.

The scientist saw things that shouldn't be possible. Creatures of epic proportions. Floating

islands and mountains the size of planets. The things he saw defied the very logic and reason

he knew about the universe. The very fabric that made up our universe doesn't exist in this

place. Space and time here also seems to work differently as well.

The scientist was actually below a towering cliff surrounded by trees. He looked around

everywhere with interest. Until he turned back to see where he came from. The space behind

him was being distorted, most likely from the warp drive. It was unstable seemly looking as

though it could flicker out of existence at any moment.

As he was about to head back and talk about the discovery he saw with his colleagues. He saw

his reflection on the twisted space. He was shocked by how he looked. He then noticed he had

a tail and animal ears! Though he might have been in shock his logic and reasoning told him

things could have been worst. The scientists started testing out what might have changed with

his body. He discovered his physique has improved drastically. And that when he concentrates

he can smell things from many feet away.

He headed back through the distorted space, as he did he felt that sensation again. When he

came back through the gate his colleagues were all on the other side. Just as he was about to

one of the scientists pointed out to him what was that by his side.

"He said "what is what by my side?"

It was a floating dog. Tiny and translucent. Then it suddenly went inside of him. Looking

perplexed he checked to see if there were any changes to him. When he thought back to it, this

might be the reason why he changed on the other side.

When he thought about his form. He suddenly started changing into it. His colleagues were

shocked. Then he went on explaining what was it, that he saw on the other side. It was also

then he discovered he could freely controlled this ability of his. The dog was floating by his side


He decided to call this a spirit.

With the discovery of this new place, humanity went on to its next big technological and

evolutionary phase.

It was decided to be called the "Land of the Gods". The materials that were brought back from

the lands of spirits were all never before scene or even thought possible. Technological

advancement and discovery was happening at breakneck speed. It was also discovered

everyone had a spirit that resides in them. Spirits also comes in all shapes and forms, they

range from rocks, to formless fire, to things people even thought were imaginary. They were all

things that came from this universe but have been given a form by the cumulative thoughts from

all the people in the universe, at least that was what have been theroize.

As this was all happening. The crew that was sent to check on the signal that was being

broadcast. To their surprised there was a group of intelligent lifeform waiting for them on the

other end of the line. As the crew tried to make contact with them. They were suddenly


With their automatic translator and from listening to the group of aliens that had 3 eyes and a

shelled bodies. They realized it was a trap. The signal was a bait. It was to lure unsuspecting

groups in the universe and take them over.

Just before contact was lost with the crew. They received the message about what was

happening. Emergency signal was sounding in all the territories that was controlled by the

human race. Telling everyone to brace for war.

The 3 eyed race thought it was just another easy race to prey on again. That would have been

true, if it wasn't for the discovery of the "Land of the Gods" and "Spirits". The war went on for

hundreds of years.

At first the humans were on the losing side as they discovered they have been far outnumbered

and that the technology they had even surpassed their own. Even the individuals from the 3

eyed race was born many times smarter and stronger then the humans. It seemed like they

almost had no chance.

The 3 eyed race was toying with the humans. Enjoying watching them suffer. But it wasn't until

4 exceedingly strong human beings appeared almost seemly out of nowhere. They were each

individually fighting back fleet upon fleet of the 3 eye race. The 4 was strong beyond belief as

they were surviving in space without any equipment at all. After pushing back the 3 eye race

back for a few years. The two race decided to have a truce.

They came together to sign a treaty. The 3 eye race ambassador looked at the humans with a

sneer, still seemingly looking down on the human race. As the 4 heroes of the human race was

there for the treaty signing they were looking at the representative the opposing race sent. The

3 eye race was much stronger than they originally thought.

Before the ambassador left he left the humans with a message saying that the only reason why

they called for a truce is because this little war they were having was only for their children to

play around with, but they weren't willing to lose so many of them at once. The ambassador left

while laughing.

All the humans were shocked and angry at the revelation.

After the treaty was done everyone went up to the 4 heroes and started asking them questions.

It was then they discovered that they were all over 300 years old. That they have been in the

"Land of the Gods" for years.

Since then, it was discovered that spirits can evolve and gain extra abilities relating to them. Not

only that everytime they evolve you gain 100 years of life and your physique grows much


The 4 heroes said that they have already evolved 5 times in the last 300 years. In other words

they were level 6 evolved human beings being able to live for roughly 600 years. Some even

speculate that the max times one can evolve is 9 times and instead of gaining 100 years of life

on the 9th time you and your spirit would become immortal.

It has been many years since then the 4 heroes have already reach level 7. Two have been in

the "Land of the Gods" guarding the bases that were created and set up to connect this universe

to the massive land mass for our people to grow. One was guarding the frontlines just in case a

fight breaks out, and the other was located at the center of all the human territories. Since then

humans were on the rise, quite a few have already reached level 5 and some have even

reached the heroes original levels when they fought off the 3 eyed race.

It is because we will never know when another war will break out.

"Ok, class is dismissed." said Professor Li

Jason was still amazed at what he saw just now.

For some reason he had his fighting spirit ignited.

That actually went the same for quite a few people in the class as well.

"Oh, don't forget tomorrow is when you will get to know what spirit you have within you." said

Professor Li