
George hovered above her and whispered to her.

"First we have to disinfect this." He leaned closer to her.

Eira´s breath hitched and she leaned back a bit.

He grabbed the back of her neck to hold her in place and leaned closer to her.

Their gaze locked. George smiled at her lightly and then focused on her bite wound again.

Soft lips landed on her sensitive spot on her neck. Kissing it lightly.

Instinctively she closed her eyes and let out a sighed.

George pushed her down the bed and continued to kiss her neck. Nibbling lightly on it.

She grabbed his head and moaned slightly. When he began to suck on her neck she opened her eyes again realizing what was happening. She pushed him away from her and panted heavily.

"You- what are you doing?"

"I am disinfecting your wound." George grinned at her innocently. That made her even madder.

"Don´t play innocent mister." She crossed her arms.

"I didn´t want to be hurt. That is my gentle way of disinfecting." The grin on his face didn´t fade a bit.

"Okay, that´s enough. I am going. You are crazy. The next time you do it I´ll kick you where the sun never shines." Eira huffed and stood up. She grabbed her keys and walked out of the door.

Before she could even reach it George held her back.

Quickly he pulled her closer and gave her a peck on her cheek.

He murmured thanks and let her go.

Then the door closed and left was a dumbfound Eira. She touched her cheek where he had kissed her and then slowly went back to her car.

On her way home she had to remind herself a couple of times to stay focused. She reached home and went tiredly to bed.

The next day was a weekend so she was glad to stay at home and relax. Still, she went to her computer and worked like crazy to clean out her thoughts.

On Monday she went as usual to her company. In the front hall, the receptionist greeted her and the people she met on her way greeted her respectfully too.

She reached the elevator and went up directly to her office where Helen already waited for her.

"Good morning Miss Morgan. I have the job contract ready on your table. Here is your coffee." She smiled at her and handed her a cup of coffee.

Grateful she took the cup and thanked Helen.

"Thank you. Is there something else for this morning?" She asked her.

"Mr. Henning will arrive at ten to sign the contract. Besides that, there is nothing else. But maybe you should check the news. Our PR team already has made some moves and report it to you shortly but maybe you should see it for yourself." Helen informed her cautiously.

Eira knew what she meant. While she worked on some files on the weekend she already had seen news about the cooking competition. They all talked about George Henning winning and now joining her company. That was all the whole net was talking about. The worst was that some said that George had something going on with her. She seduced him somehow or she was his secret girlfriend. Some were saying he wanted to take over her company. Just a huge blown off story with no proof but people dig it. They loved it. They loved scandals.

On her way in Eira had seen a few paparazzi too. But they can´t enter the building as they wished so Eira was confident that her PR team could get the rumors under control.

"If there are complications tell me. Otherwise, I don´t want to hear from it. That is just people talking."

Eira instructed Helen and then walked to her office. She sat down and started to work.

When it was almost 10 am she walked to the meeting room to sign the working contract with George Henning.

This time he was already there.

"Good morning Mr. Henning. You are early today." She mused.

"Of course I am. I am now just a normal employee who really wants to get this amazing job offer. Of course, I am early." George smiled.

Eira took a seat and sat across from him. She opened the folder she was holding and put it before him.

"Here is the contract. Read it and sign when you are satisfied." She said in her business tone.

George took the contract and read it thoroughly. When he was done he took a pen and signed it without hesitation. Then he gave it back to her.

She looked at him sharply.

"Are you sure about this?" Her question was simple but behind that question were possible huge consequences both of them had to carry.

George didn´t hesitate when he answered her. "I am sure."

Eira nodded and then gave the signed contract to Helen.

"Okay, then let´s go. I´ll show you around your workplace."

Both of them walked to the elevator to the 12th floor. It was build like a lab with all sorts of machines in it. There were only a few people working there.

"Here is the development lab. Right now there are only five people working including you. This whole floor is all yours. Just don´t blow it up please." Eira showed him around.

He nodded obediently and looked carefully around.

Again Eira looked at him observing. He caught her gaze and looked back at her.

"What? Don´t you trust me in my abilities?" He said smirking.

"It´s not that I don´t trust you. I am just not sure if you have the skills to do this."

"Then I wouldn´t have to win the competition right?" He retorted smiling.

"True that. It just won´t get into my head that the great George Henning is standing here." Eira shook her head.

Who would ever think that the son of the CEO would be here? No one expected that. Or did you expect that, hm? I don´t think so.

"Alright. That´s all I have to show you. Lunch is downstairs and when you need something ask Helen. Don´t bother me. I have work to do. Work hard." Eira said and quickly left to go back to her office.

George looked at her retreating back. He sighed and then went to explore his workplace on his own.

He introduced himself to the other four workers. Then he decided to get familiar with all the machines.

Besides that, he didn´t do much. He sat in his chair. He spun around and didn´t know where to start.

He looked through the desk that was from old Morgan himself. There were some notes on the computer that weren´t thrown away yet. A few projects were laying in a drawer that already went through production. He guessed that they were left there for him to see and know how to work.

With great interest, he read through them.